
Plugin Directory

!This plugin hasn’t been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

Browse As

Allow your site administrators, editors and other roles with the 'edit_users' capability to browse the site as a user they can edit.

After developing this plugin, I discovered the plugin User Switching by John Blackbourn which does the same thing, and more, and is very well coded. I would recommend using it instead.

Simple and secure way to allow your site administrators, editors and other roles with the 'edit_users' capability to browse the site as a user they can edit. Install the plugin, go to the users list in the admin, click on the link next a user name and you can browse the site as that user. You don't need to know the user's password!


  • Browse your site as another user than yours.

For feature request and bug reports, please use the forums.

Requires: 3.1 or higher
Compatible up to: 3.2.1
Last Updated: 5 years ago
Active Installs: 70+


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0 people say it works.
0 people say it's broken.
