Support » Plugin: WooCommerce » Undefined Offset: 0 in Taxonomy PHP

  • Resolved fightinfett


    Every time we use a category with a product listing we see a Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in [directory] taxonomy.php on line 1903. The notice appears on the front end and in the admin. (I know we can disable logging.) But what is causing this issue every time we use a category in WooCommerce?

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  • Plugin Support Dustin Hartzler


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    It’s hard to tell 🙂

    This is coming when the page displays a link to a category? Or can you provide more details about the page that the error is displaying?

    Thread Starter fightinfett


    It seems that the taxonomy error appears anytime the following criteria is met:

    1) Debugging is enabled.
    2) Categories are used when configuring products.

    The pages that display the errors are:

    1) The admin->products page.
    2) The main shopping cart page.

    Thread Starter fightinfett


    It seems that the taxonomy error appears anytime the following criteria is met:

    1) Debugging is enabled.
    2) Categories are used when configuring products.

    The pages that display the errors are:

    1) The admin->products page.
    2) The main shop page.

    Plugin Support Dustin Hartzler


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Does this happen when all plugins are temporarily deactivated except for WooCommerce?

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