Support » Plugin: WooCommerce » How to Customize the On Hold Order Email in Woocommerce

  • Resolved Sarun StorePro


    I want to Customize the On Hold Order email notification in woocommerce.I know that we can edit the customer-on-hold-order.php template.But i want to edit this sentance from on hold email “Make your payment directly into our bank account. Please use your Order ID as the payment reference. Your order won’t be shipped until the funds have cleared in our account.”

    This sentence is only coming when we using BACS payment method.I see that sentence is entered in WooCommerce => Checkout => BACS Instruction field.When i change the sentence form Instruction field then that sentence is changed in On Hold Order email and Thank you page.I want to change that sentence only in on hold order email not in thank you page.How i do that?? Could you please help me anyone??

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  • Plugin Support Dustin Hartzler


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    You’ll need to customize the On Hold Order email notification message and include the logic to display that text only if the BACS payment method is used.

    Or you could customize the checkout page to always say the same thing no matter what payment gateway is used.

    Modifying the theme for the thank you page is probably less complex.

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