Support » Plugin: WooCommerce » ACF pro repeater meta import

  • idocoh


    After import new products with meta tags for ACF pro using the native import tool of woocommerce I get empty value in php of group.

    This weird bug is solved when I go to specific imported product change value of one of the subfields of a group, then all the other groups of that products work just fine and returns it value…
    It won’t be enought to just click update. one of the values must be changed.

    Thought maybe if there was a hook to update all products after import is done but couldn’t find any hook for that and that also would be a bad solution I guess..
    better fix the bug in the import system itself.

    Help would be appreciated!

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  • Plugin Support Jesse Pearson


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    @idocoh It’s been several years since I’ve worked with ACF data, is that data serialized? If so, the built in importer will not be able to import it due to it does not support serialized data.

    As for the action to update the products after import, this is done in the importer itself. Without the product update triggered, the lookup tables would not be built correctly.

    If it’s just ACF data that’s not saving correctly, but other meta data is fine, it may be the ACF data.

    Mikey Arce


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Hey @idocoh,

    It sounds like maybe term cache or term counting needs to be done which might be triggered by that update you made.

    1. Do you know if your data is in the database? It sounds like it is
    2. If it’s a term counting issue, what if you trigger a term count with WP_CLI?
    3. Maybe other ACF Pro folks have had this issue? Anything in their forums about this?

    Already asked ACF pro for support and they said it is somthing to do with the woocmmerce import.. since it is imports the fields.. and also I can see the fields value in the products in the backend, but when I try to get the group field (using php) its return null, it return it’s value in php only after I modify one of the fields of the products and update..
    this is a really weird one..

    it is not the cache. I never use cache when developing websites.

    is there maybe a hook to know when an import is done?
    maybe I can fix that bug by modifying all the products and update… (then revert the change)

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