Bulk Download for Gravity Forms


This plugin is an add-on to the Gravity Forms form builder plugin.
It offers the opportunity to download all files from one or multiple Gravity Forms entries with one click.

Therefore, it adds a download link to the list view, and an extra download button to the single view of a Gravity Form entry and a Bulk Action.
All uploaded files are collected and downloadable in a single ZIP file.


  • Find the Bulk Download link by hovering a Gravity Forms entry in the list view
  • There is also a Bulk Action to download all files from multiple entries
  • An extra button is added by the plugin at the right sidebar in the detail view of an entry
  • A download link can be added to notifications using a merge tag


  1. Install and configure Gravity Forms plugin,
  2. Find this Bulk Download plugin in the “Add Plugins” page within your WordPress installation or Upload the Bulk Download plugin to your blog,
  3. Activate it,
  4. Find the Bulk Download link in list and single view!


Can I change the file name of the ZIP archive?

The plugin has a filter called bdfgf_download_filename which you can use to change the zip archive name.

You can find an example usage of this filter in a small plugin in a GIST.

Can I change the file or folder name of the entries in the ZIP archive?

The plugin has a filter called bdfgf_entry_filename which you can use to change the names.

You can find an example usage of this filter in a small plugin in a GIST.

When I try to bulk download the files, nothing happens. What can I do?

Issues like these usually occur when your server has too low values for the memory_limit or max_execution_time.

The plugin provides the filters bdfgf_memory_limit and bdfgf_max_execution_time to change these values.

You can find example usage of the memory_limit filter and the max_execution_time filter in the two linked GISTs.


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Contributors & Developers

“Bulk Download for Gravity Forms” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Bulk Download for Gravity Forms” has been translated into 1 locale. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

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Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



  • Increase memory_limit to 512M and add filter bdfgf_memory_limit to allow changes to the value.
  • Increase max_execution_time to 120 and add filter bdfgf_max_execution_time to allow changes to the value.
  • Add filter bdfgf_download_filename to allow changes to the zip archive file name.
  • Add filter bdfgf_entry_filename to allow changes to the entry file names added to the zip archive.


  • Adding a check if the ZIP extension is installed.
  • Use shorter labels for download buttons.


  • Adding support for the “Select all X entries” link for the bulk action.
  • Fixing an issue where zip file was missing some uploaded files.


  • Add a bulk action to allow bulk downloads for all files from multiple entries.


  • Add custom Gravity Forms merge tag {bulk_download_link} to display a download link in notification mail.
  • Also add a “link_text” attribute to the Gravity Form merge tag {bulk_download_link:link_text=”your link text”} to change the default link text.


  • Prevent issues when files with empty paths are added to the ZIP file
  • Use the sanitized form title for the download file name


  • Remove function to load translation files from the plugin directory


  • First stable version