Support » Plugin: Super Emoji Plus+ » Looking for Maintainers

  • ResolvedPlugin Author Eric Andrew Lewis


    I am at a point where I cannot maintain this plugin, and in the latest release automatically deactivate it because it breaks with 4.8.

    Someone already suggested a fix for the problem in 4.8, but I cannot commit to maintaining this plugin going forward. Let me know if you’d like to!

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  • Plugin Author Nikola Nikolov


    Hi Eric,

    I might be interested in taking over this plugin. I’ll definitely be able to release an immediate fix for 4.8 compatibility and I’d be interested in seeing what improvements users might want to see for the plugin.

    Let me know what would be the best way to get in touch – you can reach me on the WP Slack at @nikola_pdev, or on Twitter at @nikolovtmw

    Best regards,

    Howdy Eric,

    I’d love to throw my name into the ring to maintain this plugin going forward. I work at Alley Interactive where we have a few clients using this plugin regularly within their workflow. We’ve already monkey-patched the fix on a few of their sites and would love to see it go into master.

    You can reach out to me by email, twitter, or on WP Slack @gfargo.


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