








WPForms Pro
该插件是WPForms Pro插件的精简版,其包含了基础的所有联系表单功能,包括电子邮件订阅表单、多页联系表单、文件上传、条件逻辑、支付集成、表单模板等。点击这里立即购买最好的高级WordPress联系表单插件!





Bill Erickson – WordPress网站专家顾问






See 100+ Pre-Made WPForms Form Template Demo



您可以将您的联系表单嵌入具有优化标题和描述的任何页面中。 借助速度和正确的格式话设置,WPForms也是最SEO友好的联系表单插件之一。






David Henzel – MaxCDN联合创始人



我们的WordPress问卷调查扩展插件还附带了智能问卷调查字段,包括喜欢的程度,星级评级,多选,促进推广者得分(NPS)等,所以您可以创建像Survey Monkey那样的自定义问卷调查表单(节省成本)。


















I am so impressed with this plugin. I decided to give it a shot over some of the other form plugins, and I am so glad I did. It works well, is so easy to use and customize. The support is amazing on top of it all. I got the pro version because I was so pleased. Highly recommend。
Micky73 – WordPress用户


通过我们的表单页插件,您可以在WordPress内部创建像Google Forms和Wufoo这样的免打扰的自定义表单着陆页面,您可以在无需高成本的情况下提高转换率(查看表单页演示)。










  • 在线表单构建器 – 我们强大的拖拽式联系表单构建器可让您在几分钟内轻松创建WordPress联系表单及其他在线表单,而无需编写任何代码。
  • 100%响应式-您的联系表单能够兼容移动设备。
  • GDPR友好–只需单机几下,就能让您的联系表单兼容GDPR。
  • Form Templates – Use our pre-built form templates to save time. Never start from scratch again (see all form templates demos).
  • 垃圾内容防护 – WPForms提供了开箱即用的智能反垃圾内容防护,以及与hCaptcha和Google reCAPTCHA的直接集成。
  • 即时表单通知 – 使用我们的即时联系表单通知系统快速回应输入的查询。
  • 人性化表单确认 – 显示表单提交成功的自定义消息,或将用户重定向到自定义的感谢页面。
  • 文件上传–通过您的联系表单使用文件上传收集文件及媒体。
  • 多页表单 – 将长表单分割成多个页面,并带有进度条,以改善用户体验。
  • 人性化的条件逻辑 – 根据用户行为显示或隐藏字段和联系表单部分。
  • 签名表单 – 创建签名表单或将签名字段添加到您的联系表单、申请表单、预约表单等。
  • 用户注册表单 – 在WordPress中创建自定义的用户注册表单和自定义的登录表单。
  • 文章提交–使用我们的前端文章提交表单收集用户在WordPress中提交的内容。适用于投稿、推荐信、业务目录、列表等。
  • 地理位置 – 显示用户的位置信息。
  • 自定义验证码 – 为您的联系表单创建自定义的验证码。
  • 问卷调查和民意测验–通过交互式报告轻松创建问卷调查表单并分析数据。
  • 表单放弃–通过提交不完整的表单来留住更多的潜在客户并发展您的业务。
  • 表单锁定 – 管理表单权限并添加访问控制规则,包括受密码保护的表单、仅限会员使用的表单、限制于特定用户输入的联系表单、在特定日期/时间后失效的表单等。
  • 离线表单 – 让您的访问者离线保存他们输入的数据,并在他们的互联网连接恢复时提交。
  • 表单着陆页 – 创建 “无干扰 “的表单着陆页以提高转换率。这是优秀的Google Forms和Wufoo的替代方案。
  • 对话式表单 – 交互式表单布局,使您的表单感觉更人性化,并提高整体完成率。非常适用于调查和注册表单。WordPress的完美Typeform替代方案,无需高昂的成本。
  • Webhooks – 将表单条目数据发送到辅助工具和外部服务。无需代码,也无需第三方连接程序。
  • 用户旅程报告 – 发现您的访问者在提交表单之前的步骤。在WordPress仪表盘中,您可以轻松地查看最有价值的表单转换的内容。


  • PayPal支付表单 – 创建PayPal表单以轻松收集付款、捐款和在线订单。
  • Stripe 表单 – 使用我们的Stripe扩展轻松收集信用卡付款、捐款和在线订单。
  • Authorize.Net表单 – 将您的WordPress站点与Authorize.Net集成以收集付款、捐款和在线订单。
  • Mailchimp 表单 – 在WordPress中创建Mailchimp时事通讯注册表单,并与您的联系表单集成以增加您的电子邮件列表受众。
  • AWeber 表单 – 在WordPress中创建AWeber时事通讯注册表单,并与您的联系表单集成以增加您的电子邮件列表受众。
  • Campaign Monitor表单 – 在WordPress中创建Campaign Monitor通讯注册表单,并与您的联系表单集成以增加您的电子邮件列表受众。
  • GetResponse表单 – 在WordPress中创建GetResponse时事通讯注册表单,并与您的联系表单集成以增加您的电子邮件列表受众。
  • Constant Contact表单 – 在WordPress中创建Constant Contact时事通讯注册表单,并与您的联系表单集成以增加您的电子邮件列表受众。
  • Drip表单 – 在WordPress中创建Drip通讯注册表单,并与您的联系表单集成以增加您的电子邮件列表受众。
  • ActiveCampaign表单 – 在您的ActiveCampaign帐户中添加联系人,记录事件,为联系人添加备注等。
  • Sendinblue表单 – 创建Sendinblue表单以自动化您的营销并增加您的订阅者。
  • Salesforce表单–轻松地将您的WordPress表单联系人和潜在客户发送到您的Salesforce CRM帐户。
  • Zapier 扩展 – 将您的WordPress表单与超过1000多个应用连接。将您的联系表单数据路由到您最喜欢的CRM、电子邮件营销服务等。





该插件由Jared AtchisonSyed Balkhi创建。


WPForms®是WPForms LLC的注册商标。当写到WPForms制作的联系表单插件时,请确保首字母3个大写。

  • WPForms (正确)
  • WP Forms (不正确)
  • wpforms (不正确)
  • wpform (不正确)



  • OptinMonster – 使用WordPress最受欢迎的转换优化插件获得更多电子邮件订阅者。
  • MonsterInsights – 查看重要的统计数据,并自信地发展您的业务。最好的WordPress谷歌分析插件。
  • SeedProd – 使用我们强大的拖放式着陆页面构建器创建漂亮的着陆页面。
  • WP MAIL SMTP–使用最流行的 WordPress SMTP插件来提高您联系表单的邮件可达性。
  • RafflePress – 最佳的WordPress赠品和竞赛插件,以增加流量和社交关注者。
  • Smash Baloon – WordPress的第一款社交feeds插件 – 在WordPress中显示社交媒体内容,无需代码。
  • AIOSEO – 原创的WordPress SEO插件,帮助您在搜索结果中获得更高的排名(受到超过200万个站点的信任)。
  • Push Engage – 在访客离开您的网站后,使用领先的网络推送通知插件与他们联系。
  • TrustPulse – 添加实时社交证明通知,以提高您的商店转换率达 15%。

Visit WPBeginner to learn from our WordPress Tutorials and find out about other best WordPress plugins.




Also, I’m the founder of WPBeginner, the largest WordPress resource site for beginners. It was a huge priority for me to make a WordPress contact form plugin that beginners can use without any training.



Syed Balkhi


  • WPForms拖拽式在线表单构建器
  • 添加新字段
  • 表单预览
  • 表单设置
  • 对话表单扩展
  • 表单页面扩展



  • Contact Form by WPForms - Drag & Drop Form Builder for WordPress


  1. Install WPForms Lite either via the WordPress.org plugin repository or by uploading the files to your server. (See instructions on how to install a WordPress plugin)
  2. 启用WPForms Lite。
  3. 浏览到您管理菜单底部的WPForms选项,然后点击 “添加新 “按钮,开始创建您的新WordPress联系表单。
  4. 需要更多功能?购买完整版的WPForms!








  • 简单的联系表单
  • 工作申请联系表单
  • 反馈调查联系表单
  • 发表建议 联系表单
  • 变更请求表单
  • 在线预约表单
  • 活动预约表单
  • 视频发布表单
  • PTO请求联系表单
  • 维护请求联系表单
  • 奖学金申请表单
  • 文件下载表单
  • 就业证明表单
  • 制作推荐联系表单
  • 志愿者注册联系表单
  • 离线联系表单

To see a full list, visit our Form Template Gallery which has over 150+ pre-made contact form templates.




  • 文本字段
  • 段落文本(文本区域)
  • 下拉字段
  • 多选(单选按钮)
  • 复选框
  • 数字字段
  • 名称字段
  • 电邮地址字段
  • 数字滑块字段


  • 网站/URL字段
  • 地址字段
  • 密码字段
  • 具有国际格式验证的智能手机字段
  • 日期/时间字段
  • 隐藏字段
  • HTML字段 – 在您的表单中添加自定义HTML
  • 文件上传 – 适用于文件上传表单
  • 分页字段 – 适用于带进度条的多页联系表单。
  • 分部-适用于长联系表单
  • 签名字段–适用于合同和预约表单。
  • 星级评分–适用于调查和民意测验表单。
  • Likert Scale–适用于问卷调查表单
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS Field)–适用于调查表单
  • 问题验证码-用于防止通过联系表单提交的垃圾内容
  • 数学验证码-用于防止通过联系表单提交的垃圾内容
  • Google ReCAPTCHA – 防止联系表单垃圾内容的好帮手


  • 单项
  • 多项
  • 复选框项
  • 下拉项
  • 总计(计算字段)
  • 信用卡(Stripe和Authorize.Net)
  • PayPal





  • Mailchimp
  • Constant Contact
  • AWeber
  • Drip
  • Campaign Monitor
  • GetResponse
  • ActiveCampaign
  • Zapier
  • Salesforce CRM
  • Sendinblue


  • PipeDrive CRM
  • HubSpot电邮营销
  • HubSpot CRM
  • Google Sheets
  • Active Campaign
  • Zoho CRM
  • Zoho Mail
  • Zoho Invoice
  • Agile CRM
  • Slack
  • Trello
  • Infusionsoft by Keap
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Dropbox
  • HelpScout
  • Zendesk
  • Freshbooks
  • Freshsales
  • Intercom
  • Click Funnels
  • Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM
  • 小型CRM
  • Insightly CRM
  • Printfection
  • Acuity Scheduling
  • Quickbooks Online

查看所有WPForms Zapier集成










除此之外,WPForms还允许您从其他WordPress联系表单插件导入表单,如Contact Form 7、Ninja Forms和Pirate Forms。





是的,WPForms通过wpforms textdomain完全支持翻译和本地化。所有的.mo和.po翻译文件都会放置在插件跟目录的languages文件夹中。每个WPForms制作的插件都如此。


Yes, WPForms includes spam protection which is enabled on all forms by default in the form settings.

此外,还支持Google reCAPTCHA,可以在WPForms> 设置>reCAPTCHA进行设置。

WPForms与所有版本的Google reCAPTCHA完全兼容:

  • reCAPTCHA v2(复选框)
  • reCAPTCHA v2(隐形)
  • reCAPTCHA v3



I will tease the creators by saying that I've gotten some spam! That's not their fault in any way. The comments and issues that are legitimate have come through efficiently and quickly, allowing me to address them quickly. Very good system.
This form is super amusing... I am a beginner but I feel like a star
Great plugin! Easy and fun to navigate with great results!


“WPForms打造的联系表单插件–WordPress的拖拽式表单构建器” 是开源软件。 以下人员对此插件做出了贡献。


“WPForms打造的联系表单插件–WordPress的拖拽式表单构建器”插件已被翻译至23种本地话语言。 感谢所有译者为本插件所做的贡献。






  • Added: Keyboard Shortcuts informational popup in the Form Builder, triggered with Ctrl + / shortcut.
  • Added: Separate category for templates added by addons.
  • Added: Smart Tags support in Confirmation Messages.
  • Added: Punycode support for the Email field to allow using international domain names.
  • Added: Compatibility with PHP 8.
  • Changed: Display only WPForms related actions on the Tools > Scheduled Actions page.
  • Changed: Enable AJAX form submission by default for new forms created using Blank template and addon templates.
  • Changed: Default state on the CAPTCHA Settings screen on new installs is now set to None.
  • Changed: Improved consistency of various modal popups in the Form Builder.
  • Changed: Speed up form preview in the Form Builder by limiting the number of choices displayed.
  • Changed: Updated ActionScheduler library to 3.2.1.
  • Fixed: Missing down arrow in the Dropdown field in the Twenty Twenty-One theme on a fresh install.
  • Fixed: Clicking on the Field Options tab in the Form Builder always opens options for the first field in the form.
  • Fixed: Form Setting panels can be broken by horizontally resizing textarea fields.
  • Fixed: Insert/edit link button not working in the Confirmation Message editor.
  • Fixed: Prevent editor styles from loading on various settings pages.
  • Fixed: Missing Conditional Logic class in the Lite version causing errors when using custom integration that extends the WPForms_Provider class.
  • Fixed: Console error in Chrome when re-ordering choices in the Dropdown, Checkboxes and Multiple Choice field settings.
  • Fixed: Unrelated admin notices are no longer displayed on the WPForms admin pages.
  • Fixed: Modern Dropdown field not initialized properly in the Divi Builder.
  • Fixed: Dropdown preview in the Form Builder not updated if the first option’s value is empty.
  • Fixed: Preserve reply-to in the Notifications settings when creating a form from a template.
  • Fixed: Minor button styling issue in WordPress 4.9.
  • Fixed: Avoid error by allowing objects implementing the __invoke() method as a hook callback.
  • Fixed: Various Dropdown field CSS issues in the Form Builder.

  • Changed: Allow using right-click to open a form preview in a new tab or window.
  • Fixed: Notifications disabled on the previous version were enabled after the 1.6.8 update.
  • Fixed: Block preview in new WordPress 5.8 Widgets Block Editor now aligned properly.
  • Fixed: Word wrapping issues in various places for non-English languages.


  • Added: Form Builder visual modernization and improved user experience.
  • Added: Form Builder is now more optimized, loading and performing faster.
  • Added: More tooltips in various areas of the Form Builder to provide context for different options.
  • Added: A lot more Templates that you can use for one-click forms creation.
  • Added: Categorize Form Templates into different sections and improve search, allowing faster access and better user experience.
  • Added: New Preview button for all Templates, so you can check how your form will look like before applying the Template.
  • Changed: Dropped support for IE11 in the Form Builder (same as WordPress 5.8).
  • Changed: Introducing tabs instead of accordion for Field Options in the Form Builder: General, Advanced, Smart Logic.
  • Changed: Allow underscore symbol usage in Allowlist/Denylist in Email field.
  • Changed: Updated DOMPurify lib to 2.3.0.
  • Fixed: A lot of visual inconsistencies inside the Form Builder.
  • Fixed: TinyMCE editor in the default Confirmation has 2 tabs (Visual, Text), which previously had incorrect height.
  • Fixed: Firefox-specific issue that prevents fields from being drag-n-dropped inside the Preview area of the Form Builder.
  • Fixed: Form Builder performance issue with large number of choices added to option fields.
  • Fixed: Missing down arrow in Dropdown field in Twenty Twenty-One theme.
  • Fixed: Checkboxes and Multiple Choice input fields rendered incorrectly in Twenty Twenty-One theme.
  • Fixed: Breaking words when wrapping in Modern Dropdown field.
  • Fixed: Download all relevant translations when initiating an upgrade from Lite to Pro on the plugin Settings page.
  • Fixed: Preserve line breaks when pasting blocks of text into Paragraph field with word limit option enabled.

  • Changed: Renamed a misspelled wpforms_display_sumbit_spinner_src filter to wpforms_display_submit_spinner_src, old name is now deprecated.
  • Fixed: Expired transients are not deleted automatically.
  • Fixed: Entries count race condition under high load in the plugin Lite version.
  • Fixed: Form Builder product education links.

  • Fixed: Admin notice option flag reference.

  • Changed: Improved logic of pasting a text in the fields with word and character limits.
  • Changed: Updated DOMPurify lib to 2.2.9.
  • Changed: Some admin notices can be dismissed on a per-user basis.
  • Fixed: Smart Tags don’t parse dot and comma symbols well.
  • Fixed: In rare cases, WPForms functions calls are not handled correctly inside the third-party frontend AJAX calls.
  • Fixed: Incorrect wpforms_smart_tag_process filter deprecation notice.
  • Fixed: Compatibility with the Elementor 3.1.x, 3.2.x and 3.3.x.


  • Changed: Email Summaries can now be tweaked via the hook to have multiple “To” recipients.
  • Changed: Email Summaries subject line is changed to reduce a chance of going into spam folder.
  • Changed: Rewrote inline captcha scripts in vanilla JS to improve its compatibility with a third-party code.
  • Changed: Replaced jQuery.isFunction() (deprecated as of jQuery 3.3) usages with a recommended counterpart.
  • Changed: Refine smart tags system to improve extensibility.
  • Changed: Each addon title is linked to a related documentation on the Addons page.
  • Changed: Externally disabled fields are displayed inside the Form Builder as dismissible notices.
  • Changed: Updated DOMPurify lib to 2.2.8.
  • Fixed: Inconsistent Form Builder JS events loading order in jQuery 3+ across different browsers.


  • Added: WordPress 5.7 new color scheme compatibility.
  • Changed: Allow using 0/false values in choices label for Checkboxes, Multiple Choice, Dropdown fields.
  • Changed: Better AJAX form submit error messages handling for the Email field.
  • Changed: Refactored Tools page with all of its subpages for easier long-term support.
  • Changed: Updated the WPForms > About Us page.
  • Changed: Updated DOMPurify lib to 2.2.7.
  • Changed: Replaced jQuery.ready() function usage with a recommended way since jQuery 3.0.
  • Fixed: HTML layout is broken on the Analytics page for some site languages.
  • Fixed: Incorrect permission checks for different places in the dashboard and the Form Builder.
  • Fixed: RTL support for Name, Email fields.
  • Fixed: Speed up the Form Builder rendering by loading certain scripts only when the Embed functionality is triggered.
  • Fixed: The iframe HTML element was rendered incorrectly in the Twenty Twenty theme.
  • Fixed: The Checkboxes and Multiple Choice fields CSS issues in Twenty Twenty-One theme.
  • Fixed: WPForms Challenge was drunk in the Firefox browser.
  • Fixed: reCAPTCHA doesn’t render in a popup when the same form exists in another place.


  • Changed: Updated DOMPurify lib to 2.2.6.
  • Changed: Reload the Form Builder after Save and Embed option usage, and going back using the browser Back button.
  • Changed: Disable From Name and From Email fields in Form Builder > Notifications when the WP Mail SMTP plugin forces those values.
  • Fixed: The Gutenberg block JavaScript issue in WordPress 5.0-5.1.1 versions.
  • Fixed: The Gutenberg block CSS issues in Twenty Twenty-One theme.
  • Fixed: AMP incompatible script for Lite version.
  • Fixed: Logs records on WPForms > Tools > Logs may not be clickable under certain circumstances, preventing previewing the logged information.
  • Fixed: Email Summaries ignoring timezone offset while generating reports.
  • Fixed: Email Suggestion feature when using two or more forms on a page.
  • Fixed: Missing on-hover tooltips’ after cloning/duplicating elements in the Form Builder.
  • Fixed: Minor styling issues on the WPForms > Tools > Logs page.
  • Fixed: Issues while importing forms saved in UTF-8 with BOM.
  • Fixed: Improve performance of the WPForms Challenge.
  • Fixed: WPForms module icon compatibility with the latest Elementor version.
  • Fixed: Incorrect CPT and taxonomy terms alphabetical sorting of the Dynamic Choice option values for fields that support this Advanced Option.
  • Fixed: Compatibility with WordPress 4.9 on the WPForms > Analytics/SMTP pages.
  • Fixed: AJAX form submissions on some server configuration.
  • Fixed: Improve Admin Menu Bar support since WordPress 5.2.

  • Added: Frontend form warning indicating missing WPForms JS (visible to admin only).
  • Changed: Help hCaptcha process all requests in a more efficient way, so bot detection will work better.
  • Fixed: Improve pagination on Tools > Logs page inside the plugin admin area.
  • Fixed: Various JavaScript issues on create post/page/form pages in WordPress 5.6.
  • Fixed: Edge cases when custom fields mapping for providers was broken.


  • Added: hCaptcha support, see WPForms > CAPTCHA settings.
  • Added: Character/word limit validation message control inside Settings > Validation page.
  • Changed: Dropdown fields using the Modern format will only show the search option if at least 8 choices are provided.
  • Changed: Updated jQuery inputmask library to v5.0.6-beta20
  • Changed: Improved Form Builder Help documentation caching.
  • Changed: Only create our Logs database table when specifically enabled in the Tools settings.
  • Changed: Updated WPForms install count and rating information.
  • Changed: Added “Copy to Clipboard” button inside Form Embed modal.
  • Fixed: PHP Warning caused by Email field changes.
  • Fixed: Editing multiline text in Paragraph field breaks new lines in submitted text.
  • Fixed: Javascript conflicts with IE11.
  • Fixed: Possible errors if web host had set_time_limit() disabled.
  • Fixed: Email validation issue if form is in a page multiple times.
  • Fixed: Footer links in the Summary email are now working properly.
  • Fixed: Double-click issue for “Add New Account” buttons on the Settings > Integrations page.
  • Fixed: Gutenberg block ignores “Include Form Styling” setting and forces full CSS stylesheet.

  • Added: Native integration with Divi.
  • Added: Email field Allowlist/Denylist restrictions, see Email field Advanced Options.
  • Added: Form builder Help – contextual help, search docs, and more.
  • Added: Logging, which can be enabled for troubleshooting from WPForms > Tools > Logs.
  • Changed: Nicely notify users in the Form Builder when their WordPress session has expired, and they can’t save the form anymore without a page reload.
  • Changed: Better AJAX form submit field error messages handling.
  • Fixed: Custom metabox heading styling due to WordPress core changes.
  • Fixed: Page title smart tag not working in some use cases when using AJAX form submissions.
  • Fixed: Various admin area display issues when the field label is empty.
  • Fixed: Logo Translate plugin integration issues.
  • Fixed: Elementor widget edge case issues.
  • Fixed: Form settings could be visible before the form was created.
  • Fixed: Form builder styling inconsistencies with Dropdown field styles.
  • Fixed: Input mask issues with some mobile browsers, notably Chrome.
  • Fixed: Always display the WPForms admin area in the user’s language regardless of the site language.
  • Fixed: Do not load certain JS variables twice on the front end.
  • Fixed: Form title display issue inside the form builder with smaller view ports.
  • Fixed: Elementor widget display issue on frontend when no form has been created.

  • Changed: Added shortcode access to a form embed modal and enhanced modal navigation.
  • Changed: Improved empty states for All Forms and Builder no fields preview panel.
  • Changed: Improved Email Summaries footer text.
  • Fixed: Custom validation messages for the fields appear correctly with Ajax form submission enabled.
  • Fixed: Base style CSS introduces no additional scrollbars now.
  • Fixed: Correct cursor for image choices validation messages.
  • Fixed: Getting the license details from DB works as expected regardless of a context.
  • Fixed: Getting the list of WPForms addons for user license level works as expected regardless of a context.
  • Fixed: Number Slider field increment is checked to be more than zero.
  • Fixed: Modern Dropdown validation works as expected for AJAX forms.

  • Added: Caching friendly anti-spam protection (form tokens).
  • Added: Native integration with Elementor: add to the page and create new forms right inside its builder.
  • Added: Add a preview to the WPForms Gutenberg block.
  • Changed: Greatly improve WPForms Challenge experience.
  • Changed: Improve word counting when the Limit Length field option is used with Single Line Text/Paragraph Text fields.
  • Changed: Improve Number field input restrictions with various browsers.
  • Changed: Form field validation will now fail if input mask is enabled and user input does not complete required input mask elements.
  • Changed: Icon for the Multiple Choice field is now more representative.
  • Changed: Hide Delete button for a “Default Notification” in the Form Builder.
  • Changed: Improve Lite migrations for WordPress Multisite installations.
  • Changed: Update Constant Contact logos because of their rebranding.
  • Changed: Improve descriptions of various plugin options and add more context to them.
  • Fixed: Properly map fields in various addons when the first field is added in the Form Builder.
  • Fixed: Issue when editing Checkbox field entry values when dynamic choices were enabled and multiple values were saved.
  • Fixed: Refresh the list of form fields that are required to properly render marketing addons.
  • Fixed: “Invalid Form” error for logged out users upon submitting an AJAX form on some server configurations.
  • Fixed: Multiple Choice fields had issues in the builder with image choices with empty labels.
  • Fixed: Make bulk actions at the bottom of the Forms Overview work.
  • Fixed: “Single Line Text” and “Paragraph Text” calculate empty field word count incorrectly.
  • Fixed: Do not allow Action Scheduler to generate errors during the plugin uninstallation procedure.
  • Fixed: Input mask validation produces a JS error on jQuery 3.x.


  • Added: Display a list of scheduled actions on WPForms > Tools > Scheduled Actions page.
  • Added: Multiple select option for Dropdown field (off by default).
  • Added: New Modern style option for Dropdown field (off by default).
  • Added: Support Smart Tags in form descriptions.
  • Fixed: Properly handle multiple clicks on various accordion-like elements on Form Builder and Settings > Integrations pages.
  • Fixed: Remove all the plugin-related information on uninstall from the DB when opted-in in plugin settings.
  • Fixed: Replace all new lines characters with spaces in notification email subjects (e.g., when an address field value is used in a subject via a smart tag).
  • Fixed: Make sure the plugin doesn’t crash when iconv PHP extension is not installed on a server.
  • Fixed: Properly handle fields with choices with new lines in their labels when connected to Conditional Logic.
  • Fixed: Google Invisible v2 reCAPTCHA should show Submit Button Processing Text when the form is submitted.
  • Fixed: Display the list of countries in the “Countries” preset and in the Address field in alphabetical order regardless of the current site language.

  • Fixed: The default value 0 (zero) of the Paragraph Text field does not display on the frontend.
  • Fixed: Product education URL encoding issues.
  • Fixed: Securely store WPForms anonymized cookie, so it cannot be sent along with cross-site requests (samesite).
  • Fixed: Various PHP notices that may appear during wildly complicated forms submissions.
  • Fixed: Improved escaping inside Form Builder live preview, props Fortinet Fortiguard Labs.
  • Fixed: Incorrect interval value was used when running a cleanup job after notifications sent.
  • Fixed: Delete orphaned plugin translation files when cleanup option in plugin settings is checked and the plugin is deleted from the site.

  • Added: Admin bar menu item.
  • Added: Form Builder alert when using browser “Back” button if form contains unsaved changes.
  • Added: Settings > Emails: “Optimize Email Sending” option which enables sending emails asynchronously.
  • Changed: Async form notification emails are now off by default.
  • Changed: Number Slider field display improvements on small devices.
  • Fixed: Error if there are some plugins or themes add widget_title filter.
  • Fixed: Choice Images not displaying in form notifications if no label is set.
  • Fixed: Form Builder “drag zone” not available when all fields are deleted.
  • Fixed: Empty div appended to end of form display.
  • Fixed: Block alignment issues (WordPress 5.4+).
  • Fixed: Form Builder field option panel is not available if field is placed before the last form field.
  • Fixed: Fallback population for fields with choices (checkbox, radio etc) when special characters are used.
  • Fixed: Integrity of decoded data with additional sanitizing.
  • Fixed: Compatibility issues with Elementor.
