LiteSpeed Cache


LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress (LSCWP) is an all-in-one site acceleration plugin, featuring an exclusive server-level cache and a collection of optimization features.

LSCWP supports WordPress Multisite and is compatible with most popular plugins, including WooCommerce, bbPress, and Yoast SEO.

WordPress的LiteSpeed Cache与ClassicPress兼容。


General Features may be used by anyone with any web server (LiteSpeed, Apache, NGINX, etc.).

LiteSpeed Exclusive Features require one of the following: OpenLiteSpeed, commercial LiteSpeed products, LiteSpeed-powered hosting, or CDN. Why?


General Features

  • 免费 CDN缓存
  • 对象缓存(Memcached / LSMCD / Redis)支持+
  • 图片优化(无损/无损)
  • 最小化CSS、JS和HTML
  • Minify inline & external CSS/JS
  • Combine CSS/JS
  • 自动生成关键CSS
  • Lazy-load images/iframes
  • Responsive Image Placeholders
  • Multiple CDN Support+
  • Load CSS Asynchronously
  • Defer/delay JS loading
  • 浏览器缓存支持+
  • 数据库清理和优化
  • PageSpeed score (including Core Web Vitals) optimization
  • OPcode缓存支持+
  • HTTP/2 Push for CSS/JS (on web servers that support it)
  • DNS 预读取
  • Cloudflare API
  • 单站点和多站点支持
  • 导入/导出设定
  • 更吸引人的是,简而易懂的界面。
  • WebP图片格式支持
  • Heartbeat control


LiteSpeed Exclusive Features

  • 自动清除页面缓存来极大的改善站点性能
  • 基于特定的事件自动清除相关页面
  • 登录用户的私有缓存
  • WordPress REST API 呼叫的缓存
  • 桌面和手机彼此独立的缓存
  • Ability to schedule purge for specified URLs
  • WooCommerce和bbPress支持
  • WordPress CLI commands
  • API system for easy cache integration
  • Exclude from cache by URI, Category, Tag, Cookie, User Agent
  • 智能预读取爬虫,支持搜索引擎优化站点地图
  • Multiple crawlers for cache varies
  • HTTP/2支持
  • HTTP/3 & QUIC support
  • ESI (Edge Side Includes) support*
  • Widgets and Shortcodes as ESI blocks* (requires Classic Widgets plugin for WP 5.8+)


LSCWP Resources


The vast majority of plugins and themes are compatible with LSCache. Our API is available for those that are not. Use the API to customize smart purging, customize cache rules, create cache varies, and make WP nonce cacheable, among other things.


This plugin includes some suggested text that you can add to your site’s Privacy Policy via the Guide in the WordPress Privacy settings.

For your own information: LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress potentially stores a duplicate copy of every web page on display on your site. The pages are stored locally on the system where LiteSpeed server software is installed and are not transferred to or accessed by LiteSpeed employees in any way, except as necessary in providing routine technical support if you request it. All cache files are temporary, and may easily be purged before their natural expiration, if necessary, via a Purge All command. It is up to individual site administrators to come up with their own cache expiration rules.

In addition to caching, our WordPress plugin has online features provided by for Image Optimization, CSS Optimization and Low Quality Image Placeholder services. When one of those optimizations are requested, data is transmitted to a remote server, processed, and then transmitted back for use on your site. Now if using the CDN it uses LSCache technologies to access your site then host your site to others globally and also your data is not transferred to or accessed by employees in any way, except as necessary in providing maintenance or technical support. keeps copies of that data for up to 7 days and then permanently deletes them. Similarly, the WordPress plugin has a Reporting feature whereby a site owner can transmit an environment report to LiteSpeed so that we may better provide technical support. None of these features collects any visitor data. Only server and site data are involved.

Please see the Privacy Policy for our complete Privacy/GDPR statement.


  • 插件性能对比图
  • 管理员- 仪表板
  • 管理员- 图片优化
  • 管理员-搜寻器
  • 管理员设定 - 缓存
  • Admin Settings - Page Optimization
  • 管理员设置 - CDN
  • 管理员设置 - 数据库优化
  • 管理员设置-工具箱
  • 缓存遗失示例
  • 缓存命中示例


View detailed documentation.

在没有LiteSpeed Web服务器的情况下进行优化

  1. 安装LiteSpeed WordPress缓存并激活它。
  2. From the WordPress Dashboard, navigate to LiteSpeed Cache > Page Optimization. Enable the available optimization features in the various tabs.

使用LiteSpeed Web服务器进行缓存和优化

  1. 安装带LSCache的 LiteSpeed 网页服务器企业版LiteSpeed Web ADC,或者带缓存模块的 OpenLiteSpeed [免费]。
  2. 安装LiteSpeed WordPress缓存并激活它。
  3. 从WordPress仪表盘中,前往LiteSpeed 缓存 -> 设定,确定选项启用 LiteSpeed 缓存被设置为启用
  4. Enable any desired caching and optimization features in the various tabs.


  • 请确保您的授权包含 LSCache 模块。一个 含LSCache 的 2-CPU 试用授权 可以免费试用15天。
  • The server must be configured to have caching enabled. If you are the server admin, click here for instructions. Otherwise, please request that the server admin configure the cache root for the server.


  • 整合使用了OpenLiteSpeed的缓存模块。
  • 如果OLS被安装,最简单的迁移方法时使用 ols1clk。如果使用已有的 WordPress 安装,请使用 --wordpresspath 参数。
  • 如果已经安装了OLS和WordPress,请按照中的说明进行操作 如何为WordPress设置LSCache


为什么缓存功能需要LiteSpeed Server?

This plugin communicates with your LiteSpeed Web Server and its built-in page cache (LSCache) to deliver superior performance to your WordPress site. The plugin’s cache features indicate to the server that a page is cacheable and for how long, or they invalidate particular cached pages using tags.

LSCache 是服务器级别的缓存,所以比其它 PHP级别的缓存快。效能对比: 同其它

页面缓存允许服务器跳过PHP和数据库查询。LSCache因为能和服务器更加紧密的交互,可以记住缓存的入口信息,这是其它缓存做不到的。同时它可以记录依赖关系。它可以使用标签来管理智能清除,同时使用vary来提供不同缓存内容的版本,诸如电脑版,手机版,物理定位和货币。查看我们的Caching 101 博客系列

If all of that sounds complicated, no need to worry. LSCWP works right out of the box with default settings that are appropriate for most sites. See the Beginner’s Guide.

Don’t have a LiteSpeed server? Try our CDN service. It allows sites on any server (NGINX and Apache included) to experience the power of LiteSpeed caching! Click here to learn more or to give a try.


LSCWP包括其他优化功能,例如数据库优化,CSS和JS文件的缩小和组合,HTTP / 2推送,CDN支持,浏览器缓存,对象缓存,用于图片和图片优化!这些功能不需要使用LiteSpeed Web服务器。

LiteSpeed WordPress缓存插件免费吗?

Yes, LSCWP will always be free and open source. That said, a LiteSpeed server is required for the cache features, and there are fees associated with some LiteSpeed server editions. Some of the premium online services provided through (CDN Service, Image Optimization, Critical CSS, Low-Quality Image Placeholder, etc.) require payment at certain usage levels. You can learn more about what these services cost, and what levels of service are free, on your dashboard.


A LiteSpeed solution is required in order to use the LiteSpeed Exclusive features of this plugin. Any one of the following will work:

  1. 包含LSCache模块的LiteSpeed网页服务器 (v5.0.10+)
  2. OpenLiteSpeed (v1.4.17+)
  3. LiteSpeed WebADC (v2.0+)
  4. CDN

The General Features may be used with any web server. LiteSpeed is not required.


缓存入口将储存在LiteSpeed服务器级别。最简单的解决方案时使用LiteSpeed WebADC,这样缓存入口可以储存在服务器级别。



如果需要定制方案,请联系 LiteSpeed Technologies [email protected]







支持WooCommerce 吗?

简短而言,是的。然而,对于有些 woocommerce 主题,购物车可能不能正常更新。请访问我们的博客以得知如何检测和修正这个问题的信息。


Images are not optimized automatically unless you set LiteSpeed Cache > Image Optimization > Image Optimization Settings > Auto Request Cron to ON. You may also optimize your images manually. Learn more.

How do I make a WP nonce cacheable in my third-party plugin?

Our API includes a function that uses ESI to “punch a hole” in a cached page for a nonce. This allows the nonce to be cached separately, regardless of the TTL of the page it is on. Learn more in the API documentation. We also welcome contributions to our predefined list of known third party plugin nonces that users can optionally include via the plugin’s ESI settings.



Once the crawler is enabled on the server side, navigate to LiteSpeed Cache > Crawler > General Settings and set Crawler to ON.

For more detailed information about crawler setup, please see the Crawler documentation.

What are the known compatible plugins and themes?

The vast majority of plugins and themes are compatible with LiteSpeed Cache. The most up-to-date compatibility information can be found in our documentation


It's hard to believe they are giving all these features free. It's a must-have plugin for every single one of my WordPress installs.
Not only does it break your site after just a few tweaks, but it keeps reinstalling itself after deletion. Now, I'm sitting with a broken website and this nonsense of a plugin that keeps coming back. Why should I, through my hosting company ask them to remove the plugin? I'd give it a minus 5 but I have to give you the credit of a 1 star in order to rate. Pathetic plugin to say the least!


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4.4.3 – Oct 13 2021

  • 🐞Media Fixed an issue where WebP is served erroneously under Guest Mode on older versions of Safari. (hash73)
  • 🐞Media Reverted regex change to fix Lazy Load Image Parent Class Name Excludes failure. (thpstock)
  • Purge Disabled Purge Delay in the optimization process by default.
  • Conf Dropped .htaccess Path Settings options for security concern. (WP)
  • Conf Dropped CSS HTTP/2 Push/JS HTTP/2 Push options. (Kevin)
  • Conf Set Guest Optimization default to OFF.
  • Conf Set CCSS Per URL default to OFF to avoid consuming more quota than intended after upgrade to v4. (n111)
  • Object Fixed an issue with Object Cache warnings during upgrade, when Guest Mode is enabled.
  • ☁️Cloud Fixed an issue with PHP notices when inquiring about quota usage for a service not currently in use.
  • GUI Added GO detail warning. (n111)
  • GUI Moved “quota wil be still in use” warning from Guest Mode to Guest Optimization section.
  • API Added LITESPEED_CFG_HTACCESS PHP Constant to specify .htaccess path.
  • API Added litespeed_qs_forbidden hook to bypass ?LSCWP_CTRL= query string. (minhduc)
  • API Added litespeed_delay_purge hook to delay the following Purge header until the next request.
  • API Added litespeed_wpconfig_readonly hook to disable WP_CACHE constant update based on the wp-config.php file. (#633545)

4.4.2 – Sep 23 2021

  • Purge In order to clear pages containing 404 CSS/JS, the purge header will always be sent even in cases where purge must be delayed.
  • 🐞Purge Fixed a potential PHP warning caused when generating different optimized filenames.
  • Cron Dropped unnecessary HTML response in cron which sometimes resulted in wp-cron report email. (Gilles)
  • Page Optimize Purge caused by CSS/JS file deletion will now be silent.
  • Page Optimize Fixed an issue where the homepage failed to purge when addressing the 404 CSS/JS issue.
  • Avatar Fixed potential localized Avatar folder creation warning. (mattk0220/josebab)
  • API Added filter litespeed_optm_html_after_head to move all optimized code(UCSS/CCSS/Combined CSS/Combined JS) to be right before the </head> tag. (ducpl/Kris Regmi)
  • Debug Under debug mode, cache/purge tags will be plaintext.

4.4.1 – Sep 16 2021

  • 🐞ESI Fixed ESI failure on non-cached pages caused by DONOTCACHEPAGE constant.
  • 🐞Page Optimize Fixed an issue where the minified CSS/JS file failed to update when the file was changed. (ceap80)
  • 🐞Page Optimize Fixed an issue where the combined CSS/JS file randomly returned a 404 error when visiting the same URL with different query strings. (Abe)
  • API Added litespeed_const_DONOTCACHEPAGE hook to control the cache-or-not result of the DONOTCACHEPAGE constant.

4.4 – Sep 8 2021

  • 🌱Crawler Added the ability to enable or disable specific crawlers. (⭐ Contributed by Astrid Wang #PR390)
  • 🌱UCSS Added UCSS Inline option. (Ankit).
  • 🌱UCSS Added UCSS URI Excludes option. (RC Verma).
  • 🐞Page Optimize Fixed an issue where combined CSS/JS files would potentially return 404 errors after a Purge All. (Special thanks to Abe & Ruikai)
  • Page Optimize Minimized the potential for 404 errors by query string when Purging All.
  • Page Optimize Dropped redundant query strings for minified CSS/JS files.
  • Conf Ugrade configuration safely to avoid the issue of new functions not being found in old codebase.
  • Conf Configuration upgrade process now adds a notification to admin pages and disables configuration save until upgrade is complete. (Lisa)
  • JS Fixed an issue where JS Defer caused a litespeed_var_1_ is not defined error when enabled w/ ESI options. (Tobolo)
  • 🐞JS Fixed an issue where JS Delay doesn’t work for combined JS when JS Combine is enabled. (Special thanks to Joshua & Ankit)
  • JS JS Delay now will continue loading JS, even if there is an error in the current JS loading process.
  • 🐞CCSS If CCSS fails to generate, Load CSS Asynchronously will now be disabled. (Stars #54074166)
  • 🐞UCSS If UCSS generation fails the generated error will no longer be served inside the file. (Ryan D)
  • Log Updated the Debug log to use less code for prefix.
  • 3rd Always respect DONOTCACHEPAGE constant defination to fix DIVI dynamic css calculation process.

4.3 – Aug 16 2021

  • UCSS Separated UCSS Purge from CCSS Purge. (⭐ Contributed by Alice Tang #PR388)
  • 🐞Cloud Fixed an issue where CCSS/UCSS quota data failed to update locally.
  • Cloud Added server load as a factor when detecting node availability.
  • Cloud Improved the speed of checking daily quota and showing the related error message.
  • Cloud Added ability to re-detect node availability if the current node is responding w/ a heavy load code.
  • Cloud CCSS/UCSS/LQIP queue now exits immediately when quota is depleted.
  • Cloud Replaced separate d/regionnodes with a single d/nodes in the node list API for image optimization.
  • LQIP Fixed an issue with LQIP network compatibility. (⭐ Contributed by Alice Tang #PR387)
  • GUEST JS no longer preloads for Guest Optimization. (Ankit)
  • 🐞Data Fixed an issue where deleting the cssjs data folder causes a failure in the upgrade process. (Joshua #PR391)
  • GUI Fixed a potential dashboard PHP warning when no queue existed. (jrmora)
  • GUI Added daily quota on dashboard.
  • GUI Added downgrade warning to Toolbox -> Beta Test.
  • GUI Tuned .litespeed-desc class to full width in CSS.
  • Conf Preserve EXIF/XMP data now defaults to ON due to copyright concerns. (Tobolo)
  • 🐞3rd Fixed a PHP warning when using Google AMP w/ /amp as structure. (thanhstran98)

4.2 – Jul 29 2021

  • Cloud Auto redirect to a new node if the current node is not available anymore.
  • Cloud Combined CCSS/UCSS to sub services of Page Optimization.
  • Cloud Added a daily quota rate limit to help mitigate the heavy service load at the beginning of the month.
  • Cloud Cached the node IP list in order to speed up security check. (Lucas)
  • 🐞GUEST Fixed an issue where Guest Mode remained enabled even when the UA setting is empty. (Stars)
  • GUEST Guest Mode will no longer cache POST requests.
  • UCSS Purging CSS/JS now purges the UCSS queue as well, to avoid failure when generating UCSS.
  • UCSS Separated service entry UCSS from CCSS.
  • CCSS Simplified load_queue/save_queue/build_filepath_prefix functions. (⭐ Contributed by Alice Tang #PR373)
  • CCSS If CCSS request fails, details are now saved in the CSS file.
  • CCSS Renamed CCSS ID in inline HTML from litespeed-optm-css-rules to litespeed-ccss. (Alice)
  • Page Optimize CCSS/UCSS now supports Cloud queue/notify for asynchronous generation.
  • Page Optimize Simplified CCSS/UCSS generation function.
  • Page Optimize Added the ability to cancel CCSS/UCSS Cloud requests.
  • Page Optimize Unnecessary quesry strings will now be dropped from CSS/JS combined files.
  • Crawler Reset position now resets crawler running status too.
  • REST Cloud request to REST will now detect whether an IP in in the Cloud IP list for security reasons.
  • Object Enhanced Object Cache compatibility for CONF_FILE constant detection.
  • API Added shorter alias litespeed_tag and other similar aliases for Cache Tag API.
  • API Renamed LITESPEED_BYPASS_OPTM to LITESPEED_NO_OPTM for Page Optimization.
  • Toolbox Dropped v3.6.4- versions in Beta Test as they will cause a fatal error in downgrade.
  • GUI Added shortcut links to each section on the Dashboard.
  • GUI Added UCSS whitelist usage description. (wyb)
  • GUI Showed the default recommended values for Guest Mode UA/IPs.
  • 3rd Fixed AMP plugin compatibility. (⭐ Contributed by Alice Tang #PR368)
  • 3rd Bypassed all page optimization including CDN/WebP for AMP pages.
  • 3rd Improved compatibility with All in One SEO plugin sitemap. (arnaudbroes/flschaves Issue#372)
  • 3rd Added wsform nonce. (#365 cstrouse)
  • 3rd Added Easy Digital Download (EDD) & WP Menu Cart nonce. (#PR366 AkramiPro)
  • 3rd Improved compatibility w/ Restrict Content Pro. (Abe #PR370)
  • 3rd Improved compatibility w/ Gravity Forms. (Ruikai #371)

4.1 – Jun 25 2021

  • 🌱UCSS/CCSS/LQIP Moved queue storage to file system from database wp-options table to lessen the IO load. (#633504)
  • 🌱3rd Added an option to disable ESI for the WooCommerce Cart. (#358 Anna Feng/Astrid Wang)
  • ESI Fixed an ESI nonce issue introduced in v4.0. (Andrew Choi)
  • Object Used new .litespeed_conf.dat instead of .object-cache.ini for object cache configuration storage.
  • Conf Now updating related files after plugin upgrade and not just after activation.
  • 🌱Guest Added a Guest Mode JS Excludes option. (Ankit/Mamac/Rcverma)
  • Guest Guest Mode now uses a lightweight script to update guest vary for reduced server load.
  • Guest Guest Mode now adds missing image dimensions.
  • Guest Guest vary will no longer update if there’s already a vary in place to address the infinite loop caused by CloudFlare’s incorrect cache control setting for PHP.
  • Guest Guest vary update request will no longer be sent if lscache_vary is already set.
  • Guest Added a Configurable Guest Mode UA/IP under the Tuning tab in the General menu.
  • Guest Guest Mode now allows cron to be hooked, even when UCSS/CCSS options are off. (#338437 Stars)
  • Guest Simplified the vary generation process under Guest Mode.
  • Guest Added a Guest Mode HTML comment for easier debugging. (Ruikai)
  • Guest Guest vary update ajax now bypasses potential POST cache.
  • CCSS Added back the options Separate CCSS Cache Post Types and Separate CCSS Cache URIs. (Joshua/Ankit)
  • CCSS CCSS/UCSS queue is now limited to a maximum of 500 entries.
  • Control The cache control constant LSCACHE_NO_CACHE will now have a higher priority than the Forced Public Cache setting.
  • Crawler The Crawler can now crawl Guest Mode pages.
  • Crawler Fixed a potential XSS vulnerability in the Crawler settings. (#927355)
  • Crawler The Crawler now supports a cookie value of _null. (Tobolo)
  • Media Updated the default value for the Responsive Placeholder SVG to be transparent.
  • Media WebP images in the background may now be served in Guest Mode.
  • Media WebP images in CSS may now be bypassed if the requesting Guest Mode client doesn’t support WebP.
  • Media Fixed empty default image placeholder under Guest Mode.
  • 🐞Image Optimize Changed the missing $_POST to $post_data so the database status is properly updated. (#345 Lucas)
  • Import Export file is now readable to allow importing of partial configurations. (Ryan D/Joshua)
  • Page Optimize Fixed W3 validator errors in Guest Mode. (#61393817)
  • 3rd A fatal WooCommerce error is no longer triggered by a custom theme reusing a previous LSCWP cache detection tag.
  • 3rd AMP may now bypass Guest Mode automatically.
  • Localize Dropped the Localize Resources option as Guest Mode is a sufficient replacement. (Note: Due to user feedback during the development period, we have decided to reinstate this option in a future version.)
  • Cloud Changed the WP API url.
  • Lang Corrected a missing language folder.
  • GUI Added a CCSS/UCSS loading page visualization. (⭐ Contributed by Astrid Wang & Anna Feng #PR360)
  • GUI Added a warning to indicate when Guest Mode CCSS/UCSS quota is in use. (Contributed by Astrid Wang & Anna Feng #PR361)
  • GUI Added a litespeed-info text color. (Astrid Wang)
  • GUI Implemented various UI/UX improvements. (Joshua/Lisa)
  • GUI Duplicate cloud service messages with the same content will only display once now. (Marc Dahl)
  • GUI Added a WebP replacement warning for Guest Mode Optimization if WebP replacement is off.
  • Misc Dropped wp_assets from distribution to reduce the package size. (lowwebtech)
  • Misc Increased the new version and score detection intervals.
  • Misc Optimized WP Assets images. (#352 lowwebtech)
  • Debug Dropped the redundant error_log debug info.

4.0 – Apr 30 2021

  • 🌱🌱🌱Guest Introduced Guest Mode for instantly cacheable content on the first visit.
  • 🌱UCSS Added a new service: Unique CSS, to drop unused CSS from elements from combined CSS
  • 🌱CCSS Added HTML Lazyload option. (Ankit)
  • 🌱CCSS Added CCSS Per URL option to allow Critical CSS to be generated for each page instead of for each Post Type.
  • 🌱Media Added Add Missing Sizes setting for improving Cumulative Layout Shift. (Fahim)
  • 🌱JS Switched to new JS minification library for better compression and compatibility w/ template literals. (LuminSol)
  • Media WebP may now be replaced in CSS.
  • Media Can now drop image tags in noscript to avoid lazyload. (Abe #314 /mattthomas-photography)
  • Media Bypass optimization if a page is not cacheable.
  • Image Optimize Auto hook to wp_update_attachment_metadata to automate image gathering process, and to handle the new thumbnail generation after images are uploaded. (smerriman).
  • Image Optimize Repeated image thumbnails won’t be gathered anymore.
  • Image Optimize Simplified the rescan/gather/upload_hook for existing image detection.
  • Image Optimize Fixed the duplicated optimize size records in the postmeta table. (Abe #315)
  • Image Optimize Allow either JSON POST request or normal form request in notify_img. (Lucas #313)
  • Image Optimize Optimized SQL query for better efficiency. (lucas/Lauren)
  • Image Optimize Fixed issue where rescan mass created duplicate images. (#954399)
  • Image Optimize Image optimization pie will not show 100% anymore if there is still a small amount in the unfinished queue.
  • Image Optimize WebP generation defaults to ON for Guest Mode.
  • Image Optimize Priority Line package now can have smaller request interval.
  • ESI Disable ESI when page is not cacheable. (titsmaker)
  • ESI Fixed an issue where Divi was disabling all in edit mode, but couldn’t disable ESI. (Abe)
  • ESI ESI init moved under init hook from plugin_loaded hook.
  • CDN Add basic support for CloudFlare API Tokens (Abe #320)
  • CSS Simplified Font Display Optimization option.
  • CSS Fixed manual cron timeout issue. (jesse Distad)
  • CSS Inline CSS may now use data-no-optimize to be excluded from optimization. (popaionut)
  • JS Combined Load JS Defer and Load Inline JS Defer options.
  • JS Forced async to defer.
  • JS Moved Google Analytics JS from constant default to setting default for removal.
  • JS Fixed potential JS parsing issue caused by JS src being changed to data-src by other plugins. (ankit)
  • JS Excluded spotlight from JS optimize. (tobolo)
  • CCSS Fixed CCSS/UCSS manual cron timeout issue.
  • CCSS Only 10 items will be kept for CCSS history.
  • CCSS The appearance of CCSS Purge in the topbar menu will be determined by the existance of CCSS cache, and not the setting only.
  • CCSS To avoid stuck queues when the current request keeps failing, the CCSS queue will always drop once requested.
  • CCSS CCSS will no longer hide adminbar.
  • CCSS CCSS may now be separate for network subsites. (Joshua)
  • CCSS Gave CCSS a unique filename per URL per user role per subsite.
  • CCSS Dropped Separate CCSS Cache Post Types option.
  • CCSS Dropped Separate CCSS Cache URIs option.
  • CCSS Subsites purge Avatar/CSS/JS/CCSS will not affect the whole network anymore.
  • CCSS Implemented a better queue list for CCSS that auto collapses if there are more than 20 entries, and shows the total on top.
  • CSSJS Now using separate CSS and JS folders instead of cssjs.
  • CSSJS Automatically purge cache after CCSS is generated.
  • Network Dropped network CSS/JS rewrite rules.
  • Cache Send cache tag header whenever adding a tag to make it effective in the page optimization process.
  • Core Used hook for buffer optimization; Used init() instead of constructor.
  • Object Used cls instead of get_instance for init.
  • Cloud Replaced one-time message with a dismissible-only message when the domain key has been automatically cleared due to domain/key dismatch.
  • API Dropped function hook_vary_add().
  • API Dropped function vary_add().
  • API Dropped function filter_vary_cookies().
  • API Dropped function hook_vary().
  • API Dropped action litespeed_vary_add.
  • API Dropped filter litespeed_api_vary.
  • API Use litespeed_vary_curr_cookies and litespeed_vary_cookies for Vary cookie operations instead.
  • API Dropped action litespeed_vary_append.
  • Vary 3rd party vary cookies will not append into .htaccess anymore but only present in response vary header if in use.
  • Vary Dropped function append().
  • Vary Commenter cookie is now considered cacheable.
  • Crawler Minor update to crawler user agent to accommodate mobile_detect.php (Abe #304)
  • Data Added a table truncate function.
  • Data Added new tables url & url_file.
  • Data Dropped cssjs table.
  • Data Options/Summary data is now stored in JSON format to speed up backend visit. (#233250)
  • Data Default CSS Combine External and Inline and JS Combine External and Inline to On for new installations for better compatibility.
  • Purge Fixed potential purge warning for certain themes.
  • Purge Purge will be stored for next valid visit to trigger if it is initially generated by CLI.
  • Page Optimize CSS Combine/JS Combine will now share the same file if the contents are the same. Limited disk usage for better file usage and fewer issues with random string problems.
  • Page Optimize Dropped option CSS/JS Cache TTL.
  • Page Optimize Bypass optimization if page not cacheable.
  • Page Optimize Purge CSS/JS will purge the url_file table too.
  • Page Optimize Optionally store a vary with a shorter value.
  • Page Optimize Removing query strings will no longer affect external assets. (ankit)
  • Page Optimize Better regex for optimization parsing.
  • Page Optimize Eliminated w3 validator for DNS prefetch and duplicated ID errors. (sumit Pandey)
  • Page Optimize New Optimization for Guest Only option under Tuning.
  • Page Optimize Now forbidding external link redirection for localization.
  • Debug Implemented a better debug format for the 2nd parameter in the log.
  • GUI Bypass page score banner when score is not detected (both 0). (ankit)
  • GUI Fixed deprecated JQuery function warning in WP-Admin. (krzxsiek)

3.6.4 – Mar 15 2021

  • Toolbox Fixed Beta Test upgrade error when upgrading to v3.7+.

3.6.3 – Mar 10 2021

  • Core Fixed potential upgrade failure when new versions have changes in activation related functions.
  • Core Upgrade process won’t get deactivated anymore on Network setup.

3.6.2 – Feb 1 2021

  • Page Optimize Fixed an issue where network purge CSS/JS caused 404 errors for subsites.
  • Page Optimize Fixed an issue where purge CSS/JS only caused 404 errors.
  • Page Optimize Added a notice for CSS/JS data detection and potential random string issue.
  • Page Optimize Limited localization resources to specified .js only. (closte #292/ormonk)
  • JS Data src may now be bypassed from JS Combine. (ankit)
  • CLI Fixed a message typo in Purge. (flixwatchsupport)
  • Browser Added font/otf to Browser Cache expire list. (ruikai)
  • Data Updated data files to accept PR from dev branch only.
  • 3rd Add data-view-breakpoint-pointer to js_excludes.txt for the Events Calendar plugin. (therealgilles)
  • Cloud Bypassed invalid requests.
  • Doc CDN Mapping description improvement. (mihai A.)

3.6.1 – Dec 21 2020

  • WP Tested up to WP v5.6.
  • WebP Reverted WebP support on Safari Big Sur and Safari v14.0.1+ due to an inability to detect MacOS versions from UA. (@antomal)
  • CDN Dropped the option Load JQuery Remotely.
  • CDN Fixed CDN URL replacement issue in optimized CSS files. (@ankit)
  • CDN Fixed an issue where CDN CLI wouldn’t set mapping image/CSS/JS to OFF when false was the value.
  • CDN Started using React for CDN Mapping settings.
  • GUI Secured Server IP setting from potential XSS issues. (@WonTae Jang)
  • Toolbox Supported both dev and master branches for Beta Test. Latest version updated to v3.6.1.
  • Purge Purge Pages now can purge non-archive pages too.
  • Admin Simplified the admin JS.
  • Admin Limited crawler-related react JS to crawler page only.

3.6 – Dec 14 2020

  • 🌱WebP Added WebP support on Safari Big Sur or Safari v14.0.1+. (@ruikai)
  • 🐞Config Fixed an issue where new installations were not getting the correct default .htaccess content.
  • Crawler Will auto bypass empty sub-sitemap instead of throwing an exception. (@nanoprobes @Tobolo)
  • Crawler Now using React for Cookie Simulation settings instead of Vue.js. Dropped Vue.js.
  • Crawler Dropped Sitemap Generation (will only use 3rd party sitemap for crawler).
  • CSS Added CSS Combine External and Inline option for backward compatibility. (@lisa)
  • Object Forbid .object-cache.ini visits. (@Tarik)
  • Page Optimize Dropped Remove Comments option to avoid combine error.
  • CSS Added a predefined CSS exclude file data/css_excludes.txt.
  • CSS Excluded Flatsome theme random inline CSS from combine.
  • CSS Excluded WoodMart theme from combine. (@moemauphie)
  • Page Optimize Excluded Newspaper theme dynamic CSS/JS from CSS/JS Combine.
  • CSS Added predefined JS defer excludes list. (@Shivam)
  • JS data-no-defer option now supports inline JS. (@rafaucau)
  • Media Lazyload inline library is now bypassed by JS Combine.
  • Admin Fixed WP-Admin console ID duplicate warnings.
  • Cloud Dropped sync options that have long been unused.
  • CSS Dropped Unique CSS File option (UCSS will always generate unique file, will use whitelist to group post type to one CSS).
  • GUI Dropped Help tab.
  • Toolbox Added 3.5.2 to version list.

3.5.2 – Oct 27 2020

  • CSS CSS Combine is now compatible w/ inline noscript CSS. (@galbaras)
  • GUI Added ability to manually dismiss the JS option reset message in v3.5.1 upgrade process. (#473917)
  • 🐞CSS CSS Excludes setting will no longer lose items beginning w/ #. (@ankit)
  • API New litespeed_media_reset API function for image editing purposes. (@Andro)

3.5.1 – Oct 20 2020

  • JS Inline JS containing nonces can now be combined.
  • JS Reset JS Combine/Defer to OFF when upgrading to avoid breaking sites.
  • JS Added new option JS Combine External and Inline to allow backwards compatibility.
  • JS Added Inline JS Defer option back. (@ankit)
  • Page Optimize Dropped Inline JS Minify option and merged the feature into JS Minify.
  • JS Pre-added jQuery to the default JS excludes/defer list for better layout compatibility for new users.
  • JS Excluded Stripe/PayPal/Google Map from JS optimization. (@FPCSJames)
  • JS Allowed excluded JS to still be HTTP2 pushed. (@joshua)
  • CCSS Critical CSS now can avoid network pollution from other sites. (@ankit)
  • Toolbox Beta Test now displays recent public versions so it is easier to revert to an older version
  • Vary Server environment variable Vary can now be passed to original server from for non-LiteSpeed servers.
  • ESI Improved backward compatibility for ESI nonce list. (@zach E)
  • 🐞Misc Fixed failure of upgrade button on plugin news banner and made cosmetic improvements.
  • Doc Added note that LSCWP works with ClassicPress. – Sep 30 2020

  • This is a temporary revert fix. Code is SAME as v3.4.2. – Sep 29 2020

  • 🔥🐞CSS Fixed print media query issue when having CSS Combine. (@paddy-duncan)

3.5 – Sep 29 2020

  • Page Optimize Refactored CSS/JS optimization.
  • Page Optimize CSS and JS Combine now each save to a single file without memory usage issues.
  • CSS Inline CSS Minify is now a part of CSS Minify, and will respect thr original priorities. (thanks to @galbaras)
  • JS JS Combine now generates a single JS file in the footer. (Special thanks to @ankit)
  • JS JS Combine now combines external JS files, too. (Thanks to @ankit)
  • JS JS Deferred Excludes now uses the original path/filename as keywords instead of the minified path/filename, when JS Minify is enabled.
  • JS JS Combine now combines inline JS, too.
  • JS JS Excludes may now be used for inline JS snippet.
  • Page Optimize Inline CSS Minify and Max Combined File Size retired due to changes listed above.
  • CSS Combined CSS Priority retired due to changes listed above.
  • JS Exclude JQuery, Combined JS Priority, Load Inline JS Deferred, and Inline JS Deferred Excludes retired due to changes listed above.
  • JS Predefined data file data/js_excludes.txt now available for JS Excludes.
  • ESI Predefined data file data/esi.nonces.txt now available for ESI Nonces.
  • ESI Remote Fetch ESI Nonces functionality retired.
  • API Added support for new litespeed_esi_nonces filter.
  • Object Object Cache will not try to reconnect after failure to connect in a single process.
  • CCSS Remote read CSS will add the scheme if it is missing from the URL.
  • CCSS CSS will no longer be prepared for a URL if 404 result is detected.
  • CCSS Fixed most failures caused by third party CSS syntax errors.
  • CCSS Remote read CSS will fix the scheme if the URL doesn’t have it.
  • CCSS Excluded 404 when preparing CSS before request.
  • CCSS Adjusted CCSS timeout from 180 seconds to 30 seconds.
  • Image Optimize Fixed the delete attachment database error that occurred when not using the image optimization service yet.
  • Media Added iOS 14 WebP support.
  • Data Fixed database creation failure for MySQL v8.
  • Cloud Error code err_key will clear the domain key in order to avoid duplicate invalid requests.
  • Network Fixed issue with object cache password file storage that occurred when resaving the settings. (#302358)
  • Misc Fixed IP detect compatibility w/ Apache.
  • GUI Fixed the description for Do Not Cache Categories.
  • Preload Upgraded Instant Click to a new stable preload library. (@stasonua0)

3.4.2 – Sep 8 2020

  • CCSS Corrected the issue that wrongly appended non-CSS files to CSS in links before sending request.
  • 3rd YITH wishlist now sends a combined single sub request for all widgets contained in one page. (LSWS v5.4.9 build 3+ required)
  • ESI Added support for ESI combine feature.
  • GUI Dropped banner notification for missing domain key when domain key is not initialized.
  • Log When QC whitelist check fails, a detailed failure log is now appended.

3.4.1 – Sep 2 2020

  • 🐞CCSS Fixed an issue where dynamically generated CSS failed with TypeError: Cannot read property type of undefined.
  • 🐞Page Optimize Fixed CSS optimization compatibility for CSS dynamically generated with PHP.
  • Page Optimize Added the ability to defer JS even when the resource is excluded from other JS optimizations. (@slr1979)
  • ESI Added support for ESI last paramater inline value.
  • 3rd YITH Wishlist, when cached for the first time, will no longer send sub requests.

3.4 – Aug 26 2020

  • 🌱LQIP New setting LQIP Excludes.
  • 🌱LQIP Added a Clear LQIP Queue button.
  • 🌱CCSS Added a Clear CCSS Queue button.
  • CCSS Fixed an issue which wrongly included preloaded images in CCSS. (@pixtweaks)
  • Network Primary site and subsite settings now display correctly.
  • Page Optimize Noscript tags generated by LSCWP will only be dropped when the corresponding option is enabled. (@ankit)
  • DB Optimize Fixed database optimizer conflicts w/ object cache transient setting. (#752931)
  • 3rd Fixed an issue with WooCommerce product purge when order is placed.
  • 3rd Improved WooCommerce product comment compatibility with WooCommerce Photo Reviews Premium plugin when using ESI.
  • CDN Fixed Remote jQuery compatibility with WordPress v5.5. (@pixtweaks)
  • API New API litespeed_purge_all_object and litespeed_purged_all_object action hooks.

3.3.1 – Aug 12 2020

  • 🌱Page Optimize New option to Remove Noscript Tags. (@phuc88bmt)
  • 🐞LQIP Fixed a critical bug that bypassed all requests in v3.3.
  • LQIP Requests are now bypassed if domain has no credit left.
  • Page Optimize Inline defer will be bypassed if document listener is detected in the code. (@ssurfer)
  • CCSS Print-only styles will no longer be included in Critical CSS.
  • API Added hooks to Purge action to handle file deletions. (@biati)
  • Cloud Plain permalinks are no longer required for use of cloud services.
  • Data Added an access denial to work with OpenLiteSpeed. (@spenweb #PR228)
  • GUI Spelling and grammar adjustments. (@blastoise186 #PR253)

3.3 – Aug 6 2020

  • 🌱Page Optimize Added a new setting, Inline JS Deferred Excludes. (@ankit)
  • Page Optimize CSS/JS Combine/Minify file versions will be differentiated by query string hash instead of new filename to reduce DB/file system storage.
  • Page Optimize Added the ability to use local copies of external JS files for better control over page score impacts.
  • Page Optimize Improved combination of CSS media queries. (@galbaras)
  • Page Optimize Reprioritized Inline JS Defer to be optimized before encoding, for a significantly smaller result.
  • LQIP Detect if the file exists before sending LQIP request to
  • CCSS Sped up CCSS process significantly by sending HTML and CSS in request.
  • CCSS Improvements to mobile CSS support in CCSS.
  • CCSS Minimize CCSS failures by attempting to automatically fix CSS syntax errors.
  • Cloud Domain Key will be deleted after site_not_registered error to avoid endless repeated requests.
  • CDN CDN Original URL will default to WP Site URL if not set. (@ruikai)
  • CLI Global output format --format=json/yaml/dump and --json support in CLI. (@alya1992)
  • CDN Improved handling of non-image CSS url() sources in CDN. (@daniel McD)
  • 🐞CDN Fixed CDN replacement conflict w/ JS/CSS Optimize. (@ankit)
  • Crawler Only reset Crawler waiting queues when crawling begins. (@ruikai)
  • Network Network Enable Cache is no longer reset to ON Use Network Settings in enabled. (@RavanH)
  • 🐞Activation Fixed a PHP warning that appeared during uninstall. (@RavanH)
  • Debug Automatically omit long strings when dumping an array to debug log.
  • Report Subsites report now shows overwritten values along w/ original values. (#52593959)
  • REST Improved WP5.5 REST compatibility. (@oldrup)
  • GUI Server IP setting moved from Crawler menu to General menu.
  • GUI Localize resources moved to Localization tab.
  • Config News option now defaults to ON.

3.2.4 – Jul 8 2020

  • Object New installations no longer get custom data.ini reset, as this could cause lost configuration. (@Eric)
  • ESI Now using svar to load nonces more quickly. (@Lauren)
  • ESI Fixed the conflicts between nonces in inline JS and ESI Nonces when Inline JS Deferred is enabled. (@JesseDistad)
  • 🐞ESI Fixed Fetch Latest Predefined Nonce button.
  • 🐞Cache Fixed an issue where mobile visits were not being cached when Cache Mobile was disabled.
  • CDN Bypass CDN constant LITESPEED_BYPASS_CDN now will apply to all CDN replacements.
  • Router Dropped Router::get_uid() function.
  • Crawler Updated role simulator function for future UCSS usage.
  • GUI Textarea will now automatically adjust the height based on the number of rows input.
  • CLI Fixed an issue that caused WP-Cron to exit when a task errored out. (@DovidLevine @MatthewJohnson)
  • Cloud No longer communcate with when Domain Key is not set and Debug is enabled.
  • Cloud Score banner no longer automatically fetches a new score. (@LucasRolff) – Jun 19 2020

  • 🔥🐞Page Optimize Hotfix for CSS/JS minify/combine. (@jdelgadoesteban @martin_bailey) – Jun 18 2020

  • API New filter litespeed_buffer_before and litespeed_buffer_after. (#PR243 @joejordanbrown)

3.2.3 – Jun 18 2020

  • 🌱Page Optimize Added Unique CSS option for future removal of unused CSS per page. (@moongear)
  • Page Optimize Fixed an issue where Font Optimization could fail when having Load JS Deferred and Load Inline JS Deferred. (#PR241 @joejordanbrown)
  • 🐞Page Optimize Fixed an issue with Font Display Optimization which caused Google Fonts to load incorrectly. (#PR240 @joejordanbrown @haidan)
  • 🐞Network Use Primary Site Configuration setting for network sites now works properly with Object Cache and Browser Cache. (#56175101)
  • API Added filter litespeed_is_from_cloud to detect if the current request is from QC or not. (@lechon)
  • ESI ESI Nonce now can fetch latest list with one click.
  • GUI Updated remaining documentation links & some minor UI tweaks. (@Joshua Reynolds)

3.2.2 – Jun 10 2020

  • 🌱Purge Scheduled Purge URLs now supports wildcard. (#427338)
  • 🌱ESI ESI Nonce supports wildcard match now.
  • Network Use Primary Site Settings now can support Domain Key, and override mechanism improved. (@alican532 #96266273)
  • Cloud Debug mode will now have no interval limit for most cloud requests. (@ruikai)
  • Conf Default Purge Stale to OFF.
  • GUI Purge Stale renamed to Serve Stale.
  • Data Predefined nonce list located in /litespeed-cache/data/esi.nonce.txt. Pull requests welcome.
  • Debug Limited parameter log length.
  • 🐞CDN Fixed an issue where upgrading lost value of CDN switch setting. (#888668)
  • 3rd Caldera Forms ESI Nonce enhancement. (@paconarud16 @marketingsweet)
  • 3rd Elementor now purges correctly after post/page updates.
  • 3rd Disabled Page Optimization features on AMP to avoid webfont JS inject. (@rahulgupta1985)

3.2.1 – Jun 1 2020

  • Cloud LQIP/CCSS rate limit tweaks. (@ianpegg)
  • Admin Improved frontend Admin Bar menu functionality. (#708642)
  • Crawler Fixed an issue where cleaning up a crawler map with a leftover page number would cause a MySQL error. (@saowp)
  • Image Optimize Added WP default thumbnails to image optimization summary list. (@johnny Nguyen)
  • REST Improved REST compatibility w/ WP4.4-. (#767203)
  • GUI Moved Use Primary Site Configuration to General menu. (@joshua)

3.2 – May 27 2020

  • Image Optimize Major improvements in queue management, scalability, and speed. (@LucasRolff)
  • Cloud Implemented a series of communication enhancements. (@Lucas Rolff)
  • Crawler Enhanced PHP 5.3 compatibility. (@JTS-FIN #230)
  • Page Optimize Appended image template in wpDiscuz script into default lazyload image exclude list. (@philipfaster @szmigieldesign)
  • Page Optimize Eliminated the 404 issue for CSS/JS in server environments with missing SCRIPT_URI. (@ankit)
  • Data ENhanced summary data storage typecasting.

3.1 – May 20 2020

  • 🌱Network Added Debug settings to network level when on network.
  • 🐞Purge Network now can purge all.
  • 🐞Network Fixed issue where saving the network primary site settings failed.
  • Network Moved Beta Test to network level when on network.
  • 🐞Cache Fixed issue in admin where new post editor was wrongly cached for non-admin roles. (@TEKFused)
  • 🐞Data Fixed issue with crawler & img_optm table creation failure. (@berdini @piercand)
  • 🐞Core Improved plugin activation compatibility on Windows 10 #224 (@greenphp)
  • Core Improved compatibility for .htaccess path search.
  • Object Catch RedisException. (@elparts)
  • Fixed Script URI issue in 3.0.9 #223 (@aonsyed)
  • Image Optimize Show thumbnail size set list in image optimization summary. (@Johnny Nguyen)
  • Debug Parameters will now be logged.

3.0.9 – May 13 2020

  • Purge Comment cache can be successfully purged now.
  • Data Better MySQL charset support for crawler/image optimize table creation. (@Roshan Jonah)
  • API New hook to fire after Purge All. (@salvatorefresta)
  • Crawler Resolve IP for crawler.
  • Task PHP5.3 Cron compatibility fix.
  • 3rd Elementor edit mode compatibility.
  • Page Optimize Fixed an issue where Purge Stale returned 404 for next visitor on CSS/JS.
  • Page Optimize Fixed the PHP warning when srcset doesn’t have size info inside. (@gvidano)
  • Cloud Fixed the potential PHP warning when applying for the domain key.
  • Core PHP DIR const replacement. (@MathiasReker) – May 4 2020

  • CCSS Bypassed CCSS functionality on frontend when domain key isn’t setup yet.
  • Cloud Fixed WP node redetection bug when node expired. (@Joshua Reynolds)
  • Crawler Fixed an issue where URL is wrongly blacklisted when using ADC. – May 1 2020

  • 🔥🐞3rd Hotfix for WPLister critical error due to v3.0.8.4 changes.
  • Image Optimize Unfinished queue now will get more detailed info to indicate the proceeding status on node.
  • CLI Options can now use true/false as value for bool. (@gavin)
  • CLI Detect error if the ID does not exist when get/set an option value.
  • Doc An API comment typo for litespeed_esi_load- is fixed. – Apr 30 2020

  • 🌱Crawler New setting: Sitemap timeout. (#364607)
  • Image Optimize Images that fail to optimize are now counted to increase next request limit.
  • Cloud Redetect fastest node every 3 days.
  • Cloud Suppressed auto upgrade version detection error. (@marc Dahl)
  • 3rd 3rd party namespace compatibility. (#366352) – Apr 28 2020

  • Cloud Better compatibility for the Link to operation. (@Ronei de Sousa Almeida)
  • Image Optimize Automatically clear invalid image sources before sending requests. (@Richard Hordern) – Apr 27 2020

  • GUI Corrected the Request Domain Key wording. – Apr 27 2020

  • Object Object cache compatibility for upgrade from v2.9.9- versions.

3.0.8 – Apr 27 2020

  • Released v3 on WordPress officially.

3.0.4 – Apr 23 2020

  • Cloud Apply Domain Key now receives error info in next apply action if failed to generate.
  • GUI Apply Domain Key timeout now displays troubleshooting guidance.
  • REST Added /ping and /token to REST GET for easier debug.
  • Cache Dropped advanced-cache.php file detection and usage.

3.0.3 – Apr 21 2020

  • Conf Settings from all options (data ini, defined constant, and forced) will be filtered and cast to expected type.
  • Upgrade CDN mapping and other multiple line settings will now migrate correctly when upgrading from v2 to v3.

3.0.2 – Apr 17 2020

  • GUI More guidance on domain key setting page.
  • Cloud Now Apply Domain Key will append the server IP if it exists in Crawler Server IP setting.

3.0.1 – Apr 16 2020

  • Data Increased timeout for database upgrade related to version upgrade. Display a banner while update in progress.
  • Page Optimize All appended HTML attributes now will use double quotes to reduce the conflicts when the optimized resources are in JS snippets.

3.0 – Apr 15 2020

  • 🌱Media LQIP (Low Quality Image Placeholder).
  • 🌱Page Optimize Load Inline JS Deferred Compatibility Mode. (Special thanks to @joe B – AppsON)
  • 🌱Cloud New API key setting.
  • 🌱ESI New ESI nonce setting.
  • 🌱Media JPG quality control. (@geckomist)
  • 🌱Media Responsive local SVG placeholder.
  • 🌱Discussion Gravatar warmup cron.
  • 🌱DB Table Engine Converter tool. (@johnny Nguyen)
  • 🌱DB Database summary: Autoload size. (@JohnnyNguyen)
  • 🌱DB Database summary: Autoload entries list.
  • 🌱DB Revisions older than. (@thememasterguru)
  • 🌱Cache Forced public cache setting. (#308207)
  • 🌱Crawler New timeout setting to avoid incorrect blacklist addition. (#900171)
  • 🌱Htaccess Frontend & backend .htaccess path customize. (@jon81)
  • 🌱Toolbox Detailed Heartbeat Control (@K9Heaven)
  • 🌱Purge Purge Stale setting.
  • 🌱Page Optimize Font display optimization. (@Joeee)
  • 🌱Page Optimize Google font URL display optimization.
  • 🌱Page Optimize Load Inline JS deferred.
  • 🌱Page Optimize Store gravatar locally. (@zzTaLaNo1zz @JohnnyNguyen)
  • 🌱Page Optimize DNS prefetch control setting.
  • 🌱Page Optimize Lazy Load Image Parent Class Name Excludes. (@pako69)
  • 🌱Page Optimize Lazy load iframe class excludes. (@vnnloser)
  • 🌱Page Optimize Lazy load exclude URIs. (@wordpress_fan1 @aminaz)
  • 🌱GUI New Dashboard and new menus.
  • 🌱Image Optimize Supported GIF WebP optimization. (@Lucas Rolff)
  • 🌱Image Optimize New workflow for image optimization (Gather first, request second).
  • 🌱Image Optimize The return of Rescan.
  • 🌱CLI Get single option cmd.
  • 🌱CLI cmd supported.
  • 🌱CLI CLI can send report now.
  • 🌱Health Page speed and page score now are in dashboard.
  • 🌱Conf Supported consts overwritten of LITESPEED_CONF__ for all settings. (@menathor)
  • 🌱REST New REST TTL setting. (@thekendog)
  • 🌱CDN New setting HTML Attribute To Replace. CDN can now support any HTML attribute to be replaced. (@danushkaj91)
  • 🌱Debug Debug URI includes/excludes setings.
  • 🌱Crawler 🐞 Support for multiple domains in custom sitemap. (@alchem)
  • 🌱Crawler New Crawler dashboard. New sitemap w/ crawler status. New blacklist w/ reason.
  • 🌱Media LQIP minimum dimensions setting. (@Lukasz Szmigiel)
  • Crawler Able to add single rows to blacklist.
  • Crawler Crawler data now saved into database instead of creating new files.
  • Crawler Larger timeout to avoid wrongly added to blacklist.
  • Crawler Manually changed the priority of mobile and WebP. (@rafaucau)
  • Browser Larger Browser Cache TTL for Google Page Score improvement. (@max2348)
  • Task Task refactored. Disabled cron will not show in cron list anymore.
  • Task Speed up task load speed.
  • ESI Added Bloom nonce to ESI for Elegant Themes.
  • Cloud Able to redetect cloud nodes now.
  • Img_optm Fixed stale data in redirected links.
  • Lazyload CSS class litespeed_lazyloaded is now appended to HTML body after lazyload is finished. (@Adam Wilson)
  • Cache Default drop qs values. (@gijo Varghese)
  • LQIP Show all LQIP images in Media column.
  • CDN Can now support custom REST API prefix other than wp-json. (#174 @therealgilles)
  • IAPI Used REST for notify/destroy/check_img; Removed callback passive/aggreesive IAPI func
  • CSSJS Saved all static files to litespeed folder; Uninstallation will remove static cache folder too; Reduced .htaccess rules by serving CSS/JS directly.
  • Object Fixed override different ports issue. (@timofeycom #ISSUE178)
  • Conf DB Tables will now only create when activating/upgrading/changing settings.
  • DB Simplified table operation funcs.
  • CSSJS Bypassed CSS/JS generation to return 404 if file is empty (@grubyy)
  • CSSJS Inline JS defer will not conflict with JS inline optm anymore.
  • CDN settings will not be overwritten by primary settings in network anymore. (@rudi Khoury)
  • OPcache Purged all opcache when updating cache file. (@closte #170)
  • CLI CLI cmd renamed.
  • CLI Well-formated table to show all options.
  • Purge Only purge related posts that have a status of “published” to avoid unnecessary “draft” purges. (@Jakub Knytl)
  • GUI Removed basic/adv mode for settings. Moved non-cache settings to its own menu.
  • Htaccess Protected .htaccess.bk file. Only kept one backup. (@teflonmann)
  • Crawler Crawler cookie now support _null as empty value.
  • Crawler Avoid crawler PHP fatal error on Windows OS. (@technisolutions)
  • Admin Simplified admin setting logic.
  • Conf Multi values settings now uniformed to multi lines for easier setting.
  • Conf New preset default data file data/consts.default.ini.
  • Conf Config setting renamed and uniformed.
  • Conf Dropped Conf::option(). Used Conf::val() instead.
  • Conf Improved conf initialization and upgrade convertion workflow.
  • Core Code base refactored. New namespace LiteSpeed.
  • API New API: iframe lazyload exclude filter.
  • GUI human readable seconds. (@MarkCanada)
  • API API refactored. * NOTE: All 3rd party plugins that are using previous APIs, especially LiteSpeed_Cache_API, need to be adjusted to the latest one. Same for ESI blocks.* ESI shortcode doesn’t change.
  • API New hook litespeed_update_confs to settings update.
  • API New Hooks litespeed_frontend_shortcut and litespeed_backend_shortcut for dropdown menu. (@callaloo)
  • API Removed litespeed_option_* hooks. Use litespeed_force_option hook insteadly
  • API Renamed litespeed_force_option to litespeed_conf_force.
  • API Removed function litespeed_purge_single_post.
  • REST New rest API to fetch public IP.
  • GUI Hiding Cloudflare/Object Cache/Cloud API key credentials. (@menathor)
  • GUI Renamed all backend link tag from lscache to litespeed.
  • GUI fixed duplicated form tag.
  • GUI Fix cron doc link. (@arnab Mohapatra)
  • GUI Frontend adminbar menu added Purge All actions. (@Monarobase)
  • GUI Localized vue.js to avoid CloudFlare cookie. (@politicske)
  • GUI Always show optm column in Media Library for future single row optm operation. (@mikeyhash)
  • GUI Displayed TTL range below the corresponding setting.
  • GUI GUI refactored.
  • Debug Report can now append notes.
  • 3rd Default added parallax-image to webp replacement for BB.
  • 3rd User Switching plugin compatibility. (@robert Staddon)
  • 3rd Beaver Builder plugin compatibility with v3.0.
  • 3rd Avada plugin compatibility w/ BBPress. (@pimg)
  • 3rd WooCommerce PayPal Checkout Gateway compatibility. (#960642 @Glen Cabusas)
  • Network Fixed potential timeout issue when containing a large volume of sites. (@alican532)
  • Debug Disable All Features now will see the warning banner if ON.
  • Debug Dropped log filters section.
  • Debug Debug and Tools sections combined into new Toolbox section.
  • 🐞Crawler Multi sites will now use separate sitemap even when Use Primary Site is ON. (@mrhuynhanh)
  • 🐞Img_optm Fixed large volume image table storage issue. (#328956)
  • 🐞 Cloud Cloud callback hash validation fixed OC conflict. (@pbpiotr)
  • 🎊 Any user that had the contribution to our WP community or changelog (even just bug report/feedback/suggestion) can apply for extra credits in – Nov 24 2019

  • 🌱GUI New settings to limit News Feed to plugin page only. – Nov 18 2019

  • 🌱Env Environment Report can now append a passwordless link for support access without wp-admin password.
  • Admin The latest v3.0 beta test link may now be shown on the admin page when it’s available.
  • 3rd Compatibility with DoLogin Security.
  • 🐞ESI Fixed a failure issue with Vary Group save. (@rafasshop)
  • 🐞3rd In browsers where WebP is not supported, Divi image picker will no longer serve WebP. (@Austin Tinius)

2.9.9 – Oct 28 2019

  • Core: Preload all classes to avoid getting error for upcoming v3.0 upgrade.
  • Object: Improved compatibility with upcoming v3.0 release.
  • ESI: Unlocked ESI for OLS in case OLS is using CDN which supports ESI.
  • 3rd: Elementor Edit button will now show when ESI enabled. (#PR149 #335322 @maxgorky)
  • 🐞Media: Fixed missing Media optimization column when Admin role is excluded from optimization in settings. (@mikeyhash @pako69 @dgilfillan) – Oct 11 2019

  • 3rd: Enhanced WP stateless compatibility. (#PR143)
  • 3rd: Fixed a PHP warning caused by previous PR for AMP. (#PR176) – Sep 24 2019

  • 3rd: Bypassed page optimizations for AMP. (#359748 #PR169)
  • GUI: Firefox compatibility with radio button state when reloading pages. (#288940 #PR162)
  • GUI: Updated Slack invitation link. (#PR173) – Aug 21 2019

  • CCSS: Removed potential PHP notice when getting post_type. (@amcgiffert)
  • CDN: Bypassed CDN replacement on admin page when adding media to page/post. (@martin_bailey)
  • 🐞Media: Fixed inability to update or destroy postmeta data for child images. (#167713) – Jul 25 2019

  • Object: Increased compatibility with phpredis 5.0.
  • Object: Appended wc_session_id to default Do Not Cache Groups setting to avoid issue where WooCommerce cart items were missing when Object Cache is used. NOTE: Existing users must add wc_session_id manually! (#895333)
  • CSS: Added null onload handler for CSS async loading. (@joejordanbrown)
  • 🕷️: Increased crawler timeout to avoid wrongly adding a URL to the blacklist.
  • 3rd: WooCommerce Advanced Bulk Edit can now purge cache automatically. – Jul 9 2019

  • CSS: Enhanced the CSS Minify compatibility for CSS with missing closing bracket syntax errors. (@fa508210020)
  • 🕷️: Crawler now supports both cookie and no-cookie cases. (@tabare)
  • CCSS: Enhanced compatibility with requested pages where meta info size exceeds 8k. (@Joe B)
  • CCSS: No longer processing “font” or “import” directives as they are not considered critical. (@Ankit @Joe B)
  • IAPI: Removed IPv6 from all servers to avoid invalid firewall whitelist. – Jun 17 2019

  • 🔥🐞 3rd: Fixed PHP 5.3 compatibility issue with Facetwp. – Jun 17 2019

  • 3rd: Set ESI template hook priority to highest number to prevent ESI conflict with Enfold theme. (#289354)
  • 3rd: Improved Facetwp reset button compatibility with ESI. (@emilyel)
  • 3rd: Enabled user role change to fix duplicate login issue for plugins that use alternative login processes. (#114165 #717223 @sergiom87)
  • GUI: Wrapped static text with translate function. (@halilemreozen)

2.9.8 – May 22 2019

  • Core: Refactored loading priority so user related functions & optimization features are set after user initialization. (#717223 #114165 #413338)
  • Media: Improved backup file calculation query to prevent out-of-memory issue.
  • Conf: Feed cache now defaults to ON.
  • API: Fully remote attachment compatibility API of image optimization now supported.
  • 🕷️: Bypassed vary change for crawler; crawler can now simulate default vary cookie.
  • ESI: Refactored ESI widget. Removed widget_load_get_options() function.
  • ESI: Changed the input name of widget fields in form.
  • 3rd: Elementor can now save ESI widget settings in frontend builder.
  • 3rd: WP-Stateless compatibility.
  • IAPI: Image optimization can now successfully finish the destroy process with large volume images with automatic continual mode.
  • 🐞CDN: Fixed issue with Load JQuery Remotely setting where WP 5.2.1 provided an unexpected jQuery version.
  • 🐞3rd: Login process now gets the correct role; fixed double login issue. – May 2 2019

  • Conf: Enhanced compatibility when an option is not properly initialized.
  • Conf: Prevent non-array instance in widget from causing 500 error. (#210407)
  • CCSS: Increase CCSS generation timeout to 60s.
  • Media: Renamed lazyload CSS class to avoid conflicts with other plugins. (@DynamoProd)
  • JS: Improved W3 validator. (@istanbulantik)
  • QUIC: Synced cache tag prefix for static files cache.
  • ESI: Restored query strings to ESI admin bar for accurate rendering. (#977284)
  • ESI: Tweaked ESI init priority to honor LITESPEED_DISABLE_ALL const. ESI will now init after plugin loaded.
  • 🐞ESI: No longer initialize ESI if ESI option is OFF.
  • API: New “Disable All” API function.
  • API: New “Force public cache” API function.
  • 🐞Vary: Fixed an issue with saving vary groups.
  • 🐞IAPI: Fixed an issue where image md5 validation failed due to whitespace in the image path.
  • 🐞3rd: Bypass all optimization/ESI/Cache features when entering Divi Theme Builder frontend editor.
  • 🐞3rd: Fixed an issue where DIVI admin bar exit button didn’t work when ESI was ON. – Apr 9 2019

  • Purge: Purge All no longer includes Purge CCSS/Placeholder.
  • 3rd: Divi Theme Builder no longer experiences nonce expiration issues in the contact form widget. (#475461)

2.9.7 – Apr 1 2019

  • 🌱🌱🌱 CDN feature. Now Apache/Nginx can use LiteSpeed cache freely.

2.9.6 – Mar 27 2019

  • 🌱IAPI: Appended XMP to Preserve EXIF data setting. WebP will now honor this setting. (#902219)
  • Object: Fixed SASL connection with LSMCD.
  • ESI: Converted ESI URI parameters to JSON; Added ESI validation.
  • Import: Import/Export will now use JSON format. Please re-export any backed up settings. Previous backup format is no longer recognized.
  • Media: WebP replacement will honor Role Excludes setting now. (@mfazio26)
  • Data: Forbid direct visit to const.default.ini.
  • Utility: Can handle WHM passed in LITESPEED_ERR constant now.
  • IAPI: Communicate via JSON encoding.
  • IAPI: IAPI v2.9.6.

2.9.5 – Mar 14 2019

  • 🌱 Auto convert default WordPress nonce to ESI to avoid expiration.
  • 🌱 API: Ability to easily convert custom nonce to ESI by registering LiteSpeed_Cache_API::nonce_action.
  • OPTM: Tweaked redundant attr data-no-optimize in func _analyse_links to data-ignore-optimize to offer the API to bypass optimization but still move src to top of source code.
  • API: Renamed default nonce ESI ID from lscwp_nonce_esi to nonce.
  • API: Added WebP generation & validation hook API. (@alim #wp-stateless)
  • API: Added hook to bypass vary commenter check. (#wpdiscuz)
  • Doc: Clarified Cache Mobile description. (@JohnnyNguyen)
  • Doc: Replaced incorrect link in description. (@JohnnyNguyen)
  • 3rd: Improved wpDiscuz compatibility.
  • 🐞3rd: Fixed Divi Theme Builder comment compatibility on non-builder pages. (#410919)
  • 3rd: Added YITH ESI adjustment. – Feb 28 2019

  • 🔥🐞Tag: Fixed issue where unnecessary warning potentially displayed after upgrade process when object cache is enabled.

2.9.4 – Feb 27 2019

  • 🐞REST: New REST class with better WP5 Gutenberg and internal REST call support when ESI is embedded.
  • ESI: ESI block ID is now in plain text in ESI URL parameters.
  • 🐞ESI: Fixed a redundant ESI 301 redirect when comma is in ESI URL.
  • ESI: REST call can now parse shortcodes in ESI.
  • API: Changed ESI parse_esi_param() function to private and load_esi_block function to non-static.
  • API: Added litespeed_is_json hook for buffer JSON conversion.
  • GUI: Prepended plugin name to new version notification banner.
  • 3rd: WPML multi domains can now be handled in optimization without CDN tricks.

2.9.3 – Feb 20 2019

  • ESI: ESI shortcodes can now be saved in Gutenberg editor.
  • ESI: ESI now honors the parent page JSON data type to avoid breaking REST calls (LSWS 5.3.6+).
  • ESI: Added is_json parameter support for admin_bar.
  • ESI: Simplified comment form code.
  • 3rd: Better page builder plugin compatibility within AJAX calls.
  • 3rd: Compatibility with FacetWP (LSWS 5.3.6+).
  • 3rd: Compatibility with Beaver Builder.
  • Debug: Added ESI buffer content to log.
  • Tag: Only append blog ID to cache tags when site is part of a network.
  • IAPI: Optimized database query for pulling images.
  • GUI: Added more plugin version checking for better feature compatibility.
  • GUI: Ability to bypass non-critical banners with the file .litespeed_no_banner.
  • Media: Background image WebP replacement now supports quotes around src.

2.9.2 – Feb 5 2019

  • API: Add a hook litespeed_esi_shortcode-* for ESI shortcodes.
  • 3rd: WooCommerce can purge products now when variation stock is changed.
  • 🐞🕷️: Forced HTTP1.1 for crawler due to a CURL HTTP2 bug.

2.9.1 – Jan 25 2019

  • Compatibility: Fixed fatal error for PHP 5.3.
  • Compatibility: Fixed PHP warning in htmlspecialchars when building URLs. (@souljahn2)
  • Media: Excluded invalid image src from lazyload. (@andrew55)
  • Optm: Improved URL compatibility when detecting closest cloud server.
  • ESI: Supported JSON format comment format in ESI with is_json parameter.
  • API: Added filters to CCSS/CSS/JS content. (@lhoucine)
  • 3rd: Improved comment compatibility with Elegant Divi Builder.
  • IAPI: New Europe Image Optimization server (EU5). Please whitelist the new IAPI IP List.
  • GUI: No longer show banners when Disable All in Debug is ON. (@rabbitwordpress)
  • GUI: Fixed button style for RTL languages.
  • GUI: Removed unnecessary translation in report.
  • GUI: Updated readme wiki links.
  • GUI: Fixed pie styles in image optimization page.

2.9 – Dec 31 2018

  • 🌱Media: Lazy Load Image Classname Excludes. (@thinkmedia)
  • 🌱: New EU/AS cloud servers for faster image optimization handling.
  • 🌱: New EU/AS cloud servers for faster CCSS generation.
  • 🌱: New EU/AS cloud servers for faster responsive placeholder generation.
  • 🌱Conf: Ability to set single options via link.
  • 🌱Cache: Ability to add custom TTLs to Force Cache URIs.
  • Purge: Added post type to Purge tags.
  • Purge: Redefined CCSS page types.
  • Core: Using Exception for .htaccess R/W.
  • IAPI: New cloud servers added. Please whitelist the new IAPI IP List.
  • Optm: Trim BOM when detecting if the page is HTML.
  • GUI: Added PageSpeed Score comparison into promotion banner.
  • GUI: Refactored promotion banner logic.
  • GUI: Removed page optimized comment when ESI Silence is requested.
  • GUI: WHM transient changed to option instead of transient when storing.
  • GUI: Appending more descriptions to CDN filetype setting.
  • IAPI: Removed duplicate messages.
  • IAPI: Removed taken_failed/client_pull(duplicated) status.
  • Debug: Environment report no longer generates hash for validation.
  • 3rd: Non-cacheable pages no longer punch ESI holes for Divi compatibility.
  • 🐞Network: Added slashes for mobile rules when activating plugin.
  • 🐞CCSS: Eliminated a PHP notice when appending CCSS.

2.8.1 – Dec 5 2018

  • 🐞🕷️: Fixed an activation warning related to cookie crawler. (@kacper3355 @rastel72)
  • 🐞Media: Replace safely by checking if pulled images is empty or not first. (@Monarobase)
  • 3rd: Shortcode ESI compatibility with Elementor.

2.8 – Nov 30 2018

  • 🌱: ESI shortcodes.
  • 🌱: Mobile crawler.
  • 🌱: Cookie crawler.
  • API: Can now add _litespeed_rm_qs=0 to bypass Remove Query Strings.
  • Optm: Removed error log when minify JS failed.
  • 🐞Core: Fixed a bug that caused network activation PHP warning.
  • Media: Removed canvas checking for WebP to support TOR. (@odeskumair)
  • Media: Eliminated potential image placeholder PHP warning.
  • 3rd: Bypassed Google recaptcha from Remove Query Strings for better compatibility.
  • IAPI: Showed destroy timeout details.
  • Debug: Moved Google Fonts log to advanced level.
  • GUI: Replaced all Learn More links for functions.
  • GUI: Cosmetic updates including Emoji.
  • 🕷️: Removed duplicated data in sitemap and blacklist.

2.7.3 – Nov 26 2018

  • Optm: Improved page render speed with Web Font Loader JS library for Load Google Fonts Asynchronously.
  • Optm: Directly used JS library files in plugin folder instead of short links /min/.
  • Optm: Handled exceptions in JS optimization when meeting badly formatted JS.
  • 3rd: Added Adobe Lightroom support for NextGen Gallery.
  • 3rd: Improved Postman app support for POST JSON requests.
  • IAPI: US3 server IP changed to

2.7.2 – Nov 19 2018

  • 🌱: Auto Upgrade feature.
  • CDN: Bypass CDN for cron to avoid WP jQuery deregister warning.

2.7.1 – Nov 15 2018

  • 🌱CLI: Ability to set CDN mapping by set_option litespeed-cache-cdn_mapping[url][0] https://url.
  • 🌱CDN: Ability to customize default CDN mapping data in default.ini.
  • 🌱API: Default.ini now supports both text-area items and on/off options.
  • Vary: Refactored Vary and related API.
  • Vary: New hook to manipulate vary cookies value.
  • Core: Activation now can generate Object Cache file.
  • Core: Unified Object Cache/rewrite rules generation process across activation/import/reset/CLI.
  • Core: Always hook activation to make activation available through the front end.
  • 🐞IAPI: Fixed a bug where environment report gave incorrect image optimization data.
  • 🐞OLS: Fixed a bug where login cookie kept showing a warning on OpenLiteSpeed.
  • 🐞Core: Fixed a bug where Import/Activation/CLI was missing CDN mapping settings.
  • API: Filters litespeed_cache_media_lazy_img_excludes/litespeed_optm_js_defer_exc passed-in parameter is changed from string to array.

2.7 – Nov 2 2018

  • 🌱: Separate Purge log for better debugging.
  • 3rd: Now fully compatible with WPML.
  • IAPI: Sped up Image Optimization workflow.
  • GUI: Current IP now shows in Debug settings.
  • GUI: Space separated placeholder queue list for better look.
  • IAPI: EU3 server IP changed to – Oct 25 2018

  • 🔥🐞Media: Fixed a bug where the wrong table was used in the Image Optimization process.
  • IAPI: IAPI v2.6.4.1.

2.6.4 – Oct 24 2018

  • 🌱: Ability to create custom default config options per hosting company.
  • 🌱: Ability to generate mobile Critical CSS.
  • 🐞Media: Fixed a bug where Network sites could incorrectly override optimized images.
  • 🐞CDN: Fixed a bug where image URLs containing backslashes were matched.
  • Cache: Added default Mobile UA config setting.
  • GUI: Fixed unknown shortcut characters for non-English languages Setting tabs.

2.6.3 – Oct 18 2018

  • 🌱: Ability to Reset All Options.
  • 🌱CLI: Added new lscache-admin reset_options command.
  • GUI: Added shortcuts for more of the Settings tabs.
  • Media: Updated Lazy Load JS library to the most recent version.
  • There is no longer any need to explicitly Save Settings upon Import.
  • Remove Query String now will remove all query strings in JS/CSS static files.
  • IAPI: Added summary info to debug log.

2.6.2 – Oct 11 2018

  • Setting: Automatically correct invalid numeric values in configuration settings upon submit.
  • 🐞Media: Fixed the issue where iframe lazy load was broken by latest Chrome release. (@ofmarconi)
  • 🐞: Fixed an issue with Multisite where subsites failed to purge when only primary site has WooCommerce . (@kierancalv)

2.6.1 – Oct 4 2018

  • 🌱: Ability to generate separate Critical CSS Cache for Post Types & URIs.
  • API: Filter litespeed_frontend_htaccess for frontend htaccess path.
  • Media: Removed responsive placeholder generation history to save space. – Sep 24 2018

  • 🔥🐞: Fixed an issue in responsive placeholder generation where redundant history data was being saved and using a lot of space.

2.6 – Sep 22 2018

  • Vary: Moved litespeed_cache_api_vary hook outside of OLS condition for .htaccess generation.
  • CDN: Trim spaces in original URL of CDN setting.
  • API: New filter litespeed_option_ to change all options dynamically.
  • API: New LiteSpeed_Cache_API::force_option() to change all options dynamically.
  • API: New LiteSpeed_Cache_API::vary() to set default vary directly for easier compaitiblity with WPML WooCommerce Multilingual.
  • API: New LiteSpeed_Cache_API::nonce() to safely and easily allow caching of wp-nonce.
  • API: New LiteSpeed_Cache_API::hook_vary_add() to add new vary.
  • Optm: Changed HTML/JS/CSS optimization options assignment position from constructor to finalize().
  • Doc: Added nonce to FAQ and mentioned nonce in 3rd Party Compatibility section.
  • GUI: Moved inline minify to under html minify due to the dependency.
  • 3rd: Cached Aelia CurrencySwitcher by default.
  • 🐞: Fixed issue where enabling remote JQuery caused missing jquery-migrate library error.

2.5.1 – Sep 11 2018

  • 🌱 Responsive placeholder. (@szmigieldesign)
  • Changed CSS::ccss_realpath function scope to private.
  • 🐞 Detected JS filetype before optimizing to avoid PHP source conflict. (@closte #50)

2.5 – Sep 6 2018

  • [IMPROVEMENT] CLI can now execute Remove Original Image Backups. (@Shon)
  • [UPDATE] Fixed issue where WP-PostViews documentation contained extra slashes. (#545638)
  • [UPDATE] Check LITESPEED_SERVER_TYPE for more accurate LSCache Disabled messaging.
  • [IAPI] Fixed a bug where optimize/fetch error notification was not being received. (@LucasRolff)

2.4.4 – Aug 31 2018

  • [NEW] CLI can now support image optimization. (@Shon)
  • [IMPROVEMENT] GUI Cron/CLI will not create admin message anymore.
  • [UPDATE] Media Fixed a PHP notice that appeared when pulling optimized images.
  • [UPDATE] Fixed a PHP notice when detecting origin of ajax call. (@iosoft)
  • [DEBUG] Debug log can now log referer URL.
  • [DEBUG] Changes to options will now be logged.

2.4.3 – Aug 27 2018

  • [NEW] Media Ability to inline image lazyload JS library. (@Music47ell)
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Media Deleting images will now clear related optimization file & info too.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Media Non-image postfix data will now be bypassed before sending image optimization request.
  • [BUGFIX] CDN CDN URL will no longer be replaced during admin ajax call. (@pankaj)
  • [BUGFIX] CLI WPCLI can now save options without incorrectly clearing textarea items. (@Shon)
  • [GUI] Moved Settings above Manage on the main menu.

2.4.2 – Aug 21 2018

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Media Sped up Image Optimization process by replacing IAPI server pull communication.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Media Ability to delete optimized WebP/original image by item in Media Library. (@redgoodapple)
  • [IMPROVEMENT] CSS Optimize Generate new optimized CSS name based on purge timestamp. Allows CSS cache to be cleared for visitors. (@bradbrownmagic)
  • [IMPROVEMENT] API added litespeed_img_optm_options_per_image. (@gintsg)
  • [UPDATE] Stopped showing “No Image Found” message when all images have finished optimization. (@knutsp)
  • [UPDATE] Improved a PHP warning when saving settings. (@sergialarconrecio)
  • [UPDATE] Changed backend adminbar icon default behavior from Purge All to Purge LSCache.
  • [UPDATE] Clearing CCSS cache will clear unfinished queue too.
  • [UPDATE] Added “$” exact match when adding URL by frontend adminbar dropdown menu, to avoid affecting any sub-URLs.
  • [UPDATE] Fixed IAPI error message showing array bug. (@thiomas)
  • [UPDATE] Debug Disable All will do a Purge All.
  • [UPDATE] Critical CSS server IP changed to
  • [GUI] Showed plugin update link for IAPI version message.
  • [GUI] Bypassed null IAPI response message.
  • [GUI] Grouped related settings with indent.
  • [IAPI] Added 503 handler for IAPI response.
  • [IAPI] IAPI v2.4.2.
  • [IAPI] Center Server IP Changed from to

2.4.1 – Jul 19 2018

  • [NEW FEATURE] Media Auto Level Up. Auto refill credit.
  • [NEW FEATURE] Media Auto delete original backups after pulled. (@borisov87 @JMCA2)
  • [NEW FEATURE] Media Auto request image optimization. (@ericsondr)
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Media Fetch 404 error will notify client as other errors.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Media Support WebP for PageSpeed Insights. (@LucasRolff)
  • [BUGFIX] CLI Fixed the issue where CLI import/export caused certain textarea settings to be lost. (#767519)
  • [BUGFIX] CSS Optimize Fixed the issue that duplicated optimized CSS and caused rapid expansion of CSS cache folder.
  • [GUI] Media Refactored operation workflow and interface.
  • [UPDATE] Media Set timeout seconds to avoid pulling timeout. (@Jose)
  • [UPDATE] CDNFixed the notice when no path is in URL. (@sabitkamera)
  • [UPDATE] Media Auto correct credits when pulling.
  • [UPDATE] GUI Removed redundant double quote in gui.cls. (@DaveyJake)
  • [IAPI] IAPI v2.4.1.
  • [IAPI] Allow new error status notification and success message from IAPI.

2.4 – Jul 2 2018

  • [NEW FEATURE] Media Added lossless optimization.
  • [NEW FEATURE] Media Added Request Orignal Images ON/OFF.
  • [NEW FEATURE] Media Added Request WebP ON/OFF. (@JMCA2)
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Media Improved optimization tools to archive maximum compression and score.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Media Improved speed of image pull.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Media Automatically recover credit after pulled.
  • [REFACTOR] Config Separated configure const class.
  • [BUGFIX] Report Report can be sent successfully with emoji now. (@music47ell)
  • [IAPI] New Europe Image Optimization server (EU3/EU4).
  • [IAPI] New America Image Optimization server (US3/US4/US5/US6).
  • [IAPI] New Asian Image Optimization server (AS3).
  • [IAPI] Refactored optimization process.
  • [IAPI] Increased credit limit.
  • [IAPI] Removed request interval limit.
  • [IAPI] IAPI v2.4.
  • We strongly recommended that you re-optimize your image library to get a better compression result.

2.3.1 – Jun 18 2018

  • [IMPROVEMENT] New setting to disable Generate Critical CSS. (@cybmeta)
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Added filter to can_cdn/can_optm check. (@Jacob)
  • [UPDATE] Critical CSS Added 404 css. Limit cron interval.
  • [UPDATE] AJAX will not bypass CDN anymore by default. (@Jacob)
  • [GUI] Show Disable All Features warning if it is on in Debug tab.

2.3 – Jun 13 2018

  • [NEW FEATURE] Automatically generate critical CSS. (@joeee @ivan_ivanov @3dseo)
  • [BUGFIX] “Mark this page as…” from dropdown menu will not reset settings anymore. (@cbratschi)

2.2.7 – Jun 4 2018

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Improved redirection for manual image pull to avoid too many redirections warning.
  • [IAPI] Increased credit limit.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed 503 error when enabling log filters in Debug tab. (#525206)
  • [UPDATE] Improve compatibility when using sitemap url on servers with allow_url_open off.
  • [UPDATE] Removed Crawler HTTP2 option due to causing no-cache blacklist issue for certain environments.
  • [UPDATE] Privacy policy can be now translated. (@Josemi)
  • [UPDATE] IAPI Increased default img request max to 3000.

2.2.6 – May 24 2018

  • [NEW FEATURE] Original image backups can be removed now. (@borisov87 @JMCA2)
  • [BUGFIX] Role Excludes in Tuning tab can save now. (@pako69)
  • [UPDATE] Added privacy policy support.

2.2.5 – May 14 2018

  • [IAPI] Image Optimization New Asian Image Optimization server (AS2).
  • [INTEGRATION] Removed wpForo 3rd party file. (@massimod)

2.2.4 – May 7 2018

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Improved compatibility with themes using the same js_min library. (#129093 @Darren)
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed a bug when checking image path for dynamic files. (@miladk)
  • [INTEGRATION] Compatibility with Universal Star Rating. (@miladk)

2.2.3 – Apr 27 2018

  • [NEW FEATURE] WebP For Extra srcset setting in Media tab. (@vengen)
  • [REFACTOR] Removed redundant LS consts.
  • [REFACTOR] Refactored adv_cache generation flow.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed issue where inline JS minify exception caused a blank page. (@oomskaap @kenb1978)
  • [UPDATE] Changed HTTP/2 Crawl default value to OFF.
  • [UPDATE] Added to default WebP replacement value for WooCommerce WebP support.
  • [UPDATE] Detached crawler from LSCache LITESPEED_ON status.
  • [API] Improved ESI API to honor the cache control in ESI wrapper.
  • [API] Added LITESPEED_PURGE_SILENT const to bypass the notification when purging
  • [INTEGRATION] Fixed issue with nonce expiration when using ESI API. (#923505 @Dan)
  • [INTEGRATION] Improved compatibility with Ninja Forms by bypassing non-javascript JS from inline JS minify.
  • [INTEGRATION] Added a hook for plugins that change the CSS/JS path e.g. Hide My WordPress.

2.2.2 – Apr 16 2018

  • [NEW FEATURE] WebP Attribute To Replace setting in Media tab. (@vengen)
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Generate adv_cache file automatically when it is lost.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Improved compatibility with ajax login. (@veganostomy)
  • [UPDATE] Added object cache lib check in case user downgrades LSCWP to non-object-cache versions.
  • [UPDATE] Avoided infinite loop when users enter invalid hook values in Purge All Hooks settings.
  • [UPDATE] Updated log format in media&cdn class.
  • [UPDATE] Added more items to Report.

2.2.1 – Apr 10 2018

  • [NEW FEATURE] Included Directories setting in CDN tab. (@Dave)
  • [NEW FEATURE] Purge All Hooks setting in Advanced tab.
  • [UPDATE] Added background-image WebP replacement support. (@vengen)
  • [UPDATE] Show recommended values for textarea items in settings.
  • [UPDATE] Moved CSS/JS optimizer log to Advanced level.
  • [INTEGRATION] Added WebP support for Avada Fusion Sliders. (@vengen) – Apr 3 2018

  • [HOTFIX] Object Cache Fixed the PHP warning caused by previous improvement to Object Cache. – Apr 3 2018

  • [HOTFIX] Object parameter will no longer cause warnings to be logged for Purge and Cache classes. (@kelltech @khrifat)
  • [UPDATE] Removed duplicated del_file func from Object Cache class.
  • [BUGFIX] CLI no longer shows 400 error upon successful result.

2.2 – Apr 2 2018

  • [NEW FEATURE] Debug Disable All Features setting in Debug tab. (@monarobase)
  • [NEW FEATURE] Cache Force Cacheable URIs setting in Excludes tab.
  • [NEW FEATURE] Purge Purge all LSCache and other caches in one link.
  • [REFACTOR] Purge Refactored Purge class.
  • [BUGFIX] Query strings in DoNotCacheURI setting now works.
  • [BUGFIX] Cache Mobile cache compatibility with WebP vary. (@Shivam #987121)
  • [UPDATE] Purge Moved purge_all to Purge class from core class.
  • [API] Set cacheable/Set force cacheable. (@Jacob)

2.1.2 – Mar 28 2018

  • [NEW FEATURE] Image Optimization Clean Up Unfinished Data feature.
  • [IAPI] IAPI v2.1.2.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] CSS/JS Minify Reduced loading time significantly by improving CSS/JS minify loading process. (@kokers)
  • [IMPROVEMENT] CSS/JS Minify Cache empty JS Minify content. (@kokers)
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Cache Cache 301 redirect when scheme/host are same.
  • [BUGFIX] Media Lazy load now can support WebP. (@relle)
  • [UPDATE] CSS/JS Optimize Serve static files for CSS async & lazy load JS library.
  • [UPDATE] Report Appended Basic/Advanced View setting to Report.
  • [UPDATE] CSS/JS Minify Removed zero-width space from CSS/JS content.
  • [GUI] Added Purge CSS/JS Cache link in Admin. – Mar 21 2018

  • [BUGFIX] Fixed issue where activation failed to add rules to .htaccess.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed issue where 304 header was blank on feed page refresh.

2.1.1 – Mar 20 2018

  • [NEW FEATURE] Browser Cache Unlocked for non-LiteSpeed users.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Image Optimization Fixed issue where images with bad postmeta value continued to show in not-yet-requested queue.

2.1 – Mar 15 2018

  • [NEW FEATURE] Image Optimization Unlocked for non-LiteSpeed users.
  • [NEW FEATURE] Object Cache Unlocked for non-LiteSpeed users.
  • [NEW FEATURE] Crawler Unlocked for non-LiteSpeed users.
  • [NEW FEATURE] 数据库清理和优化 Unlocked for non-LiteSpeed users.
  • [NEW FEATURE] Lazy Load Images Unlocked for non-LiteSpeed users.
  • [NEW FEATURE] CSS/JS/HTML Minify/Combine Optimize Unlocked for non-LiteSpeed users.
  • [IAPI] IAPI v2.0.
  • [IAPI] Increased max rows prefetch when client has additional credit.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] CDN Multiple domains may now be used.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Report Added WP environment constants for better debugging.
  • [REFACTOR] Separated Cloudflare CDN class.
  • [BUGFIX] Image Optimization Fixed issue where certain MySQL version failed to create img_optm table. (@philippwidmer)
  • [BUGFIX] Image Optimization Fixed issue where callback validation failed when pulling and sending request simultaneously.
  • [GUI] Added Slack community banner.
  • [INTEGRATION] CDN compatibility with WPML multiple domains. (@egemensarica)

2.0 – Mar 7 2018

  • [NEW FEATURE] Image Optimization Added level up guidance.
  • [REFACTOR] Image Optimization Refactored Image Optimization class.
  • [IAPI] Image Optimization New European Image Optimization server (EU2).
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Image Optimization Manual pull action continues pulling until complete.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] CDN Multiple CDNs can now be randomized for a single resource.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Image Optimization Improved compatibility of long src images.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Image Optimization Reduced runtime load.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Image Optimization Avoid potential loss/reset of notified images status when pulling.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Image Optimization Avoid duplicated optimization for multiple records in Media that have the same image source.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Image Optimization Fixed issue where phantom images continued to show in not-yet-requested queue.
  • [BUGFIX] Core Improved compatibility when upgrading outside of WP Admin. (@jikatal @TylorB)
  • [BUGFIX] Crawler Improved HTTP/2 compatibility to avoid erroneous blacklisting.
  • [BUGFIX] Crawler Changing Delay setting will use server variable for min value validation if set.
  • [UPDATE] Crawler Added HTTP/2 protocol switch in the Crawler settings.
  • [UPDATE] Removed unnecessary translation strings.
  • [GUI] Display translated role group name string instead of English values. (@Richard Hordern)
  • [GUI] Added Join LiteSpeed Slack link.
  • [GUI] Import / Export Cosmetic changes to Import Settings file field.
  • [INTEGRATION] Improved compatibility with WPML Media for Image Optimization. (@szmigieldesign) – February 20 2018

  • [补丁] 当无角色模拟设定时移除了空爬虫。

1.9.1 – February 20 2018

  • [新功能] 角色模拟爬虫。
  • [新功能] WebP多爬虫。
  • [新功能] HTTP/2 爬虫支持。
  • [补丁] 修正了当开启缓存手机时自动完成手机用户代理的问题。
  • [补丁] 修正了激活时的常量未定义错误。
  • [界面] 当自定义站点地图使用时,站点地图生成设定不再隐藏。

1.9 – February 12 2018

  • [新功能] 内嵌 CSS/JS 最小化。
  • [改进] 去掉了 Composer vendor 以瘦身。
  • [更新] 调整 H2 为 H1 在管理界面中。 (@steverep)
  • [界面] 基本视图中增加了手机用户代理设定。
  • [界面] 移动对象缓存和浏览器缓存到高级选项卡。
  • [界面] 移动LSCache清除从管理员条到下拉菜单中。

1.8.3 – February 2 2018

  • [新功能] 爬虫服务器变量限定。
  • [改进] 增加了存储Transients选项以修复transient在对象缓存中丢失的问题。
  • [改进] 调整了 ARIA 支持。 (@steverep)
  • [改进] 使用 strpos 代替 strncmp 以得到更好性能。 (@Zach E)
  • [补丁] Transient缓存现在可以移除了。
  • [补丁] 站点网络现在可以保存高级设定了。
  • [补丁] 媒体列表现在可以显示在网络站点中了。
  • [补丁] 显示爬虫状态按钮现在可以使用了。
  • [更新] 修正了一些在网络站点选项卡和vary群组未设置时的PHP警告。
  • [界面] 设置页面中增加了了解更多的链接。

1.8.2 – January 29 2018

  • [新功能] 高级选项卡中的即时点击。
  • [新功能] 导入导出设定。
  • [新功能] Opcode缓存支持。
  • [新功能] 基本和高级设定视图。
  • [改进] 小部件设定中增加了ARIA支持。
  • [补丁] 多WordPress实例使用同一对象缓存地址现在不会再交叉数据了。
  • [补丁] WebP替换可在站点网络级别设定了。
  • [补丁] 对象缓存现在可以在站点网络级别卸载时移除了。

1.8.1 – January 22 2018

  • [新功能] 对象缓存增加支持Redis。
  • [改进] Mmecached对象缓存现在可以支持授权模式。
  • [改进] 当对象缓存未安装相应的PHP扩展时不再显示500错误。
  • [补丁] 对象缓存现在可以在站点网络保存。
  • [补丁] 必用插件现在可以支持站点网络设定。
  • [补丁] 修正了管理员条显示错误的编辑页面链接。
  • [更新] 移除了当没有Memcached服务器的时候的警告信息。

1.8 – January 17 2018

  • [新功能] 对象缓存。
  • [重构] 重构了日志类。
  • [重构] 重构了LSCWP的基本常量初始化。
  • [补丁] 修正了Cloudflare域名搜索在超过50个域名的账户下出错的问题。
  • [更新] 过滤器记录设定现在使用单独的表项目存储。

1.7.2 – January 5 2018

  • [新功能] Cloudflare API支持。
  • [改进] IAPI秘钥现在当域名更改时可以被重置。
  • [补丁] 修正了JS优化器导致特定插件js出错的问题。
  • [更新] 增加了cdn设定到环境报告。
  • [界面] 增加了更多的后台管理员条快捷键。
  • [扩展] WooCommerce访客现在如果购物车为空时可以使用公开缓存。 – December 29 2017

  • [补丁] 修正了在保存多行DNS预读取设定时产生的额外末尾下划线。
  • [更新] 清理了无用的依赖库文件。

1.7.1 – December 28 2017

  • [新功能] 在优化选项卡中增加了DNS预读取的设定。
  • [新功能] 在调整选项卡中增加了合并文件最大值设定。
  • [改进] 改进了JS/CSS最小化以得到更高的页面评分。
  • [改进] 优化JS/CSS文件在OLS或者ESI关闭时将不再储存为私有缓存。
  • [更新] 修正了新安装WordPress在设定页面可能看到警告的问题。
  • [更新] 修正了游客偶尔看到PHP警告的问题。
  • [补丁] 修正了改进HTTPS兼容设定保存失败的bug。
  • 感谢所有用户对我们的支持和鼓励!新年快乐!
  • 2018,我们回来了!

1.7 – December 22 2017

  • [新功能] 缓存时丢弃 Query String的选项。
  • [新功能] 多CDN路由设定。
  • [改进] 在高级选项卡中改进HTTP/HTTPS兼容性的设定。
  • [改进] 当在设置中排除JS/CSS时保持其HTML中的原始位置。
  • [IAPI] 在图片优化数据被销毁时重置用户等级和点数。
  • [重构] 重构了在 admin_display 类中的 build_input/textarea 函数。
  • [重构] 重构了CDN类。
  • [外观] 增加了图片优化和抓取页面中如果缓存被禁用的提示。
  • [外观] 改进了媒体列表中的图片优化指示器。

1.6.7 – December 15 2017

  • [IAPI] 增加了扫描新图片缩略图尺寸并自动发送图片请求的功能。
  • [IAPI] 增加了销毁全部优化数据的功能。
  • [IAPI] 升级了IAPI到v1.6.7。
  • [整合] 修正了特定的第三方插件调用REST时不携带用户信息导致的登录用户看到访客缓存的问题。 – December 8 2017

  • [IAPI] 限制第一次提交的新用户只能提交一组照片以做测试运行。
  • [补丁] 修正了Vary群组生成时同自定义用户组的插件兼容问题。
  • [补丁] 修正了当关闭ESI时WooCommerce登录用户被错误的清除缓存的问题。
  • [补丁] 修正了关闭ESI时WooCommerce缓存丢失的问题。

1.6.6 – December 6 2017

  • [新功能] 保留EXIF信息选项。
  • [新功能] Debug日志查看器中的清空日志按钮。
  • [IAPI] 修正了当取回时已通知图片被重置的问题。
  • [IAPI] 修正了图片优化初始化时的HTTPS兼容。
  • [IAPI] 当图片优化请求提交时如果点数不够现在可以显示一个错误信息。
  • [IAPI] IAPI v1.6.6.
  • [改进] 支持JS的data-no-optimize属性以跳过优化。
  • [界面] 新增图片群组的维基链接。
  • [兼容] 改进了和Login With Ajax的兼容性。
  • [兼容] 增加了WooCommerce的定义检查以避免500错误。 – December 1 2017

  • [补丁] 修正了在修改 .htaccess 页面上的警告信息。

1.6.5 – November 30 2017

  • [IAPI] 手工取回图片优化的功能按钮。
  • [IAPI] 图片优化的自动点数系统,以跳过未完成图片优化的错误。
  • [IAPI] 从 LiteSpeed 图片服务器通知优化失败的图片。
  • [IAPI] 重置/清空失败的图片功能。
  • [IAPI] 从新设计了报告页面。
  • [重构] 将取回已优化图片的逻辑从 admin_api 移至 media。
  • [补丁] 修正了当allow_url_open设置为off时的图片优化取回兼容性问题。
  • [补丁] 修正了登录用户有时会看到访客缓存的问题。
  • [更新] 环境报告不再保存成文件。
  • [更新] 移除了爬虫重置提醒信息。
  • [界面] 增加了更多图片优化的细节信息。
  • [界面] 移除了管理员菜单上的信息页面。
  • [界面] 将环境报告从多站点的主网络设定移至单个站点设定。
  • [界面] 爬虫时间显示人性化。
  • [兼容] 改善了同 FacetWP 的 json 请求的兼容。

1.6.4 – November 22 2017

  • [新功能] 单独发送环境报告并自动生成报告号码功能。
  • [IAPI] 增加了请求超时时间以修正cUrl 28 超时问题。
  • [补丁] 修正了TTL最大值检测的错误。
  • [整合] 改进了已登录用户的 Contact Form 7 的 REST 请求兼容性。
  • 感谢您的评分。这回鼓励我们更加努力。感恩节快乐。

1.6.3 – November 17 2017

  • [新功能] 只同步Google字体的选项。
  • [新功能] 优化时只创建WebP图片的选项。
  • [新功能] 在图片优化中批量切合图片到原始版本活优化后版本的功能。
  • [新功能] 浏览器缓存选项。
  • [新功能] 缓存WooCommerce购物车的选项。
  • [改进] 移动已优化的 JS/CSS 代码到HTML头部的的meta charset之后。
  • [改进] 增加了一个常量以提高当WordPress安装在不同文件夹时JS/CSS优化的兼容性。
  • [IAPI] 验证失败的回调请求现在将被接管而不被跳过。
  • [IAPI] 图片优化请求限制为单次500个图片。
  • [补丁] 修正了HTML元素属性值含有 – 时解析失败的错误。
  • [补丁] 修正了当未启用合并时 non-script 代码被移动到页面顶端的错误。
  • [更新] 新增站外链接检测的详细日志。
  • [更新] 页尾的注释新增新换行以避免当启用HTML最小化时Firefox的崩溃。
  • [API] 私有清除 / 清除全部私有 / 新增私有标签 等功能。
  • [界面] 从新设计了媒体图片列表中的图片优化操作按钮。
  • [界面] 调整了后台保存按钮的位置。
  • [界面] 在图片优化里新增了“了解更多”链接。 – November 6 2017

  • [整合] 改进了和旧版本的WooCommerce的兼容性以避免500错误。
  • [补丁] 修正了WebP图片有时会显示在不支持它的浏览器中的问题。
  • [补丁] 推送HTTP/2时保持Query String以避免重复抓取已推送源文件的问题。
  • [补丁] 从HTTP/2推送中排除使用CDN的 JS/CSS。
  • [界面] 修正了媒体列表页面的笔误。
  • [界面] 将图片优化页面字串做成可翻译。
  • [界面] 更新了调整选项卡的描述以包含API文档。

1.6.2 – November 3 2017

  • [新功能] 不缓存角色。
  • [新功能] 对支持WebP的浏览器显示WebP文件。
  • [新功能] 在媒体选项卡中禁用优化抓取的切合。
  • [新功能] 在媒体列表中重置图片优化功能。
  • [新功能] 在媒体列表中禁用/启用图片的WebP功能。
  • [IAPI] 限制优化图片抓取任务为单线程。
  • [IAPI] 升级了 IAPI 到 v1.6.2。
  • [IAPI] 新增本地图片的错误状态以修正重复图片请求的问题。
  • [重构] 重构了登录的vary逻辑。

1.6.1 – October 29 2017

  • [IAPI] 升级了LiteSpeed图片优化服务器的API到v1.6.1。

1.6 – October 27 2017

  • [新功能] 图片优化。
  • [新功能] 优化功能的角色排除。
  • [新功能] 合并的CSS/JS优先级。
  • [改进] 登录注册页面跳过CDN。
  • [更新] 扩展了ExpiresByType的规则,增加新的字体类型(感谢JMCA2)
  • [更新] 移除了管理员操作链接中重复的type参数。
  • [补丁] 修正了CDN错误替换图片的base64和假的JS src的问题。
  • [补丁] 修正了图片延迟加载时替换base64源代码的问题。
  • [补丁] 修正了Optimize类的异常检测的一个笔误。
  • [界面] 后台设定界面上新增调整选项卡。
  • [重构] 通过减少action增加type来简化路由。
  • [重构] 在缓冲进程中重命名 run()finalize()

1.5 – October 17 2017

  • [新功能] 排除 JQuery 以修复当使用JS整合时的内文JS错误。
  • [新功能] 远程加载JQuery。
  • [新功能] JS延迟加载排除。
  • [新功能] 延迟加载图片排除。
  • [新功能] 延迟加载图片占位符。
  • [改进] 为w3c检测器改进了lazy load的size属性。
  • [更新] 增加基本的缓存信息和LSCWP版本信息到html评论中。
  • [更新] 增加了debug日志到html检测中。
  • [补丁] 修正了使用CDN时潜在的字体CORS跨域问题。
  • [界面] 在设定描述中增加了API文档。
  • [重构] 重定位所有includes下面的类,并做了向下兼容处理。
  • [重构] 重定位管理界面模版。

1.4 – October 11 2017

  • [新功能] 延迟加载图片和框架。
  • [新功能] 在数据库优化界面上的清理CSS/JS优化数据功能。
  • [新功能] 从优化器中排除特定URI。
  • [改进]改进了优化器的HTML检测兼容性以避免和ESI功能的冲突。
  • [改进] 新增在匹配设定中匹配路径以 ^ 开始的功能。
  • [改进] 新增CDN原始URL的通配符支持。
  • [改进] 将优化器数据表初始化挪至管理员设定面板并给予失败警告。
  • [更新] 新增一次性的欢迎横幅。
  • [给你关心] 部分重定位类: ‘api’。
  • [API] 新增移除包含 HTML 输出的上下标签的API。
  • [兼容] 修正 WooCommerce 和优化器之间的冲突。
  • [兼容] 私有缓存支持WooCommerce v3.2.0+。
  • [界面] 新增不优化菜单到前台。 – October 6 2017

  • [补丁] 改进了优化器数据表的创建过程以避免css/js最小化/整合失败。

1.3.1 – October 5 2017

  • [新功能] 移除WP表情包功能。
  • [改进] 从wp_options表分离了优化器数据以提高和备份插件的兼容。
  • [改进] 增强了爬虫任务钩子以避免某些情况会丢失任务。
  • [改进] 增强了移除Query String功能以移除表情的Query String。
  • [改进] 增强了当额外的空格存在于开头时的HTML检测。
  • [更新] 新增OLS私有缓存支持。
  • [补丁] 跳转向自己的页面不再缓存。
  • [补丁] 修订css异步加载类在 HTTP/2 push的错误。

1.3 – October 1 2017

  • [新功能] 增加浏览器缓存支持。
  • [新功能] 增加移除 Query String 支持。
  • [新功能] 增加移除Google字体支持。
  • [新功能] 增加异步加载CSS支持。
  • [新功能] 增加异步加载JS支持。
  • [新功能] 增加特定CSS规则支持。
  • [新功能] 增加私有缓存URI支持。
  • [新功能] 增加不缓存 Query String支持。
  • [新功能] 增加了前台管理员条的快捷方式(清除本页/不缓存/私有缓存)。
  • [改进] 不缓存URI设定现可支持完整的URL。
  • [改进] 改善了不缓存设定的性能。
  • [改进] 加密Vary Cookie。
  • [改进] 增强了HTML优化。
  • [改进] 限制合并文件的大小以避免出现高内存使用。
  • [改进] CDN支持媒体文件的自定义上传路径。
  • [API] 新增清除单个文章 API。
  • [API] 新增版本对比 API。
  • [API] 增强了给第三方插件用的ESI的API。
  • [兼容] 同 NextGEN Gallery v2.2.14的兼容性。
  • [兼容] 和Caldera Forms v1.5.6.2+的兼容。
  • [补丁] 修正了CDN和最小化同css链接的兼容性。
  • [补丁] 修正了即使没有变化.htaccess仍被重新生成的问题。
  • [补丁] 修正了子文件夹安装WP时CDN路径错误。
  • [补丁] 修正爬虫路径在子文件夹安装不同的站点URL和实际文件夹的WP实例时的路径错误。
  • [补丁] 修正潜在的优化器生成冗余JS代码的bug。
  • [界面] 新增在管理设定界面上更容易操作的保存按钮。
  • [界面] 管理员界面美化。
  • [界面] 重整了界面的css/img文件夹结构。
  • [重构] 重构配置初始化逻辑。
  • [重构] 重构管理设定保存逻辑。
  • [重构] 重构了.htaccess操作符和重写规则的生成。 – September 20 2017

  • [更新] 改进 PHP5.3 兼容。

1.2.3 – September 20 2017

  • [新功能] 新增CDN支持。
  • [改进] 改进了升级时一个致命错误的兼容性。
  • [改进] 增加了对自定义wp-content路径的支持。
  • [补丁] 修正了非首选网络博客不能最小化的问题。
  • [补丁] 修正HTML最小化导致Facebook不能解析og标签的问题。
  • [补丁] 预览页面将不再缓存。
  • [补丁] 修正日志和爬虫中时区以使其匹配WP时区。
  • [界面] 翻新插件 GUI。

1.2.2 – September 15 2017

  • [新功能] 新增 CSS/JS 最小化。
  • [新功能] 新增 CSS/JS 合并。
  • [新功能] 新增 CSS/JS HTTP/2 服务器推送。
  • [新功能] 新增HTML最小化。
  • [新功能] 管理界面上新增了CSS/JS缓存清除按钮。
  • [更新] 改进了debug日志格式。
  • [更新] 修正了描述笔误。

1.2.1 – September 7 2017

  • [新功能] 增加了数据库优化器。
  • [新功能] 增加了前后选项卡的快捷键。
  • [改进] 在管理页面中增加了缓存禁用的检查。
  • [改进] 重命名了.htaccess备份文件以提高安全。
  • [补丁] 修正了WooCommerce默认ESI设置的错误。
  • [重构] 在OLS中也显示ESI页面。
  • [重构] 管理清除界面更新。 – September 1 2017

  • [补丁] 修正了网络变量ON2的命名错误。

1.2.0 – September 1 2017

  • [新功能] 新增了ESI支持。
  • [新功能] 增加了私有缓存的TTL设置。
  • [新功能] Debug等级现可调整为基本或高级。
  • [重构] 在config类中重命名了常量NOTSET为ON2。

1.1.6 – August 23 2017

  • [新功能] 增加了登录用户私有缓存的功能。
  • [新功能] 增加了设定评论者的私有缓存功能。
  • [新功能] 增加了缓存WordPress REST API请求的缓存功能。
  • [补丁] 修正了网络第三方全页面缓存探测的bug。
  • [外观] 设定中新的缓存和清除菜单。 – August 16 2017

  • [改进] 改进了当站点地址和安装地址不同时.htaccess前后台的路径探测。
  • [更新] 移除了头标签中不用的格式字串。
  • [补丁] showheader管理员字串不工作。
  • [重构] 缓存标签如无需要将不再输入。

1.1.5 – August 10 2017

  • [新功能] 计划时间清除URL的功能。
  • [新功能] 增加了缓冲回调以改善某些插件强制缓存清除的兼容。
  • [新功能] 在缓存禁用时自动隐藏管理员条上的清除全部的快捷按钮。
  • [新功能] 必需的htaccess规则现在将显示出来,当.htaccess不可写时。
  • [新功能] Debug日志功能;日志过滤;心跳包控制;日志格式尺寸限制;日志查看。
  • [改进] 分离了爬虫日志。
  • [改进] 延迟清除现在可以在内容发出后依然生效。
  • [改进] 改进了 readme.txt的关键词相关内容。
  • [更新] ExpiresDefault 冲突信息现在可以关闭,并且仅显示在.htaccess 编辑屏幕。
  • [更新] 改进了debug日志格式。
  • [扩展] MainWP兼容。
  • [补丁] 修订了Woocommerce订单不能清除产品库存的问题。
  • [补丁] 修订了Woocommerce计划销售价格不更新的问题。
  • [重构] 整合了cache_enable函数到一个位置。

1.1.4 – August 1 2017

  • [改进] 未知重写规则现在可以显示一个错误信息。
  • [改进] 增加了缓存标签前缀设定信息在环境报告和信息页的显示。
  • [改进] LSCWP设定链接现在可以在插件列表中显示了。
  • [改进] 改进了设定缓存控制的性能。
  • [更新] 增加了 v1.1.2.2 API 调用的兼容。
  • [补丁] 修正了WPCLI清除标签和分类不成功的问题。

1.1.3 – July 31 2017

  • [新功能] 新的LiteSpeed_Cache_API类和文档提供给第三方插件使用。
  • [新功能] 新的API函数litespeed_purge_single_post($post_id)
  • [新功能] PHP CLI支持爬虫。
  • [改进] 同地址的301跳转现在设定不缓存。
  • [改进] 改进了LiteSpeed页面尾部注释信息的兼容。
  • [更新] 移除了缓存标签前缀设定。
  • [补丁] 修正了CLI 清除全部时的问题。
  • [补丁] 爬虫现在遵循X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control的不缓存头信息。
  • [补丁] 缓存和重写规则现在可以在插件卸载时清除了。
  • [补丁] 避免了当advanced-cache.php被其它插件增加时的不正常移除。
  • [补丁] 修订了子文件夹安装WP时不能使用完整的url路径清除的问题。
  • [重构] 重新组织了已有代码,以便ESI发布。 – July 13 2017

  • [补丁] 修正了Hebrew语言中空白页面的问题。 – July 5 2017

  • [更新] 改进了WooCommerce v3.1.0的兼容。

1.1.2 – June 20 2017

  • [补丁] 修正了遗失关闭标签。
  • [更新] 增加了激活爬虫的维基链接。
  • [更新] 改进了站点ip介绍。
  • [更新] 增加了爬虫信息介绍。
  • [重构] 增加了详细的错误信息在站点ip和自定义站点地图设定中。 – June 15 2017

  • [补丁] 站点ip验证的修订。

1.1.1 – June 15 2017

  • [新功能] LiteSpeed 网页服务器v.5.1.16开始,爬虫可以在服务器级别开启关闭。
  • [新功能] 增加了自定义站点地图的爬虫功能。
  • [新功能] 增加了使用站点ip的爬虫功能。
  • [新功能] 爬虫性能改进。
  • [新功能] 按url清除现在支持完整url路径。
  • [新功能] 增加了第三方插件 WP-PostRatings 的兼容。
  • [补丁] 缓存当更改文章状态从公开到草稿时可清除了。
  • [补丁] WHM激活信息关闭后不再持续显示。
  • [美化] 设定中显示推荐值。 – June 8 2017

  • [更新] 改进了默认的爬虫定时设定。
  • [更新] 测试通过WP 4.8。
  • [补丁] 修正了插件输出json数据的兼容。
  • [补丁] 修正了页面卡切换的问题。
  • [补丁] 移除了保存时偶尔出现的重复提示问题。
  • [美化] 改进了爬虫信息和描述。

1.1.0 – June 6 2017

  • [补丁] 增加了爬虫。
  • [新增] 增加了WPLister兼容。
  • [新功能] 增加了Avada的支持。
  • [更新] 通用插件结构重构
  • [更新] 改进了管理员界面外观
  • [补丁] 修正了接受wp-content路径的问题。
  • [补丁] 使用实际路径来探测.htaccess路径。
  • [补丁] 修正了批量更新插件时不触发清除全部的问题。
  • [补丁] 修订了cli倒入选项不更新选项的bug。
  • [重构] 代码文件细化和分离。

1.0.15 – April 20 2017

  • [新功能] 增加了清除页面和清除最新发表文章部件的选项。
  • [新功能]增加了wp-cli命令的设置获取选项。
  • [新功能] 增加了导入导出cli命令。
  • [新功能] 增加了wpForo兼容。
  • [新功能] 增加了Theme My Login 兼容。
  • [更新] 发表新文章时清除相邻文章。
  • [更新] 更改环境报告文件到php后缀以提高安全。
  • [更新] 增加了purgeby的选项在wp-cli中。
  • [更新] 移除了nag从多站点中。
  • [更新] 仅在LiteSpeed页面中注入自己的js文件。
  • [重构] 检查ttl设定的0值。
  • [补丁] 修订了保存设定时某些插件导致的404错误。
  • [补丁] 修订了mu-plugin的兼容。
  • [补丁] 修正了创建zip备份的问题。
  • [补丁] 修正了jetpack的冲突。 – January 31 2017

  • [更新] 移除了Freemius支持。

1.0.14 – January 30 2017

  • [新功能] 增加了错误页面缓存。现在支持403、404、500错误。
  • [新功能] 增加了清除错误的功能。
  • [新功能] 增加了wp-cli的支持。
  • [更新] 增加了支持多vary的情况。
  • [更新] 重组织了管理员界面。
  • [更新] 增加了对LiteSpeed Web ADC的支持。
  • [更新] 增加了Freemius支持。
  • [重构] 重写规则变为常量。
  • [补丁] 在添加清除全部按钮时检查成员类型。
  • [补丁] 修正了在激活/取消激活时导致WP_CACHE错误显示的问题。
  • [补丁] 在重写解析中处理更多的字符。
  • [补丁] 当文章状态改变为公开/私有时成功清除文章。 – November 30 2016

  • [补丁] 修正了日志入口由于一个全局变量未检查存在先导致的出错。

1.0.13 – November 28 2016

  • [新功能] 增加了清空整个缓存的按钮。
  • [新功能] 在清除时增加了stale的逻辑。
  • [新功能] 站点网络中增加使用首站点的设定。
  • [新功能] 增加了对Aelia CurrencySwitcher的支持。
  • [更新] 增加了允许第三方插件的vary逻辑。
  • [更新] 用不同的方法处理密码保护页面。
  • [补丁] 修正了保存设定时的错误。
  • [补丁] 修正了搜索advanced-cache.php时的错误。

1.0.12 – November 14 2016

  • [新功能] 增加了创建环境报告的功能。
  • [新功能] 新增了WHM插件安装时的提醒。
  • [新功能] 增加了缓存404的ttl。
  • [新功能] 日志基于级别设定记录。
  • [新功能] 增加了 Autoptimize 兼容。
  • [新功能] 增加了Better WP Minify兼容。
  • [补丁] 禁用插件时清空.htaccess。
  • [更新] 引入URL标签。
  • [补丁] 修正了.htaccess为空时的bug。
  • [补丁] 正确检测多站点环境时的配置文件。
  • [补丁] 禁用缓存时设定可保存了。
  • [补丁] 多站点设定bug修订。
  • [补丁] 修正了.htaccess路径搜索的俩bug。
  • [补丁] 在add_quick_purge中不过滤$_GET。这会导致一些问题。
  • [补丁] 从右往左的按钮显示矫正。

1.0.11 – October 11 2016

  • [新功能] 插件可以设定cachelookup public on了。
  • [新功能] 新选项-勾选advanced-cache.php功能。
  • [更新] 插件添加的规则会增加LSCACHE的头尾信息。
  • [更新] Woocommerce浏览不缓存页面且购物车不空时不再缓存。
  • [更新] Woocommerce显示提示时不再缓存。
  • [更新] 站点设定可显示在二级菜单里了。
  • [补丁] 站点网络升级时不更新的问题。

1.0.10 – September 16 2016

  • 增加了监测LSCACHE_NO_CACHE的功能。
  • 增加了清除全部按钮到管理员条。
  • 增加了升级插件或主题时清除缓存的逻辑。
  • 增加了支持 WooCommerce 2.5.0。
  • 增加了.htaccess备份。每十个备份会建立一个新的备份包。
  • 通用卡中一些设定换地方了。
  • 当DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT设定时.htaccess编辑器可以禁用了。
  • 保存了缓存标签前缀设定后,会清空缓存。 – August 26 2016

  • 修正了配置页面错误显示的错误。
  • 变更简化检查.htaccess的逻辑。

1.0.9 – August 25 2016

  • [新增] 增加了缓存和清除feed的功能。
  • [新增] 增加了缓存标签前缀以避免 LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress 有 LiteSpeed Cache for XenForo 和 LiteMage的冲突。
  • [新增] 增加了允许第三方插件创建配置卡的功能。
  • [新增] 增加了 WooCommerce 配置选项。
  • 插件现在也可以检查父目录的wp-config 。
  • 改进了 WooCommerce 支持。
  • 变更了.htaccess备份流程。
  • 修正了get_home_path() 有时返回无效路径的问题。
  • 修正了.htaccess从子文件夹移除不能正确处理的问题。 – July 28 2016

  • 修正了检查可缓存与否有时不能正常的问题。
  • 修正了额外的斜划线在清除规则被移除的问题。

1.0.8 – July 25 2016

  • 增加了在清除帖子id时清除全部的逻辑。
  • 增加了卸载逻辑。
  • 增加了缓存favicon。
  • 增加了缓存登录页面。
  • 增加了缓存php资源的配置。
  • 如果用户登录但没设置登录cookie时设置登录cookie。
  • 改进了 NextGenGallery 对新操作的支持。
  • 如未设置WP_CACHE时,站点网络里现在显示提醒了。
  • 修正了php语法错误。
  • 修正了按pid清除不工作的问题。
  • 修正了站点网络管理员在子站点激活时不能激活的问题。
  • 修正了高级缓存检查有时不工作的问题。 – May 26 2016

  • 修正了启用清除全部时不能正确清除博客的问题。
  • 修正了用户wpc在论坛报告的启用清除全部时啥也没干的事。

1.0.7 – May 24 2016

  • 增加了高级选项中登录cookie的配置。
  • 兼容WPTouch。
  • 兼容WP-Polls 。
  • 增加了兼容Like Dislike Counter。
  • 增加了对管理员IP的支持。
  • 增加了清除全部的弹框确认。
  • 重构:LiteSpeed_Cache_Admin给拆了。
  • 重构:重命名了一些函数。
  • 修正了有时显示“无有效头信息”的问题。

1.0.6 – May 5 2016

  • 修正了Knut Sparhell报告的仪表盘小部件打开关闭的bug。
  • 修正了Knut Sparhell提供的https支持管理员页面的bug。

1.0.5 – April 26 2016

  • [BETA] 增加了 NextGen Gallery plugin 支持。
  • 增加了第三方插件支持。
  • 改进了缓存标签系统。
  • 改进了管理员设定界面的格式。
  • 移动bbPress到第三方插件。
  • 把WooCommerce移至第三方插件。
  • 如果.htaccess不可写,禁用单独的手机视图不缓存cookie设定。
  • 禁用时缓存现在会自动清除了。
  • 修正了增加规则时.htaccess不能检查的问题。
  • 修正了站点网络不能完全清除的问题。

1.0.4 – April 7 2016

  • 增加了缓存评论的功能。
  • 增加了htaccess备份到安装程序。
  • 增加了htaccess编辑器。
  • 增加了不缓存用户代理。
  • 增加了不缓存cookie。
  • 创建了子菜单入口。
  • 增加了单独手机视图查看。
  • 修改了WP_CACHE为定义的信息只显示在能管理选项的用户上。
  • 把启用全部和禁用全部从站点网络管理挪至设定。
  • 修正了激活时如 WP_CACHE 被注释则不能正常定义的问题。

1.0.3 – March 23 2016

  • 增加了清除前台页面按钮。
  • 增加了默认前台页面ttl设定。
  • 增加了自定义cookie名字来处理登录用户冲突的问题。[需要 LSWS 5.0.15+]
  • 改进了WooCommerce处理。
  • 抓了个启用lscwp时默认缓存没启用的bug。
  • 扫了扫代码。
  • 更新了 readme.txt。

1.0.2 – March 11 2016

  • 增加了“使用站点网络设定”的功能。
  • 新增了站点网络中启用禁用全部的功能。
  • 排除分类和标签现在可以用大输入框了。
  • 增加了一行新的advanced-cache.php。
  • 启用/禁用现在可以处理站点网络了。
  • 激活LSCache现在是个radio了。
  • 增加了url排除的尾部$支持。
  • _lscache_vary可以登出时删除了。
  • 修正了站点网络中函数已定义的问题。

1.0.1 – March 8 2016

  • 增加了不缓存url、分类、标签的设定。
  • 增加了帮助页。
  • 增加了其它插件清除单个文章时的清除缓存逻辑。
  • 修正了woocommerce页面不正常显示的问题。
  • 修正了在站点网络中管理员菜单不正常显示的问题。
  • 修正了登录用户不能看到公开缓存页面的问题。
  • 修正了兼容bbPress。
  • 修正了cron任务不能更新计划帖子的问题。

1.0.0 – January 20 2016

  • 初始化。