Duplicate Page


Duplicate Posts, Pages and Custom Posts easily using single click. You can duplicate your pages, posts and custom post by just one click and it will save as your selected options (draft, private, public, pending).

Key Features in Duplicate Page Pro Editions

  • User Roles: Allow User Roles To access Duplicate Page.
  • Post Types: Filter to show Duplicate Page link in post types.
  • Clone Link Location: Option where to show clone link.
  • Status: Option to select Duplicate Posts Status.
  • Redirection: Option to Redirect after click on clone link..
  • Clone Link Title: Option to change Duplicate Post Link Title.
  • Post Prefix: Option to add Post Prefix.
  • Post Suffix: Option to add Post Suffix.
  • Editor: And Many More Filters and Features.

Buy Pro Version with various features & support.

Contact us for Support Only Pro Version Users.

Upgrade to Pro Version

How to use

  1. First Activate Plugin.
  2. Go Select to Duplicate Page settings Menu from Settings Tab and savings settings.
  3. Then Create New Post/Page or Use old.
  4. After click on duplicate this link, then duplicate post/ page will be created and saved as draft,publish,pending,private depending upon settings.

Minimum requirements for Duplicate Page

  • WordPress 3.3+
  • PHP 5.x
  • MySQL 5.x


  • Activate Screen
  • Duplicate Page Settings Screen
  • Select Option from Settings Page.
  • Click on Duplicate This.
  • Duplicate Post / Page will Appear.


  1. Upload the duplicate-page folder to the directory /wp-content/plugins/.
  2. Activate the plugin using the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.


26 maja, 2023 1 reply
I have finished the Korean translation.I just want to say thank you for developing such a good plugin.And I hope it will be translated into more languages so that many WordPress users can use it conveniently. Duplicate Page 한국어 번역을 모두 마쳤습니다.좋은 플러그인을 개발해 주어서 고맙다는 인사를 전하고 싶습니다.그리고 보다 많은 언어로 번역되어 많은 워드프레스 사용자들이 편리하게 사용할 수 있기를 바랍니다.
22 maja, 2023 1 reply
Cette extension est fantastique pour pourvoir dupliquer des pages à l'infini. Rapide à utiliser et simple. Que demander de plus ?
17 maja, 2023
The plugin is simple and does what it says without any additional hassle.When you try to use it together with Polylang translation plugin - to duplicate existing posts and setup new set of translations with them - you're in a for a world of pain.You have to be extremely careful how you proceed, lest you create impossible triangular relationships between posts.The kind of trouble and pain this brings would probably even warrant a warning about potential issues when used in WP installs with multiple languages. CheersMarek
16 maja, 2023 1 reply
I think it was back in 2017 when I first stumbled upon Duplicate Page plug-in during my first days of professional web developing. Ever since it has been one of the first plug-ins I've installed to each new project. The plug-in does exactly what it is supposed to do and saves you a lot of work. The interface is so non-intrusive that you'll probably only notice it was there when you start a new project / website where it isn't. I can't believe WordPress hasn't incorporated this plug-in into the core yet! Kay Angevare
Read all 329 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Duplicate Page” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Duplicate Page” has been translated into 32 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “Duplicate Page” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.


= 4.5.2(4th May, 2023)

  • Compatible with wordpress 6.2

= 4.5.1(8th Feb, 2023)

  • Fixes compatibility issues with event calendar plugin.
  • Minor bug fixes

= 4.5(14th Dec, 2022)

  • Checked compatibility with wordpress v6.1.1
  • Fixes elementor sections compatibility issue

= 4.4.9(15th Jul, 2022)

  • Checked compatibility with wordpress v6.0.1

= 4.4.8(27th Jan, 2022)

  • Checked compatibility with wordpress v5.9

= 4.4.7(16th Dec, 2021)

  • Added editor role check

= 4.4.6(7th Dec, 2021)

  • Fixed security issues.

= 4.4.5(29th Sep, 2021)

  • Fixed the issue for content HTML displaying in the sidebar.

= 4.4.4(16th Sep, 2021)

  • Fixed sanitization Issues as per wordpress standards.

= 4.4.3(8th Sep, 2021)

  • Updated code sanitization process for secure data submission

= 4.4.2(6th Sep, 2021)

  • Added sanitization as per wordpress standards.

4.4.1(27th July, 2021)

  • Checked compatibility with wordpress v5.8
  • Fixed php warnings

4.4(18th Mar, 2021)

  • Tested upto wordpress v5.7

4.3(28th Aug, 2020)

  • Tested with wordpress v5.5

4.2(26th March, 2020)

  • Fixed Translations string issue

4.1(20th Feb, 2020)

  • Fixed Translations issue

4.0(20th Sep, 2019)

  • Fixed slug duplication issue

3.9 (6th Aug, 2019)

  • Fixed some compatibility issues

3.8 (18th July, 2019)

  • Fixed compatibility issues with GT3 editor

3.7 (18th July, 2019)

  • Fixed compatibility issues with other editors

3.6 (16th July, 2019)

  • Security fixes addressed by wordpress

3.5 (2nd Apr, 2019)

  • Gutenberg and advanced custom fields compatibility

3.4 (1st Apr, 2019)

  • Security issues fixes addressed by Securi

3.3 (14th March, 2019)

  • Compatible with WordPress 5.1.1

3.2 (25th Dec, 2018)

  • Gutenberg Compatible

3.1 (5th Dec, 2018)

  • removed nag

3.0 (3rd Dec, 2018)

  • German Formal lang added

2.9 (16th Nov, 2018)

  • Minor bug fixes

2.8 (20th Oct, 2018)

  • Compatible with php 7.3 and wordpress 5.0

2.7 (28th July, 2018)

  • removed useless adsense code

2.6 (24th March, 2018)

  • Added signup popup and minor fixes.

2.5 (5th Feb, 2018)

  • Translations issue resolve.

2.4 (29th Nov, 2017)

  • Duplicate Page appends original post name issue fixed.

2.3 (27st april, 2017)

  • Minor Fixes

2.2 (28th Jan, 2017)

  • Strings Translations

2.1 (25th Aug, 2016)

  • New Text field added in settings page for duplicate post title suffix to remove confusion of currently duplicate page.

1.4 (18th Jun, 2016)

  • New Features added

1.3 (23th May, 2016)

  • New Features added

1.2 (05th May, 2016)

  • Duplicate Page Settings Menu Added.

1.1 (04th May ,2016)

  • fix some Bug in 1.0