

WooCommerce is the world’s most popular open-source eCommerce solution.

Our core platform is free, flexible, and amplified by a global community. The freedom of open-source means you retain full ownership of your store’s content and data forever.

Whether you’re launching a business, taking brick-and-mortar retail online, or developing sites for clients, use WooCommerce for a store that powerfully blends content and commerce.

Built-in tools and popular integrations help you efficiently manage your business operations. Many services are free to add with a single click via the optional Setup Wizard.

Grow your business, add features, and monitor your store on the go

WooCommerce means business. Keep tabs on the performance metrics most important to you with WooCommerce Admin – a powerful, customizable central dashboard for your store.

Expand your audience across marketing and social channels with Google Ads, HubSpot, Mailchimp, and Facebook integrations. You can always check out the in-dashboard Marketing Hub for fresh ideas and tips to help you succeed.

Enhance store functionality with hundreds of free and paid extensions from the official WooCommerce Marketplace. Our developers vet each new extension and regularly review existing inventory to maintain Marketplace quality standards. We are actively looking for products that help store builders create successful stores.

Manage your store from anywhere with the free WooCommerce mobile app (Android and iOS). Spoiler alert: Keep an ear out for the slightly addictive „cha-ching“ notification sound each time you make a new sale!

Own and control your store data – forever

With WooCommerce, your data belongs to you. Always.

If you opt to share usage data with us, you can feel confident knowing that it’s anonymized and kept secure. Choose to opt-out at any time without impacting your store.

Unlike hosted eCommerce solutions, WooCommerce store data is future-proof; should you wish to migrate to a different platform, you’re free to export all your content and take your site wherever you choose. No restrictions.

Why developers choose (and love) WooCommerce

Developers can use WooCommerce to create, customize, and scale a store to meet a client’s exact specifications, making enhancements through extensions or custom solutions.

  • Leverage hooks and filters to modify or create functionality.
  • Integrate virtually any service using a robust REST API and webhooks.
  • Design and build custom content blocks with React.
  • Inspect and modify any aspect of the core plugin code.
  • Speed up development with a lightning-fast CLI.

The core platform is tested rigorously and often, supported by a dedicated development team working across time zones. Comprehensive documentation is updated with each release, empowering you to build exactly the store required.

Be part of our growing international community

WooCommerce has a large, passionate community dedicated to helping merchants succeed, and it’s growing fast.

There are WooCommerce Meetups in locations around the world that you can attend for free and even get involved in running. These events are a great way to learn from others, share your expertise, and connect with like-minded folks.

WooCommerce also has a regular presence at WordCamps across the globe – we’d love to meet you.

Contribute and translate

WooCommerce is developed and supported by Automattic, the creators of WordPress.com and Jetpack. We also have hundreds of independent contributors, and there’s always room for more. Head to the WooCommerce GitHub Repository to find out how you can pitch in.

WooCommerce is translated into multiple languages, including Danish, Ukrainian, and Persian. Help localize WooCommerce even further by adding your locale – visit translate.wordpress.org.

Fota wobrazowki


Tutón tykač 16 blokow skići.

  • Filter Products by Price
  • Filter Products by Attribute
  • Active Product Filters
  • Product Search
  • Featured Category
  • Product Categories List
  • Hand-picked Products
  • Products by Category
  • Best Selling Products
  • Products by Tag
  • Featured Product
  • On Sale Products
  • Reviews by Product
  • All Reviews
  • Reviews by Category
  • Newest Products


Minimum Requirements

  • PHP 7.2 or greater is recommended
  • MySQL 5.6 or greater is recommended

Visit the WooCommerce server requirements documentation for a detailed list of server requirements.

Automatic installation

Automatic installation is the easiest option — WordPress will handles the file transfer, and you won’t need to leave your web browser. To do an automatic install of WooCommerce, log in to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to the Plugins menu, and click “Add New.”

In the search field type “WooCommerce,” then click “Search Plugins.” Once you’ve found us, you can view details about it such as the point release, rating, and description. Most importantly of course, you can install it by! Click “Install Now,” and WordPress will take it from there.

Manual installation

Manual installation method requires downloading the WooCommerce plugin and uploading it to your web server via your favorite FTP application. The WordPress codex contains instructions on how to do this here.


Automatic updates should work smoothly, but we still recommend you back up your site.

If you encounter issues with the shop/category pages after an update, flush the permalinks by going to WordPress > Settings > Permalinks and hitting “Save.” That should return things to normal.

Sample data

WooCommerce comes with some sample data you can use to see how products look; import sample_products.xml via the WordPress importer. You can also use the core CSV importer or our CSV Import Suite extension to import sample_products.csv


Where can I find WooCommerce documentation and user guides?

For help setting up and configuring WooCommerce, please refer to Getting Started and the New WooCommerce Store Owner Guide.

For extending or theming WooCommerce, see our codex, as well as the Plugin Developer Handbook.

Where can I get help or talk to other users about WooCommerce Core?

If you get stuck, you can ask for help in the WooCommerce Support Forum by following these guidelines, reach out via the WooCommerce Community Slack, or post in the WooCommerce Community group on Facebook.

Where can I get help for extensions I have purchased on WooCommerce.com?

For assistance with paid extensions from the WooCommerce.com Marketplace: first, review our self-service troubleshooting guide. If the problem persists, kindly log a support ticket via our helpdesk. Our dedicated Happiness Engineers aim to respond within 24 hours.

I’m having trouble logging in to WooCommerce.com – what now?

First, troubleshoot common login issues using this helpful step-by-step guide. Still not working? Get in touch with us.

Will WooCommerce work with my theme?

Yes! WooCommerce will work with any theme but may require some additional styling. If you’re looking for a theme featuring deep WooCommerce integration, we recommend Storefront.

How do I update WooCommerce?

We have a detailed guide on How To Update WooCommerce.

My site broke – what do I do?

Start by diagnosing the issue using our helpful troubleshooting guide.

If you noticed the error after updating a theme or plugin, there might be compatibility issues between it and WooCommerce. If the issue appeared after updating WooCommerce, there could be a conflict between WooCommerce and an outdated theme or plugin.

In both instances, we recommend running a conflict test using Health Check (which allows you to disable themes and plugins without affecting your visitors) or troubleshooting the issue using a staging site.

Where can I report bugs?

Report bugs on the WooCommerce GitHub repository. You can also notify us via our support forum – be sure to search the forums to confirm that the error has not already been reported.

Where can I request new features, themes, and extensions?

Request new features and extensions and vote on existing suggestions on our official ideas board. Our Product teams regularly review requests and consider them valuable for product planning.

WooCommerce is awesome! Can I contribute?

Yes, you can! Join in on our GitHub repository and follow the development blog to stay up-to-date with everything happening in the project.

Where can I find REST API documentation?

Extensive WooCommerce REST API Documentation is available on GitHub.

My question is not listed here. Where can I find more answers?

Check out Frequently Asked Questions for more.


26. měrca 2021
Clearly not made for developers. Confusing, extense, complex just like wordpress. Oh wait the guys who created woocommerce are the ones who create wordpress. Makes sense
24. měrca 2021
Featureless without costly $$$$ addons. Everything you would require to do basic business is an expensive subscription $$$$ addon. Example $79 per year just to bulk update prices. Adding Coupon Campaigns is $49 per year. Customizable shipping options will set you back another $99 per year! Greed!
21. měrca 2021
Plugin is great and clean, but support team doesn't provides the most basic developer support, based on their terms of service. My theme is build on Divi, and the plugin will not fire contents straight on Divi theme. Assistant Erica kindly answered that they were not able to provide such support WYSIWYG theme editors, and suggested me to hire a developer on Codeable. So I ended asking for a refund, which they quickly issued. Days after I realized how easy was to solve this, simply creating a shortcode that displays the plugin template on Divi. It's easy, who needs to hire a developer to create this short function?: function fire_reviews() { ob_start(); include('./wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-product-reviews-pro/templates/single-product/contributions.php'); return ob_get_clean(); } add_shortcode( 'fire_reviews', 'fire_reviews' ); So, I don't expect bells and whistles from their support, even on the most elemental developer questions. Maybe there are easier solutions for this issue, and this solution above is not the best practice, we all have been novice developers, however support seems that will not help on cases similar to this one, but anyway you will get the refund.
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Protokol změnow

5.1.0 2021-03-09


  • Update – WooCommerce Admin package 2.0.2. #29229
  • Update – WooCommerce Blocks package 4.4.3. #29016
  • Fix – Error in notice message of reports when WC Admin is disabled via a filter. #29095
  • Fix – Error when calculating orders with tax option rounding at subtotal level in PHP 8. #29089
  • Fix – price filtering not working properly with variable products whose variations have different prices. #29043
  • Fix – Removed extra closing brace from the Zone regions help text. #29036
  • Fix – Tax name/label is not being updated in the order when it is changed. #28983
  • Fix – Additional protection after wc_get_product to account for invalid ID. #28962
  • Fix – orders list from returning false values if orders are missing. #28927
  • Fix – Terms and Policy checkbox wording settings not shown in customizer. #28735
  • Fix – Admin notices sometimes were persisting even after dismissing. #28500
  • Fix – Calculate discount based on order location in the admin view. #26983
  • Fix – SASS variables not being compile correctly due to recent SASS version. #29120
  • Fix – Placeholder image height in cart. #29139
  • Dev – Updated admin bar icons to use SVG and Dashicons instead of custom font. #29094
  • Dev – Admin menu modification has been moved from admin_head hooks to admin_menu hooks. #29088
  • Dev – status report generation time to the Status Report. #28980
  • Dev – Add the ‚woocommerce_exporter_product_types‘ filter to allow third-parties to filter the product types which can be imported and exported. #28950
  • Dev – Filter added to allow ‚woocommerce_hold_stock_minutes‘ to be customized. #28933
  • Dev – Add optional semicolon to JS code for better compatibility. #28880
  • Dev – Added Guatemala states. #28755
  • Dev – jQuery 3 deprecated functions update. #28753
  • Dev – Add Woo Version as global prop in track events. #28627
  • Dev – Added orders count by payment method to Tracker data and replaced direct DB calls with CRUD. #28584
  • Dev – WC_Tax::get_tax_rate_classes() is now public. #27671
  • Dev – „Store management insights“ option now is turned off by default. #29105
  • Dev – Update the woo widget stock links to the new analytics page. #29093
  • Tweak – Updated WooCommerce logo color. #29054
  • Tweak – Correctly aligns content in the checkout with Twenty Twenty-One. #28951
  • Tweak – Use assigned variable for $post_thumbnail_id instead of calling function more than once. #28919
  • Tweak – Ensure that all tracker values collected for orders are of string type. #28893
  • Tweak – Adjust CSS font size and spacing for Twenty Twenty One. #28827

WooCommerce Admin – 2.0.0 & 2.0.1 & 2.0.2

  • Tweak – Bump minimum supported version of PHP to 7.0. #6046
  • Tweak – update the content and timing of the NeedSomeInspiration note. #6076
  • Tweak – Adjust the Marketing note not to show until store is at least 5 days. #6083
  • Tweak – Refactored extended task list. #6081
  • Fix – Add support for a floating-point number as a SummaryNumber’s delta. #5926
  • Fix – allow for more terms to be shown for product attributes in the Analytics orders report. #5868
  • Fix – Fixed the Add First Product email note checks. #6260
  • Fix – Onboarding – Fixed „Business Details“ error. #6271
  • Fix – Show management links when only main task list is hidden. #6291
  • Fix – Correct the Klarna slug. #6440
  • Add – new inbox message – Getting started in Ecommerce – watch this webinar. #6086
  • Add – Remote inbox notifications contains comparison and fix product rule. #6073
  • Add – Task list payments – include Mollie as an option. #6257
  • Update – store deprecation welcome modal support doc link #6094
  • Update – Homescreen layout, moving Inbox panel for better interaction. #6122
  • Enhancement – Allowing users to create products by selecting a template. #5892
  • Enhancement – Use the new Paypal payments plugin for onboarding. #6261
  • Dev – Add wait script for mysql to be ready for phpunit tests in docker. #6185
  • Dev – Remove old debug code for connecting to Calypso / WordPress.com. #6097
  • Dev – Allow highlight tooltip to use body tag as parent. #6309

WooCommerce Blocks – 4.1.0 & 4.2.0 & 4.3.0 & 4.4.0 & 4.4.1 & 4.4.2 & 4.4.3

  • Update – Jetpack Autoloader to 2.9.1.
  • Update – Update package for WooCommerce core inclusion.
  • Enhancements – Design tweaks to the cart page which move the quantity picker below each cart item and improve usability on mobile. (3734)
  • Enhancements – Store API – Fix selected rate in cart shipping rates response. (3680)
  • Enhancements – Create get_item_responses_from_schema abstraction. (3679)
  • Enhancements – Show itemized fee rows in the cart/checkout blocks. (3678)
  • Enhancements – Extensibility: Show item data in Cart and Checkout blocks and update the variation data styles. (3665)
  • Enhancements – Introduce SlotFill for Sidebar. (3361)
  • Enhancements – Add the ability to directly upload an image in Featured Category and Featured Product blocks. (3579)
  • Enhancements – Fix coupon code button height not adapting to the font size. (3575)
  • Enhancements – Fixed Coupon Code panel not expanding/contracting in some themes. (3569)
  • Enhancements – Fix: Added fallback styling for screen reader text. (3557)
  • Fix – Ensure empty categories are correctly hidden in the product categories block. (3765)
  • Fix – Added missing wrapper div within FeaturedCategory and FeatureProduct blocks. (3746)
  • Fix – Set correct text color in BlockErrorBoundry notices. (3738)
  • Fix – Hidden cart item meta data will not be rendered in the Cart and Checkout blocks. (3732)
  • Fix – Improved accessibility of product image links in the products block by using correct aria tags and hiding empty image placeholders. (3722)
  • Fix – Add missing aria-label for stars image in the review-list-item component. (3706)
  • Fix – Prevent „X-WC-Store-API-Nonce is invalid“ error when going back to a page with the products block using the browser back button. (3770)
  • Fix – Adds a default „features“ array for payment methods which do not define supported features. Fixes conflicts with 3rd Party payment method integrations.
  • Fix – Fix an error that was blocking checkout with some user saved payment methods. (3627)
  • Fix – Fix nonce issues when adding product to cart from All Products. (3598)
  • Fix – Fix bug inside Product Search in the editor. (3578)
  • Fix – Fix console warnings in WordPress 5.6. (3577)
  • Fix – Fixed text visibility in select inputs when using Twenty Twenty-One theme’s dark mode. (3554)
  • Fix – Fix product list images skewed in Widgets editor. (3553)
  • Add address validation to values posted to the Checkout via StoreApi. (3552)
  • Fix – Fix Fees not visible in Cart & Checkout blocks when order doesn’t need shipping. (3521)
  • Fix – Fix All Products block edit screen. (3547)
  • Fix – Checkout block: Prevent Create an account from creating up a user account if the order fails coupon validation. (3423)
  • Fix – Make sure cart is initialized before the CartItems route is used in the Store API. (3488)
  • Fix – Fix notice close button color in Twenty Twenty One dark mode. (3472)
  • Fix – Remove held stock for a draft order if an item is removed from the cart. (3468)
  • Fix – Ensure correct alignment of checkout notice’s dismiss button. (3455)
  • Fix – Fixed a bug in Checkout block (Store API) causing checkout to fail when using an invalid coupon and creating an account.
  • Fix – Checkout block: Correctly handle cases where the order fails with an error (e.g. invalid coupon) and a new user account is created. (3429)
  • Update – Hide the All Products Block from the new Gutenberg Widget Areas until full support is achieved. (3737)
  • Update – Legacy star-rating class name has been removed from Product rating block (inside All Products block). That element is still selectable with the .wc-block-components-product-rating class name. (3717)
  • Update – Update input colors and alignment. (3597)
  • Update – Removed compatibility with packages in WordPress 5.3. (3541)
  • Update – Bumped the minimum WP required version to 5.4. (3537)
  • Dev – Change register_endpoint_data to use an array of params instead of individual params. (3478)
  • Dev – Expose store/cart via ExtendRestApi to extensions. (3445)
  • Dev – Added formatting classes to the Store API for extensions to consume.
  • Dev – Refactored and reordered Store API checkout processing to handle various edge cases and better support future extensibility. (3454)

See changelog for all versions.