

Are you looking for a timeless, elegant, and streamlined discussion board? bbPress is easy to integrate, easy to use, and is built to scale with your growing community.

bbPress is intentionally simple yet infinitely powerful forum software, built by contributors to WordPress.


  • Forums - Admin Interface
  • Topics - Admin Interface
  • Replies - Admin Interface
  • Settings - Admin Interface
  • Settings 2 - Admin Interface
  • Themes - Admin Interface
  • Single Forum - Default Theme


Do seu painel WordPress

  1. Visite ‘Plugins > Adicionar novo’
  2. Pesquisar por ‘bbPress’
  3. Activate bbPress from your Plugins page. (You will be greeted with a Welcome page.)


  1. Descarregar o bbPress.
  2. Upload the ‘bbpress’ directory to your ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory, using your favorite method (ftp, sftp, scp, etc…)
  3. Activate bbPress from your Plugins page. (You will be greeted with a Welcome page.)

Quando estiver activado

  1. Visit ‘Forums > Add New’ and create some forums. (You can always delete these later.)
  2. If you have pretty permalinks enabled, visit, or if you do not have pretty permalinks enabled, visit
  3. Visit ‘Settings > Forums’ and configure the settings to best match the needs of your community.
  4. Visit ‘Tools > Forums > Import Forums’ if you have an existing forum to convert to bbPress.

Quando estiver configurado

  • bbPress comes with a robust theme-compatibility API that does its best to make bbPress look and feel right with just-about any WordPress theme. You may need to adjust some styling on your own to make everything look pristine.
  • You may want to customize the register/activation/sign-in/lost-password flows, to better suit your site. bbPress comes with a bevy of shortcodes to make this possible, listed here:
  • bbPress also comes with built-in support for Akismet and BuddyPress, two very popular and very powerful WordPress plugins. If you’re using either, visit your Forum Settings page and ensure that integration appears correct.


24 de Agosto, 2021
We wanted to try BBPress but we discovered quickly that it caused way too many problems with roles & permissions for the site. So we removed it. But it turns out that for at least 8 years bbPress has known the roles can't be removed cleanly and they just shrug and say "not important." So, I recommend you NOT INSTALL THIS PLUGIN. It will leave ugly traces behind itself like a nasty WordPress slug and you'll waste hours googling it and trying to fix it to no avail. It's old, it's ugly, and it's a mess.
6 de Agosto, 2021
If you've ever used other forums software, or especially if you've deployed other forums software, it becomes very clear after you install bbpress that this plugin is basic, and clunky. An awful lot of what would be considered standard functionality in forums software simply isn't present, or if it is, is awkward and clunky to use. Having said that, it is the best forums plugin I am aware of for WordPress, perhaps the only one, and it is FOSS, so hurrah for that, and it mostly does the job. There are also plugins available for it that extend it's functionality and add features which almost put it on a par with other forums software, but even with those, not quite.
20 de Janeiro, 2021
bbPress is powerfull and it integrates well with buddypress. I huge recommend it!
31 de Dezembro, 2020
OOB the forum looks very raw and absolutely DOES NOT follow the active theme. It also produced some artifacts that the dev refused to even look into.
14 de Dezembro, 2020
Bonjour, BBpress est un chouette programme, le souci est que je suis obligé de revenir à la version 2.5.14 car dès que je passe à l'une des versions récentes le forum rencontre de nombreux soucis, pb horodatage, sujets qui disparaissent, édition d'un post impossible sans perdre le sujet complet, bref, compliqué ! Je précise que j'ai changé d'hébergeur et de thème ces derniers mois... c'est bien BBPRESS le souci... J'attends la version 2.6.7 avec espoir...
Ler todas as 320 avaliações

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