

Are you looking for modern, robust, and sophisticated social network software? BuddyPress is a suite of components that are common to a typical social network, and allows for great add-on features through WordPress’s extensive plugin system.

Aimed at site builders & developers, BuddyPress is focused on ease of integration, ease of use, and extensibility. It is deliberately powerful yet unbelievably simple social network software, built by contributors to WordPress.

Members can register on your site to create user profiles, have private conversations, make social connections, create and interact in groups, and much more. Truly a social network in a box, BuddyPress helps you build a home for your company, school, sports team, or other niche community.

Gebouwd met ontwikkelaars in het achterhoofd

BuddyPress helps site builders & developers add community features to their websites. It comes with a robust theme compatibility API that does its best to make every BuddyPress content page look and feel right with just about any WordPress theme. You will likely need to adjust some styling on your own to make everything look pristine.

BuddyPress themes are just WordPress themes with additional templates, and with a little work, you could easily create your own, too! A handful of BuddyPress-specific themes are readily available for download from WordPress.org, and lots more are available from third-party theme authors.

BuddyPress also comes with built-in support for Akismet and bbPress, two very popular and very powerful WordPress plugins. If you’re using either, visit their settings pages and ensure everything is configured to your liking.

Het BuddyPress ecosystem

WordPress.org bevat geweldige uitbreidingen voor BuddyPress, waaronder:

Zoek in WordPress.org op “BuddyPress” om ze allemaal te vinden!

Word lid van onze community

Als je geïnteresseerd bent in het leveren van een bijdrage aan BuddyPress willen we je graag hebben. Ga naar de BuddyPress documentatie website om uit te zoeken hoe je ons kunt helpen.

BuddyPress is in vele talen beschikbaar, met dank aan de inspanningen van de vrijwilligers over de hele wereld. Kijk op onze vertaalpagina op de BuddyPress-documentatiewebsite voor meer informatie. Als je een polyglot bent, overweeg dan om BuddyPress te vertalen naar jouw taal.

De BuddyPress community laten groeien betekent betere software voor iedereen!


  • Activity Streams - Global, personal, and group activity streams with threaded commenting, direct posting, favoriting and @mentions. All with full RSS feeds and email notification support.
  • Extended Profiles - Fully editable profile fields allow you to define the fields users can fill in to describe themselves. Tailor profile fields to suit your audience.
  • User Settings - Give your users complete control over profile and notification settings. Settings are fully integrated into your theme, and can be disabled by the administrator.
  • Extensible Groups - Powerful public, private or hidden groups allow your users to break the discussion down into specific topics. Extend groups with your own custom features using the group extension API.
  • Friend Connections - Let your users make connections so they can track the activity of others, or filter to show only those users they care about the most.
  • Private Messaging - Private messaging will allow your users to talk to each other directly and in private. Not just limited to one-on-one discussions, your users can send messages to multiple recipients.
  • Site Tracking - Track posts and comments in the activity stream, and allow your users to add their own blogs using WordPress' Multisite feature.
  • Notifications - Keep your members up-to-date with relevant activity via toolbar and email notifications.


Deze plugin voorziet 15 blokken.

  • BuddyPress
  • Login Form
  • Group
  • Dynamic Groups List
  • Groups
  • Recently Active Members
  • Members
  • Online Members
  • Member
  • Dynamic Members List
  • Sitewide Notices
  • Recent Networkwide Posts
  • Latest Activities
  • Embed an activity
  • Friends List



Om BuddyPress uit te voeren, raden wij aan dat je host ondersteunt:

  • PHP versie 7.2 of beter.
  • MySQL versie 5.6 of beter of, MariaDB versie 10.0 of beter.
  • HTTPS ondersteuning.

Automatische installatie

Automatische installatie is de gemakkelijkste optie omdat WordPress alles zelf afhandelt; om een automatische installatie van BuddyPress uit te voeren, log je in op het WordPress-dashboard, navigeer je naar het menu Plugins en klik je op ‘Nieuwe plugin’.

Typ ‘BuddyPress’ in het zoekveld en klik op Plugins zoeken; zodra je het hebt gevonden kun je gegevens bekijken over de nieuwste release, zoals communityrecensies, beoordelingen en omschrijving. Installeer BuddyPress door simpelweg op ‘Nu installeren’ te klikken.

Eenmaal geactiveerd:

  1. Visit ‘Settings > BuddyPress > Components’ and adjust the active components to match your community. (You can always toggle these later.)
  2. Visit ‘Settings > BuddyPress > Pages’ and setup your directories and special pages. We create a few automatically, but suggest you customize these to fit the flow and verbiage of your site.
  3. Ga naar ‘Instellingen > BuddyPress > Opties’ en neem even de tijd om de BuddyPress-instellingen naar believen in te richten; standaard zijn de meest gebruikelijke instellingen ingesteld, maar elke community is natuurlijk verschillend.


Kan ik mijn huidige WordPress-thema blijven gebruiken?

Ja, BuddyPress werkt direct met bijna elk WordPress thema.

Zal dit werken met WordPress multisite?

Ja, als op de WordPress installatie multisite ingeschakeld is, ondersteunt BuddyPress het complete volgen van blogs, berichten, reacties en zelfs aangepaste berichttypes met een beetje aangepaste code.

Verder kan BuddyPress geactiveerd worden en werken in ongeveer elke mogelijke situatie waarvoor je het wilt gebruiken:

  • Activeer de plugin op websiteniveau om BuddyPress alleen op die website te laden.
  • Activate at the network level for full integration with all sites in your network. (This is the most common multisite installation type.)
  • Enable multiblog mode to allow your BuddyPress content to be displayed on any site in your WordPress Multisite network, using the same central data.
  • Breidt BuddyPress uit met een multi-netwerk plugin van derden, zodat elk(e) website of netwerk een geïsoleerde en toegewijde community heeft, dat alles vanuit dezelfde WordPress installatie.

Lees aangepaste BuddyPress activering voor meer informatie.

Waar kan ik ondersteuning krijgen?

Onze community biedt gratis hulp op https://buddypress.org/support/.

Waar kan ik documentatie vinden?

Onze documentatie website kun je vinden op https://codex.buddypress.org/.

Waar kan ik een bug rapporteren?

Meld bugs, vertel je ideeën en neem deel aan ontwikkeling op https://buddypress.trac.wordpress.org.

Waar kan ik de hypermoderne versie van BuddyPress krijgen?

Bekijk de ontwikkelings-trunk van BuddyPress vanuit subversion op https://buddypress.svn.wordpress.org/trunk/, of kloon vanuit Git op git://buddypress.git.wordpress.org/.

Wie maakt BuddyPress?

BuddyPress is gratis software, gebouwd door een internationale gemeenschap van vrijwilligers. Sommige medewerkers van BuddyPress zijn in dienst van bedrijven die BuddyPress gebruiken, terwijl andere consultants zijn die BuddyPress-gerelateerde diensten aanbieden. Niemand wordt door het BuddyPress-project betaald voor zijn of haar bijdragen.

Als je BuddyPress financiële ondersteuning wilt bieden, overweeg dan een donatie aan de WordPress Foundation of vraag je favoriete bijdrager hoe ze hun inspanningen het liefst beloond zien.

Discussie forums

Probeer bbPress. het wordt geïntegreerd met BuddyPress groepen, profielen en notificaties. Elke groep op de website kan ervoor kiezen zijn eigen forum te hebben, en alle gebruikersonderwerpen, antwoorden, favorieten en inschrijvingen verschijnen in hun profiel.


16 oktober 2021
BuddyPress is a great plugin! We were able to create several independent social networks on the multisite. The basic functionality of the plugin works very well. We include additional features with other plugins from the BuddyPress community. And it's all free! Thanks to the developers. I give 5 stars!
6 oktober 2021
To start with BuddyPress on its own is an absolute mess if you are trying to create a private social media site. It just doesn't get the job done. Yes, there are third-party plugins that can seemingly do everything that you need but many are not up to date or only work with some themes and the entire thing just becomes an incohesive mess of plugins that were not meant to work together. I did get a site working nearly the way I wanted it, but this was mostly due to Wbcom who seems to be a developer that rounds out all of the hard edges of BuddyPress through themes and plugins. I guess if you think of BuddyPress as a platform for experienced developers like Wbcom to make a useful social media site then I should change the rating to five stars. BuddyPress as it is requires a tremendous amount of help from various plugins and themes before a social media site can be created. There are few resources to guide you through the process other than those that describe the particular plugin or theme which is hardly unbias as the majority have paid options to upsell. The BuddyPress site itself has a tremendous amount of information but none of it very useful. There are a lot of unanswered questions that I found in my search with similar questions that I had. Many of the forum questions are a decade old and it is hard to know if they are relevant still. Aside form that the documentation is extensive but it is the kind of documentation that mostly reiterates the same description of options that are in the plugin pages next to each option. What might be really useful is a wiki that guides a user through some common configuration options for a handful of different use cases. Even if using third party plugins to reach the goal since the guide wouldn't be created by the plugin dev a user could trust that it was selected for the task and not in the hopes of upselling. I'm not against people making money, and I'm happy to pay for code that is truly useful and helps me reach my website goals. In fact, after this experience the options that came up in my search that do not use BuddyPress but have annual license fees for turnkey solutions for a social media Website look more appealing than when I started. I just hoped to do it with BuddyPress. If a social media site to help people create social media sites with BuddyPress would help us get there I'd be happy to host it and learn by trying to build it. I just cannot seem to get off the ground with anything useful other than Wbcom which I guess might be the way to go if using BuddyPresss.
20 september 2021
They say at the bottom of the download page "BuddyPress works out-of-the-box with nearly every WordPress theme," this claim is misleading. I have installed BuddyPress on 4 premium themes and many manual configurations were needed. The worst thing about BuddyPress is that it ignores some of the theme and site settings and there is no built-in settings page to disable the sidebar, for example. It's the little basic things that make me rather pay money for a premium community/profile plugin than a free version like BuddyPress.
23 augustus 2021
If it were not commercial addons to BP (Youzify), it would not be possible to use it. Plugin that stopped in the 90s. Email service terrible. Archaic design. No SVG support, even though BP provides an SVG logo on its website:https://codex.buddypress.org/official-fonts-and-logos/. There are not many functionalities that, for example, also have free plugins available in the WP repository such as Ultimate Memeber or Peepso. I do not recommend. It's a waste of time.
17 augustus 2021
A great idea! Fantastic tool - if it worked. But it doesn't work. It has several breaks in the installation, and most commonly for me, is the creation of the register and activate pages. Pretty important features for a community building tool. See, when users can't register - there won't be much of a community. Tried several installs, on several platforms. It just doesn't work. Steer clear of this one.
Lees alle 344 beoordelingen

Bijdragers & ontwikkelaars

“BuddyPress” is vertaald in 45 talen. Dank voor de vertalers voor hun bijdragen.

Vertaal “BuddyPress” naar jouw taal.

Interesse in ontwikkeling?

Bekijk de code, haal de SVN repository op, of abonneer je op het ontwikkellog via RSS.



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Bekijk: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-7-2-0/


Bekijk: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-7-1-0/


Bekijk: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-7-0-0/


Bekijk: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-6-4-0/


Bekijk: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-6-3-0/


Bekijk: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-6-2-0/


Bekijk: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-6-1-0/


Bekijk: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-6-0-0/


Bekijk: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-5-2-0/


Zie: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-5-1-2/


Bekijk: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-5-1-1/


Bekijk: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-5-1-0/


Bekijk: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-5-0-0/