Support » Plugin: Zedity - The Layout-Free Content Editor » Beyond great support

  • After having a number of difficulties caused by the way my site was develoepd, tech support at Zedity did everything, and then some, to help me get things fixed. I’m not only delighted to be up and running (finally) – I’m also happy that these people put up with me for as long as the did. This truly is beyond great service!

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  • Plugin Author Zedity


    Hello jsig000,

    Zedity is absolutely good for SEO, you just have to save the content in Standard mode and not Isolated mode, as you may read in the description of the two options available.

    Whenever you have a problem, please consider getting in touch with us either on the WordPress forums or on our support page, instead of rating the plugin, which is not the appropriate way to get assistance.

    Thank you very much for using Zedity.

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