WordPress Shortcodes Plugin — Shortcodes Ultimate


Shortcodes Ultimate is a comprehensive collection of various visual and functional elements, which you can use in the post editor, text widgets or even in template files. Using Shortcodes Ultimate you can easily create tabs, buttons, boxes, sliders and carousels, responsive videos and much, much more.


  • 50+ beautiful shortcodes
  • 1-click shortcode insertion with live preview
  • Gutenberg-ready
  • Works with any theme
  • Modern responsive design
  • Documentation
  • Custom CSS editor
  • Custom widget
  • Translation-ready
  • RTL support
  • Developer-friendly


Check out premium add-ons!

Available Shortcodes

Heading         Tabs        Spoiler      Accordion
Divider         Spacer      Highlight    Label
Quote           Pullquote   Dropcap      Columns
List            Button      Service      Box
Note            Expand      Lightbox     Tooltip
Private         YouTube     Vimeo        Dailymotion
Audio           Video       Table        Permalink
Members         Guests      RSS          Menu
Sub pages       Siblings    Document     Google map
Image carousel  Slider      Carousel     Gallery
Posts           Dummy text  Dummy image  Animation
Meta data       User data   Post data    Template
QR code         Scheduler


  • Insert Shortcode button added above the editor
  • Shortcode insertion window
  • Shortcode settings
  • Shortcodes: button, tabs, box, carousel
  • Shortcodes: spoiler, service, list, columns, note


From within dashboard (recommended)

  1. Navigate to Dashboard – Plugins – Add New;
  2. Search for Shortcodes Ultimate;
  3. Click Install, then Activate.

Video Tutorial.

Manual installation

  1. Download the plugin as a .zip file;
  2. Unzip downloaded archive and upload shortcodes-ultimate folder under your /wp-content/plugins/ directory (resulted plugin path should be /wp-content/plugins/shortcodes-ultimate/);
  3. Navigate to Dashboard – Plugins and activate the plugin.


How this plugin works

How Shortcodes Ultimate plugin works.

Shortcodes do not work. Why?

The most common reasons of this issue are listed here.

Insert shortcode button do not work. Why?

The most common reasons of this issue are listed here.

Can I remove default shortcodes?

Yes, you can remove default shortcodes using ‘su/data/shortcodes’ filter. Tutorial: How to remove default shortcodes.

Can I create custom shortcodes?

Yes, you can create custom shortcodes using ‘su/data/shortcodes’ filter. Tutorial: How to add custom shortcodes.
Alternatively, you can use Shortcode Creator add-on.

Can I use shortcodes in template files?

Yes! How to use shortcodes in template files.

Will this plugin work with my theme?

Yes! Shortcodes Ultimate is designed to work with any theme, but your theme must include very basic things: ‘wp_head’ and ‘wp_footer’ template tags. Sometimes, the plugin may not work properly because of javascript errors caused by third-party plugins/themes.

Where can I report a bug or suggest a feature?

Support Forum.

Where can I get help?

First, visit the Help Center. If you get stuck, ask for help at the community support forum. Also, you can get personal support from the developer by purchasing any of the premium add-ons.


2021년 9월 23일
Merci infiniment pour la qualité, la facilité et la gratuité des fonctions essentielles.
2021년 9월 22일
I have a completely custom-developed theme from a previous developer and didn't provide any option to create certain widgets or layouts. Adding any plugin had deep concerns of compatibility and design customizations but "WordPress Shortcodes Plugin — Shortcodes Ultimate" worked without any issue and provided easy customization so that I easily matched the design requirements. Very happy with the plugin and highly recommend it.
모든 5,650 평가 읽기

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What’s new

  • Plugin security have been improved. You may see a new notification in the admin area. Learn more
  • Added new setting Unsafe features under Shortcodes → Settings → Advanced settings. Learn more
  • Improved accessibility of the plugin settings page


  • Fixed This video is unavailable in su_youtube_advanced shortcode
  • Fixed compatibility issue with SiteOrigin Page Builder. You can now turn on or off the old widget under Shortcodes -> Settings Advanced settings
  • Fixed issue in [su_note] when it was displaying empty id attribute
  • Fixed PHP warning at the new Widgets screen

Version history →