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Simple Category Theming

  1. joenewbreed


    It would be pretty cool to be able to SIMPLY select a different theme for different categories. I know this can be done fairly easily with some code or plugins, but being able to do it from the admin would be a fantastic feature.

    Posted: 7 years ago #
  2. snakefoot

    Maybe it could be done by extending the template header to include a theme name, and then extend categories to use templates:


    Posted: 7 years ago #
  3. MellerTime


    I think this would get far too confusing for new users that don't really understand what it's for. Trying to explain to them how you'd style these, etc. would just be a pain.

    This kind of thing is really pretty easy to accomplish by editing your theme, so I don't think it should be in the core functionality.

    Posted: 7 years ago #
  4. sunburntkamel

    i'm having a hard time imagining a UI for this that isn't confusing. i think it would be easier to either include the sandbox theme (which applies category names as body classes), or to just include that function in wordpress.

    Posted: 6 years ago #
  5. charlieman

    Maybe they should just allow to change templates in posts as well as pages?

    Posted: 6 years ago #

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    This is plugin territory