Support » Plugin: Yoast SEO » Add non-canonical URLs to sitemap

  • Resolved mediamarx


    We have a website that is avaiable in DE & EN (setup with WPML)

    As most of the blogposts are only available in English (technical topic), posts are set to “do not translate” so that English language posts are available on the /en/blog/ as well as on /blog/ .

    Every Englisch language blog post is therefore available under 2 different URLs:

    To resolve the duplicate content issue I used the canonical tag always pointing to the /en/my-englisch-blogpost/ as the “original”.

    Yoast does not “understand” that the canoncial towards /en/my-englisch-blogpost/ is also self-referring and therefore does not list all these posts in the post sitemap.
    (If I enter the DE URLs /my-englisch-blogpost/ as a canonical, yoast does see that as self-referring and keeps the post in the sitemap. I guess because DE is the default lang in WPML)

    Is there a way to
    a) make yoast understand that /en/my-englisch-blogpost/ is also a valid self-referring canonical (so that URLs gets listet in the sitemap)
    b) add these “non-canonical” posts to the sitemap by some kind of hook ?

    • This topic was modified 2 months ago by mediamarx.
    • This topic was modified 2 months ago by mediamarx.
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