Support » Plugin: Web Stories » Published Google Web Stories: Broken Links

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  • Plugin Support Bethany Chobanian Lang


    Hi @thatschelsea,

    Thanks for getting in touch! When I go to, I get a not found page. Has this story been removed? Can you please put it back up so that I can review the issue?

    Thank you!

    Thread Starter thatschelsea


    Hi @shetheliving,

    Thanks for getting back to me! Yes, that’s precisely the issue.

    It appears that the original story I had an issue with in my “drafts” was erased, probably because the main issue was that I was unable to save or publish stories, in draft mode otherwise, since the designated buttons were malfunctioning.

    I tested a new story and was able to upload and save it. However, I am still unable to publish new stories. Here is the hyperlink:

    Will you please take a look when you have a moment?

    Thread Starter thatschelsea


    Also, to add to this thread, it appears that some stories will publish if I save them as a draft first, exit out of the plugin, and re-enter the plugin.

    Plugin Author Pascal Birchler


    Just to confirm, you are unable to publish the story because the publish button is greyed out? And there is a tooltip when you hover over the button saying there is some media upload in progress?

    Perhaps you could share a screenshot here of the editor when that happens? That would be very helpful.

    > Also, to add to this thread, it appears that some stories will publish if I save them as a draft first, exit out of the plugin, and re-enter the plugin.

    If the above situation is true, this sounds like a viable workaround to get rid of any lingering background uploads and to allow publishing again.
    Meanwhile, we’ll look into figuring out the root cause for this to hopefully fix this issue once and for all.

    Thread Starter thatschelsea


    Yes, confirming that there are instances where BOTH the save and publish buttons are grayed out, with no indication that a media upload is in progress. This becomes a problem because I upload all my content, with no capability to save, and WordPress ends up clearing the content, leaving me to start over from square one.

    How can I upload the screenshot? I’m not seeing the capability to attach an image to this thread.

    Plugin Author Pascal Birchler


    > with no indication that a media upload is in progress.

    not even when you hover over the button?

    > How can I upload the screenshot? I’m not seeing the capability to attach an image to this thread.

    You can upload one on a site like and then share its URL here.

    I also wanted to add that it appears that you are also running into the Yoast plugin conflict issue as documented here ->

    @shetheliving, while there appears to be a workaround, albeit a little technical, do you know if the Yoast team has an ETA for a fix?

    Plugin Support Bethany Chobanian Lang


    @shishirm Unfortunately, no. However, we have submitted a pull request to them for a fix, so hopefully it will be implemented soon.

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