Support » Fixing WordPress » Website won’t work -can’t figure out why

  • Both my websites don’t work any more. I can’t even login into WordPress and check what’s wrong.

    Since some weeks there is an error very often when I try to open the websites which says: too many requests

    I thought it maybe a hack and downloaded wordfence, but it couldn’t detect anything. When I changed something in the backend, often the whole backend broke down and nothing worked any more for 10 minutes or so.

    I did nothing since yesterday, but now both websites broke down and not even the backend works any more. Maybe someone can help me where to start with troubleshooting – i don’t really know what to do now.

    • This topic was modified 4 months, 3 weeks ago by Jan Dembowski.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Your error log didn’t tell much. When you will try next change in your backend, open a console in Network tab to see if some script will send this ‘too many requests’.

    Using Your Browser to Diagnose JavaScript Errors

    Also, if it has happened after update to WordPress 5.6, your theme or some plugin can have some compatibility issues with the new jQuery library in the Core, with this console activity it’s possible that you will find what it will be able to address a developer.

    Try a temporary solution:–after-updating-to-the-56-version-of-wordpress-i-am-experiencing-issues-with-unexpected-behavior-on-my-site-what-can-i-do-about-these-issues

    Thread Starter inaauderieth


    Thank you very much – one question.
    should I replace this in my wpconfig: “define(‘WP_DEBUG’, false);” with this
    “define(‘SCRIPT_DEBUG’, true);”

    or should I just add “define(‘SCRIPT_DEBUG’, true);” below “define(‘WP_DEBUG’, false);”

    Up to you, false is their default value, possibly better to keep both to be able to turn them on if you will feel the need and not seek for them again.

    Thread Starter inaauderieth


    thank you very much -at the moment it seems to run smoothly

    Thread Starter inaauderieth


    The problem still appears – I now have “define(‘SCRIPT_DEBUG’, true);” in my wpconfig. Could you help what’s wrong. Whats interesting is, that both websites work from time to time and from time to time they don’t. They appear to be down always at the same time (two databases but one webspace) – maybe one of you can help 🙂

    thank you in advance and all the best, Ina

    Thread Starter inaauderieth


    Diese Fehlermeldung kam gerade in der Konsole: Die Zeichenkodierung des HTML-Dokuments wurde nicht deklariert. Das Dokument wird in manchen Browser-Konfigurationen mit verstümmeltem Text dargestellt, wenn das Dokument Zeichen außerhalb des US-ASCII-Bereichs enthält. Die Zeichenkodierung der Seite muss im Dokument oder Transferprotokoll deklariert werden.

    This error message just came in the console: The character encoding of the HTML document was not declared. The document is displayed with garbled text in some browser configurations if the document contains characters outside of the US-ASCII range. The character coding of the page must be declared in the document or transfer protocol.

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