Heartbeat Control


Heartbeat Control by WP Rocket allows you to manage the frequency of the WordPress heartbeat API in a few clicks.

The WordPress Heartbeat API is a great feature that provides real-time communication between the server and the browser when you are logged into your WordPress admin panel. It uses the file /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php to run AJAX calls from the browser. By default, AJAX requests are sent every 15 seconds on post edit pages, and every 60 seconds on the dashboard.

This is indeed helpful; but if you usually leave your WordPress admin open for long periods (for example when you write or edit posts), the AJAX requests from the API can pile up and generate high CPU usage, leading to server performance issues and even hosting account suspensions.

With Heartbeat Control by WP Rocket, you can easily choose to limit or completely stop the activity of the WordPress Heartbeat API. You can also add rules for specific locations only (Dashboard, Frontend or Post Editor).

To learn more about WordPress performance optimization and make your website faster, join our WP Rocket Facebook Community!

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  • Heartbeat Settings
  • Modify Heartbeat frequency precisely


  1. Upload the plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate Heartbeat Control on the Plugins page.
  3. Adjust any settings within Settings > Heartbeat Control.


How do I change my settings?

All options are located within Settings > Heartbeat Control.

Why would I want to change the default heartbeat intervals?

If you commonly leave your WordPress admin up for long periods of time, especially while writing or editing a post, the repeated POST requests can cause high resource usage. To avoid this, the heartbeat can be modified or even disabled to lower your server resource usage.


September 6, 2021
Heartbeat is needed for the Elementor plugin and several other functions. After disabling Heartbeat, the site crashed. Sites that do not have Elementor actually saw an acceleration. But be careful, after installing or disabling Heartbeat, check all the functionality of the site.
September 3, 2021
Hello, I created a support topic almost 3 weeks ago and never got a response. I cannot recommend because it never worked and support never responded to the query that I sent below: "I am trying to adjust the settings on this plugin and itโ€™s not being saved i.e. I would adjust, hit save. When check a couple minutes after, the setting have reverted to the default. Any help would be appreciated."
February 9, 2021
Worked just as expected! When rolled out across several websites on the same server, there was a decrease in load, particularly when lots of people are creating / editing content. Personally it seems to me things work faster on the front end, and after tweaking the timing, the edit screen seems to work faster. My opinion... This is a terrific plugin for those who want to optimize their website and are looking to squeeze every bit of extra speed they can ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you!
Read all 58 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Heartbeat Control” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Heartbeat Control” has been translated into 7 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “Heartbeat Control” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.


2.0 – 2019/11/04

  • Revamp the settings page.


  • Fixed issue caused by previous version deployment.
  • Added hbc_disable_notice hook to force dismissal of update notices.
  • Additional documentation added.
  • Minor standards adjustments.


  • Updated CMB2 to 2.4.2.
  • Bumpted “tested up to” version.
  • Fixed a bug that occurred if no locations were selected.
  • Minor standards adjustments.


  • Added composer.json and composer.lock that were missing.
  • Updated CMB2 to 2.3
  • Translation files generated.
  • Language path and text domain added to plugin header.
  • Bumped compatible WP version.


  • Minor bugfixes.


  • Fixed issue that would cause some users to not see the modification slider.


  • Added conditional logic.
  • Multiple actions can now be performed.
  • Scripts are bundled and minified.
  • Changes to settings structure.
  • Miscellaneous bugfixes.


  • Readme updates.


  • Bugfixes.
  • Resolves potential fatal error mistakenly pushed to 1.1.


  • Bugfixes.


  • Rewritten from the ground up for future extensibility.
  • Performance enhancements.
  • Improved UI.
  • Better handling for late calls to the Heartbeat API.
  • New condition settings for filtering on the frontend.


  • Bumped tested version
  • Added donation button


  • Initial release.