Support » Plugin: WooCommerce » Refund Amount Field set to readonly after latest update

  • Resolved phoenixMagoo


    Refund Amount field set to readonly after latest update. However, if you use web inspector to remove the readonly parameter from the field, enter a refund amount, then click refund it works as intended. This start happening after the latest update. Thanks for any support!

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  • Plugin Author Mike Jolley


    This was intentional. Refund the line item qty/values, otherwise reporting and taxes will be stored incorrectly. If you refund via the (now) readonly field it won’t know which products/taxes have been refunded.

    Could this behavior be controlled via a user-visible setting? I have clients who need to issue partial refunds frequently (i.e. 50% the cost of a line item) and it appears that this is not possible as of 3.6.

    Plugin Support stephjacq a11n


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Hi @jeff-daigle you can edit the amount of the line item and make it 50%. This will then populate the total refund amount.

    @stephjacq thanks—for someone used to the old UI this wasn’t immediately obvious.

    Plugin Support stephjacq a11n


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    @jeff-daigle for sure – thanks for surfacing the change so others can find the thread/answer.

    This tripped me up as well as I just did my first refund since the release of this. It definitely makes sense and is a welcome change to the way refunds are initiated at the line item level, I just didn’t lookup on the screen to notice that it allowed me to edit the line item. I was just fixated on the fact that the refund amount box was readonly and didn’t understand why.

    Maybe some sort of visual cue (red background, etc…) on the line item form fields to draw the eye up there?

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