• Resolved ahbdigital



    I would like to add a custom post as support in another custom post.
    By default in the support section you can only add the categories of the CP but not the custom post itself.
    I have tried using the slug in Custom “Supports” but it does not seem to work

    I have made screenshots to explain the problem better.
    I would like to use the CP “hebergements” as support in “regions” posts.
    Here is the screenshot of CP “hebergements”
    And the one for “regions”

    Thank you very much for your help.


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  • Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    I can’t say I’ve ever seen a setup of a post type being a support of some sort of a different post type wherein you’re specifying Post Type Y as part of the registration arguments for Post Type X.

    The “custom supports” section is really just a spot to allow for some functionality to be added where other plugins say “when registering your post type, add this custom detail from our plugin to the ‘supports’ section”. There’s a bit more detail about that over at https://docs.pluginize.com/article/28-third-party-support-upon-registration

    All that said, perhaps I’d understand the attempts here better if I knew what you were ultimately trying to achieve. What reason are you trying to tie two separate post types together for?

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