This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.



Adds a media component to BuddyPress to allow users to attach media to activity postings and user generated media albums.

Pluginize was launched in 2016 by WebDevStudios to promote, support, and house all of their WordPress products. Pluginize is dedicated to creating products that make your BuddyPress site easy to manage, without having to touch a line of code. Pluginize also provides ongoing support and development for WordPress community favorites like CPTUI, CMB2, and more.


  • Activity Attachment
  • User Album grid
  • Single Image


Automatic Installation

  1. From inside your WordPress administration panel, visit \’Plugins -> Add New\’
  2. Search for \’BuddyMedia\’ and find this plugin in the results
  3. Click \’Install\’
  4. Activate the plugin through the \’Plugins\’ menu in WordPress

Manual Installation

  1. Upload \’buddymedia\’ to the \’/wp-content/plugins/\’ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the \’Plugins\’ menu in WordPress


Activity Attachments

When the plugin is activated there will be a button added to the activity post form to allow attaching an image to status updates. These are stored in an \”Attachments\” album on a profile. If this album does not exist it will be created. NOTE: This plugin replaces the default post-form.php. The file replacing the default from is similar in structure with a few additions to accommodate the UI for adding images. Also some styles have been added to give the form a more dedicated structure.

Group Attachments

The groups by default do not show the \”add image\” button on the activity form. In the group\’s settings there is an option to turn this functionality on per group. You can turn this on for all groups with define(\’ENABLE_MEDIA\’, true). In the future this define will be moved to global settings. The images attached to group activity will show in a users Attachments Album. Currently no group album functionality but will be added in a future update.

Creating Albums

To create albums, visit your profile and click the media tab. After an album is created you can add images and edit the album info. There are three album types, public, friends, and private:

Public – viewable to anyone including logged out users
Friends – viewable by only those in your friends list
Private – only viewable but the user who created the album (loggedin user)

DEV Notes

This plugin is a bit different that other media plugins for BuddyPress. Each album created is a custom post type. You can view and manage the albums in the admin just as you would a post or a page. The albums are listed under the menu item \”User Media\”. Each image in the album is a post attachment.


September 3, 2016
Hi, once I activated the plugin, even before adding an image to a post, already loaded images started getting duplicated, triplicated, etc... So every time I refreshed a page, or clicked on a different menu item, the header image would multiply another one. Thanks
Read all 1 review

Contributors & Developers

“BuddyMedia” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


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Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



  • fix albums not showing when albums created in admin
  • added UI to add images to album from admin