Support » Plugin: Tabify Edit Screen » Still Under Development?

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  • Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad


    This plugin has not been updated for 2 years so I don’t see how it could be compatible with the new editor. I’d mark it as “not under development”.

    Plugin Author Marko Heijnen


    @jdembowski Come on 😛

    It’s under development but last changes got made 6 months ago. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks I can finish that release.

    That said, with the new editor, I don’t see how I can enhance it but if you have ideas then I would love to hear that. But enough people are still using the old editor.

    @markoheijnen Looking forward to that release! There has been some conflicts between latest ACF and Tabify plugin as well. I have to say Tabify is one of the most comfy plugins for looooong edit pages..



    @markoheijnen looking forward as well.

    BTW, I have a looooong list of categories. It would be great to be able to tabify category metabox terms!

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