Support » Plugin: Seriously Simple Podcasting » RSS Feed Contains HTML Tags

  • Resolved Luke Carbis


    Hi! Thanks for this plugin, it works really nicely.

    I’ve got my “Episode description” setting set to Post Content. In my RSS feed I see the post content there, but the HTML has been escaped, so it’s not displaying properly.

    Ideally the HTML gets stripped, I guess – leaving only plain text.

    Can you suggest a solution?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter Luke Carbis


    Additionally, if I switch to using the Post Excerpt, I lose any new lines I inserted into the excerpt field.

    Thread Starter Luke Carbis


    FWIW, I tried disabling all other plugins and using the default Twenty Twenty-One theme.

    I also spun up a brand new WordPress site locally with no other plugins installed and replicated the same behaviour. Here are screenshots of both Post Excerpt and Post Content settings:

    Plugin Author Craig Hewitt


    Hi there,

    If you look at the “View Page Source” for the RSS Feed page you should see that the HTML formatting is still present if you’re using the “Post Content” option in the Podcast -> Settings -> Feed Details area. May not be showing up exactly as that on the feed page, but in podcasting directories like Apple Podcasts, etc. it would come through with the HTML formatting exactly as you see it in the source code.

    Does sound like you’d want to keep with the “Post Content” option though to include formatting, links, images, etc. in the Description area for each episode.

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