Yoast SEO: Search Index Purge


The purpose of this SEO plugin is to purge attachment URLs out of Google’s index as fast as possible. This helps sites
that might have suffered from having too many thin content pages in the search index by removing them in the fastest
way possible.

What does this plugin do?

This plugin makes all your attachment URLs return an HTTP 410 status. It then creates an XML sitemap with a recent last
modified date, containing all those URLs. The XML sitemap with recent post modified date makes Google spider all those
URLs again. The 410 status code makes sure Google takes them out of its search results in the fastest way possible.

With a nice trick, we also show end users the actual attachment image, so the user experience is not as poor as when
they see an error page.

Yoast SEO required

This plugin is an extension to Yoast SEO. It requires it to work.

How long should you run this plugin?

After 6 months the attachment URLs should be gone from the search results. If you then remove the plugin, and keep
Yoast SEO’s redirect setting on “Yes”, you have the best long term behavior for attachment URLs: to redirect to the
actual attachment.

Does Google condone this?

This method has been discussed with and OK’d by Google.

From within WordPress

  1. Visit ‘Plugins > Add New’
  2. Search for ‘Yoast SEO: Search Index Purge’
  3. Activate Yoast SEO: Search Index Purge from your Plugins page.
  4. Go to “after activation” below.


  1. Upload the yoast-seo-search-index-purge folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the Yoast SEO: Search Index Purge plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Go to “after activation” below.

After activation


  • The plugin takes over the Search Appearance → Media settings from Yoast SEO.


You’ll find answers to many of your questions on kb.yoast.com.


May 7, 2020
The plugin creates a new XML-Sitemap which contains all attachment URLs. This is the opposite from what you are describing
October 20, 2019
"Wait 6 months and it will work." Bullshit. It's been 16+ and didn't work. Yoast makes a mistake, creates plugin to fix and it doesn't, and you're left with hours of work to fix URLs that shouldnt exist
July 23, 2019
Which is the exact opposite of what it's supposed to do. It does NOT create a 401 for the attachment page, the page loads as usual. But it actually DID send Google fresh indexes for all attachment pages in its XML - so they've been re-indexed all over again. Guys please fix this! This plugin actually made the issue WORSE.
May 7, 2019
YOAST, this is a nightmare. First you made a big mistake releasing plugin update with this media URL mess, that many people suffer from, and that many still are not aware the issue exist as we did not clearly got a notification for the mistake you made. You created a plugin to help remove media URL from Google fast, but it does not work at all! I tried even if I was reluctant due to what I was reading, new sitemap was generated with attachment urls, but NONE would return a 410, instead, attachment urls were being indexed and 492 NEW ERRORS in my GOOGLE SEARCH CONSOLE. Come on guys you made a mistake, it happens, the least would be to provide a working patch, not a bad plugin creating another mess. So much time lost on this it's driving me crazy... Website related to this issue is YOAST PREMIUM, please get back to me.
Read all 12 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Yoast SEO: Search Index Purge” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Yoast SEO: Search Index Purge” has been translated into 5 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

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Release date: June 27th, 2018

* Excludes attachments from the purge sitemap that were added after activating this plugin.

* Fixes a bug where the Attachement sitemap has the wrong “Last modified” date, this should be the time the plugin was activated.
* Fixes a bug where the “Redirect attachment URLs to the attachment itself?” can become “No” when saving other settings in Yoast SEO.


Release date: May 30th, 2018

Initial version.