Support » Plugin: Gift upon purchase for WooCommerce » Problem with payment

  • Hello, when the customer wants to place an order, the following message appears:
    PL: “” An error occurred while paying. Please contact shop staff or try again. ”
    ENG: “There was an error during payment. Please contact the store staff or try again.”
    I don’t know how to fix this, could it be caused by a theme change? Previously I used OCEAN WP, now YITH Proteo.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author icopydoc


    If you deactivate my plugin – no problems?
    I find it difficult to answer. I have not encountered such an error. And I’m not sure what the reason is in my plugin. Since the plugin does not affect the payment acceptance. It changes the price of the item BEFORE the payment process.

    PS. When I go to your site, I have error 503. Perhaps this is the case.

    • This reply was modified 1 week, 3 days ago by icopydoc.
    • This reply was modified 1 week, 3 days ago by icopydoc.
    Thread Starter bartekgse


    Yes, when I deactivate the plugin, payments work. I tried to reinstall the plugin, reset it, but it still doesn’t work.

    Plugin Author icopydoc


    I installed this theme and got the same error.
    After that, I went to “WooCommerce” – “Settings” – “Payments”, and all payment methods were deactivated.
    I have reactivated my payment methods. I reloaded the cart. The error is gone. Most likely it’s the YITH Proteo.

    PS After I activated YITH Proteo and work good.

    • This reply was modified 1 week, 2 days ago by icopydoc.
    Thread Starter bartekgse


    Unfortunately, the problem is the same all the time. I also changed the theme to the ocean WP.
    There is a payment screen:

    Plugin Author icopydoc


    Hmm.. Can you send me a screenshot of Gift upon purchase for WooCommerce settings?

    Thread Starter bartekgse


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