• Hello.
    Has probably come to the realization that wordpress does not support my wishes, in its standard version. Maybe with some plugins that I do not know about.
    But now I’m trying right here.
    VERY simply recorded…
    In the Top there is a Menu row.
    The page must be divided into 2 columns [20%] & [80%] (Frame1 & Frame2) “Example 1”
    On the left side (Frame1) there should be a myriad of links below each other.
    When a Menu or Link is pressed, it must be displayed in (Frame2)
    It’s thereby ONLY (Frame2) that changes.
    Same thing in Example 2, just more Sections in Left and Right side.
    Can it be done in WordPress, by default?
    “Example 1”

    |......Menu Menu Menu.....|
    |Frame 1..|...Frame 2.....|

    or advanced mode..

    “Example 2”

    |.........Menu Menu Menu......... |
    |Frame 1 |...............|Frame 5 |
    |Link    |...............|Link    |
    |Link    |...............|Link    |
    |————————|....Frame 4... |Link    |
    |Frame 2 |...............|Link    |
    |Link    |...............|Link    |
    |Link    |...............|————————|
    |Link    |...............|Frame 6 |
    |————————|...............|Link    |
    |Frame 3 |...............|Link    |
    |Link    |...............|Link    |
    |Link    |...............|Link    |
    |Link    |...............|Link    |
    |Link    |...............|Link    |

    Best regards

    • This topic was modified 1 day ago by auriko.
    • This topic was modified 1 day ago by auriko.
    • This topic was modified 22 hours, 1 minute ago by Jan Dembowski. Reason: Moved to Fixing WordPress, this is not an Developing with WordPress topic
    • This topic was modified 19 hours, 34 minutes ago by Steve Stern (sterndata).
Viewing 1 replies (of 1 total)
  • There are potential issues with usability and SEO when using frames to structure your site that way, which is probably why there is no default option to do this in WordPress.

    You may want to consider creating the layout you suggest without frames by using a theme that allows you to add a left menu, and with each link on the menu opening a new page, in a similar way to how some of the WordPress documentation is laid out https://developer.wordpress.org/block-editor/

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