
Make WordPress Core

Custom Query


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Results (1 - 100 of 448)

1 2 3 4 5

Resolution: fixed (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#25369 Adding custom fields is broken since [25433] wonderboymusic defect (bug) highest omg bbq General
#9064 URLs with commas are not pinged wonderboymusic defect (bug) high Pings/Trackbacks 2.7
#10787 Email administrators that an update is available for core|plugins|themes nacin task (blessed) high Upgrade/Install 2.9
#15919 wp_count_terms() hide_empty not working markjaquith defect (bug) high Taxonomy
#16606 WP_Http_Streams::test doesn't check enough to confirm if it can do HTTPS dd32 defect (bug) high HTTP API 3.0.5
#25201 "zxcvbn is not defined" Error During Install nacin defect (bug) high Upgrade/Install 3.7
#25281 Unable to add links in WP Editor when using IE 11 azaozz defect (bug) high TinyMCE
#25445 Adding child page into menu : ajax error ocean90 defect (bug) high Menus
#25660 If an administrator triggers cron, a background update could temporarily lock them out nacin defect (bug) high Upgrade/Install
#2875 https enclosures fail on post. defect (bug) normal Feeds 2.0.2
#6562 Visual Editor preserves multiple sequential spaces, fouls up shortcode parsing defect (bug) normal TinyMCE 2.5
#7054 Generated avatars should not be shown on moderation pages. ryan enhancement normal Comments
#7394 Search: order results by relevance nacin task (blessed) normal General 2.6
#8214 get_terms should support term descriptions wonderboymusic enhancement normal Taxonomy
#8722 get_categories allows custom taxos, get_category doesn't ryan defect (bug) normal Taxonomy 2.7
#9470 Allow get_pages to get child pages of multiple pages enhancement normal Query 2.8
#10666 When an upgrade borks, There needs to be an ability to rollback feature request normal Upgrade/Install
#10935 WP_Query and is_day() bug ryan defect (bug) normal Canonical 2.8.4
#11009 screenshots of plugins from wordpress.org load over http instead of https when FORCE_SSL_ADMIN is enabled nacin defect (bug) normal WordPress.org Site 2.9
#11058 Add unregister_taxonomy_for_object_type() nacin enhancement normal Taxonomy
#11823 Improve SQL query used by get_terms() filosofo enhancement normal Taxonomy 3.0
#12264 links truncated: link_url column in wp_links table -- datatype too small nacin defect (bug) normal General 2.9.2
#12729 Fix [6326] - wp_unique_term_slug() when changing the parent ryan defect (bug) normal Taxonomy
#12832 Use the same data type for site statuses database defect (bug) normal Database 3.0
#13412 Parent parameter returns no results in get_pages() enhancement normal Posts, Post Types
#13661 Support id=>name in fields arg of get_terms() wonderboymusic enhancement normal Taxonomy 3.0
#13992 get_terms() has 'search' and 'name__like' wonderboymusic enhancement normal Taxonomy 3.0
#14049 Upgrade takes an hour to complete due to repeated 30-second FTP timeout dd32 defect (bug) normal Filesystem API 3.1
#14102 Additional CSS class in wp_list_pages when a page has children enhancement normal Formatting 3.0
#14206 Custom taxonomy meta box callback nacin enhancement normal Taxonomy 3.0
#14290 register_new_user() can't handle WP_Error result from wp_create_user() nacin defect (bug) normal Users 3.0
#14380 Caption shortcode inserts inline style forcing width of containing div nacin defect (bug) normal Shortcodes
#14408 Get author information in author template file without having to query the first post nacin enhancement normal Themes 3.0
#14511 new function - wp_get_sites($args) enhancement normal Multisite
#14531 Only show custom header preview when an image is set nacin defect (bug) normal Customize 3.0.1
#14578 Default User Role isn't checked against defined roles, causing unexpected resets to Administrator garyc40 defect (bug) normal Role/Capability 3.0.1
#14760 wp_get_shortlink not working on pages ryan enhancement normal General 3.0
#14803 Admins should be warned if authentication keys and salts have the default phrase duck_ enhancement normal Security 3.0.1
#14856 Add an $args parameter to comment_text filter wonderboymusic enhancement normal Comments
#14975 Nav-menu system does not always run titles through 'the_title' filter. wonderboymusic enhancement normal Menus 3.0
#15004 Missing index on signups table pento defect (bug) normal Database
#15261 Add do_action to form tag in edit-tag-form.php nacin enhancement normal Administration 3.1
#15264 Deleting a term shared across taxonomies deletes all associated nav menus. garyc40 defect (bug) normal Taxonomy 3.0.1
#15498 Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php on line 281 duck_ defect (bug) normal Users 3.3.2
#15508 Use !is_user_logged_in instead of !$user->ID enhancement normal Comments 3.0.1
#15732 Media Settings page description is unclear wonderboymusic defect (bug) normal Text Changes
#16057 download_url() error checking fails to notice that the file wasnt correctly witten to disk dd32 defect (bug) normal HTTP API 3.0
#16310 get_taxonomy_labels() and _get_custom_object_labels() fail if $object->taxonomy is not array wonderboymusic defect (bug) normal Taxonomy
#16323 Hierarchical CPTs without a custom query_var 404 duck_ defect (bug) normal Query 3.0.4
#16492 Improvements to the Wordpress Update Process dd32 enhancement normal Upgrade/Install 3.0.5
#16516 wp_page_menu documentation of the sort_column parameter SergeyBiryukov defect (bug) normal Inline Docs 2.7
#16550 wp_set_post_categories should take an integer wonderboymusic enhancement normal Taxonomy 3.0
#16568 Network install disables site when blog_id is not 1 nacin defect (bug) normal Multisite 3.0.5
#16603 Add hooks to wp_count_posts() wonderboymusic enhancement normal Query
#16632 Template title tags shouldn't ignore the prefix,even if 'display' is false nacin defect (bug) normal Template 3.1
#16645 Inline edit defaults author to current user nacin defect (bug) normal Quick/Bulk Edit 3.0
#16705 Unclear wording: "An administrator must always approve the comment " SergeyBiryukov defect (bug) normal Text Changes 3.1
#16718 Deprecate in_category in favor of has_category SergeyBiryukov enhancement normal Taxonomy
#16750 Improve inline docs for l10n functions SergeyBiryukov enhancement normal Inline Docs 3.1
#16754 PHP5-port - srand() dd32 enhancement normal Formatting 3.1
#16756 PHP5-port - Access Violations on wpdb::$prefix nacin enhancement normal Database 3.1
#16787 Removing title from a page (blank title) results in collapsed UI element in menu builder SergeyBiryukov defect (bug) normal Menus 3.1
#16809 Inline Documentation Standard for Filters enhancement normal Inline Docs 3.1
#16822 FORCE_SSL_LOGIN causes wp-login.php to have an incorrect https link jakub.tyrcha defect (bug) normal Security 3.1
#16854 wp_query does not handle multiple exclude author properly wonderboymusic enhancement normal Query 3.1
#16884 Wrong order of parameters in str_replace() in setup-config's get_bloginfo() dd32 defect (bug) normal Upgrade/Install 3.1
#16889 Having a location header does not mean that there should be a redirection. dd32 defect (bug) normal HTTP API 3.1
#16890 Mutliple Location response headers can trigger notices dd32 defect (bug) normal HTTP API
#16903 PHP5-Port - Superfluous code in _deep_replace() dd32 enhancement normal Formatting
#16942 Dead code in add_query_arg() wonderboymusic defect (bug) normal General 3.1
#16983 Pass $sep to 'wp_title_rss' filter nacin enhancement normal Feeds
#17022 months_dropdown() is not filterable DrewAPicture enhancement normal Query
#17071 wp_count_attachments() is not filterable nacin enhancement normal Media 2.5
#17092 use dirname(__file__).'/file.php' instead of './file' for includes nacin enhancement normal General 3.1.1
#17296 Link Descriptions Are Truncated Without Notification nacin defect (bug) normal General 2.7
#17302 Add get_previous_post_link(), get_next_post_link(), and get_adjacent_post_link() westi enhancement normal Template 3.1
#17328 In User Profile, Undefined property: WP_User::$rich_editing line 189 user-edit wonderboymusic defect (bug) normal Warnings/Notices 3.2
#17588 fsockopen performs a POST request to a redirected location dd32 defect (bug) normal HTTP API 3.2
#17767 Anonymous comments can break comments RSS feed westi defect (bug) normal Feeds 3.2
#17778 get_comment_pages_count() returns > 1 when pagination is disabled nacin defect (bug) normal Comments 2.7
#17884 Remove redundant checks in settings API functions wonderboymusic enhancement normal Administration
#18042 Need a way to override wp_link_query() SergeyBiryukov enhancement normal Editor 3.2
#18056 dc:creator needs to be escaped in RSS feed wonderboymusic defect (bug) normal Feeds 3.2
#18166 Be able to amend the parent dropdown on the edit taxonomy term page SergeyBiryukov enhancement normal Taxonomy 3.2.1
#18169 [15491] prevents to plug into the update API dd32 defect (bug) normal Upgrade/Install 3.1
#18186 Default registration assumptions in WP Multisite nacin defect (bug) normal Multisite 3.2.1
#18200 Language Packs nacin task (blessed) normal Upgrade/Install
#18242 Changing domain for a network blog make faulty changes in database nacin defect (bug) normal Multisite 3.0
#18476 Duplicate code in filesystem classes kurtpayne enhancement normal Inline Docs 3.2.1
#18488 set_transient crashes when value parameter is a SimpleXMLElement object wonderboymusic enhancement normal Cache API 3.2.1
#18504 Allow filtering of "Add New [Post Type]" URL on edit.php helen enhancement normal Administration 3.2.1
#18577 Updates and downloads should be delivered securely task (blessed) normal Upgrade/Install
#18596 Not possible to filter comment screen by post type helen enhancement normal Administration 3.1
#18614 post_type_archive_title doesn't work when tax_query is added to wp_query wonderboymusic defect (bug) normal Template 3.2
#18632 wp_get_shortlink() Should Always Return a URL ryan defect (bug) normal Template 3.1
#18694 Improved date arguments for WP_Query Viper007Bond enhancement normal Query 3.3
#18703 'pre_get_posts'-filter without effect when modifying 'tax_query'. Wrong parameters passed to 'parse_tax_query() ??; WP 3.2.1. info@… defect (bug) normal Query 3.2.1
#18709 Hooks in user-new.php helen enhancement normal Administration 3.2.1
#18710 post_deleted_messages filter nacin enhancement normal Administration
#18714 terms_updated_messages filter nacin enhancement normal Taxonomy
(more results for this group on next page)
1 2 3 4 5
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.