Support » Plugin: UpdraftPlus WordPress Backup Plugin » Scheduled backups won’t run – Failed to open log file

  • Resolved wpsolutionsbe


    Hi there,

    We are using UpdraftPlus (free) on a Woocommerce webshop that is still in development.
    Recently we have noticed that scheduled backups are refusing to run. We are getting the following error msg: Failed to open log file (/var/www/html/wp-content/updraft/log.7aa561972bcf.txt) – you need to check your UpdraftPlus settings (your chosen directory for creating files in is not writable, or you ran out of disk space). Backup aborted. (aug 06 01:00:05)

    We have no problems with manual backups, these run normally and are successfull.

    Some other background info:
    – Backup destination: Google drive
    – Backup schedule scheme: Every 12h
    – Archive size setting: 100MB
    – There is plenty of space available both on the server as the Google Drive storage
    – Access rights for folder /var/www/html/wp-content/updraft/: apache:apache 0755

    Also maybe worth mentioning: we have currently http basic auth in place to shield off visitors from the site as it is still being set up. I don’t feel like this should have anything to do with the backups not running, but I thought I’d mention it anyway.

    Do you have any idea why these scheduled backups are failing?


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  • Plugin Contributor bcrodua



    Please could you send us a copy of the latest full backup log?

    This can be found in the UpdraftPlus Existing Backups tab.
    The contents will be too long to post here directly, but you can use an online service such as Dropbox or Pastebin, and post the link here.


    Thread Starter wpsolutionsbe


    Hi @bcrodua,

    I can do that for sure.
    But please note that this will be the backup log of a manual triggered backup as the scheduled backup is giving the error that the log file could not be created.

    Can I send the logfile through email or another channel?
    I don’t feel comfortable sharing logs publicly.


    Thread Starter wpsolutionsbe


    Hi again @bcrodua,

    It appears that the scheduled backup for this noon has successfully been completed.
    I have no idea why this time it has worked…

    I will leave this topic open to see if the scheduled backup for this night will run as well.


    Plugin Contributor bcrodua



    Please keep us posted here.


    Thread Starter wpsolutionsbe


    Hi @bcrodua,

    It seems like both latest scheduled backup tasks have failed again (one around midnight and one around 1PM).
    Again with the following error:

    Failed to open log file (/var/www/html/wp-content/updraft/log.8c93df0bf5c5.txt) – you need to check your UpdraftPlus settings (your chosen directory for creating files in is not writable, or you ran out of disk space). Backup aborted. (aug 07 13:00:04)

    Please advise what the next action should be.

    Thank you,

    Plugin Contributor bcrodua



    Can you check that the wp-content/updraft folder is writable? Also check that you have more than enough space available on your server.


    Thread Starter wpsolutionsbe


    Hi @bcrodua,

    As I mentioned in my first post:

    – There is plenty of space available both on the server as the Google Drive storage
    – Access rights for folder /var/www/html/wp-content/updraft/: apache:apache 0755

    Are those access rights ok?

    What could be the difference between the manual and scheduled backups? They both use the same folder, but manual works and scheduled not.


    Plugin Author David Anderson


    > What could be the difference between the manual and scheduled backups?

    How do you run WP cron jobs on your server? Do you have a mechanism to run them sometimes from the CLI environment instead of through the web browser? Does your server have SELinux or AppArmor, and you might find a permissions denial in one of their logs?

    Thread Starter wpsolutionsbe


    Hi @davidanderson,

    I think I might have an idea what the problem is. Your reply pointed me in that direction.

    As I explained in my first post, the website is currently still being setup and protected by basic auth.
    Therefore WP Cron will not be triggered by the regular web traffic.
    In order to mitigate this, I created a cronjob that triggers WP Cron manually every hour.

    The cronjob in question is run by my user and the folder in question is being owned by apache:apache. Could that be the reason why the log file couldn’t be created and the backup task isn’t running?

    Would adding my user to the apache group solve this problem?

    Thank you for your thoughts.

    Thread Starter wpsolutionsbe


    Hi @bcrodua, @davidanderson,

    I changed the cronjob to trigger WP cron from my users crontab to the apache users crontab and it appears to have solved the problem.
    Last two scheduled backups have runned without a problem.

    Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

    Plugin Author David Anderson


    Glad to hear you got it sorted!


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