• In the plugin description:

    “This is the lite version that works with the default WordPress login page”
    Upgrade to Pro to avail the support for the following plugins.
    – WooCommerce

    – Theme My Login

    Is this a feature that’s been removed? I’m currently on the pre-owner-change version (2.9.9), and I’m using it together with those two plugins. If I understand rightly, version 3.0+ of the free plugin is now useless for me, right? (The “WordPress login page” isn’t accessible for my users; they get redirected to Theme My Login’s login page – that’s Theme My Login’s behaviour if anyone visits /wp-admin/).


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  • Plugin Author Collins Agbonghama


    Hi @davidanderson. It isn’t useless. We didn’t take out any features.

    It still works with Theme My Login because they implement the login_redirect filter.

    What the Pro version does for TML is to add support for post-registration redirect and redirection back to previous and current URL.

    Thread Starter David Anderson


    Thank you. And the free version still performs per-role redirects when logging in via WooCommerce login forms too?


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