• Resolved lucydeetz


    Hi there,

    I recently installed the plugin (terrific job!) and added a few terms to the glossary. It worked perfectly until it started creating a blank page for every new term.
    Now whenever I publish a new term, the created link points to /glossary/term-2/ instead of /glossary/term/ and I don’t know why it’s creating two pages for the same term. It first creates a blank post at /glossary/term/ (the body of the page looks empty) and then the correct term page at /glossary/term-2/. I tried manually changing the slug but it won’t keep the change as the system likely senses that a page with the same slug already exists.
    What’s worse is that I tried deleting one of the terms that I created. The /glossary/term-2/ page was correctly deleted, but the blank page wasn’t.


    https://lingookies.com/glossary/buonanotte-2/ — I deleted this term
    https://lingookies.com/glossary/buonanotte/ — but the blank page is still there

    Can someone help? Thanks!

    • This topic was modified 3 years ago by lucydeetz.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Daniele Scasciafratte


    Post type slug are cross shared between all the post types.
    A blank page is not a slug issue but probably a PHP crash on your website that don’t print the error (otherwsie you should a 404 or the real page).
    You need to enable the php errors of your website to understand what is happening and see if it is a plugin fault or something else.

    Thread Starter lucydeetz


    Hi, thanks for answering!
    I installed a plugin to log all PHP errors, but it ended up crashing the entire website… I used the Glossary plugin some more today and think I have found the culprit, though. I added a few more terms and everything was going smooth until I opened the edit page for another term in a separate tab to copy some of its content off into the page of the term I was working on.
    Turns out that if I publish any new term while editing another term in a second tab, this will result in the new term generating the two slugs. I tried a few times and it does this every time so I don’t think it’s coincidental. It’s probably a conflict with some other plugin but I wouldn’t know where to start looking, so I’ll just make sure to publish new terms without editing any other posts. I also managed to clean the database from those empty pages, so so far so good!

    Plugin Author Daniele Scasciafratte


    Good that you fixed.

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