This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

Easier Excerpts


Automatically changes the size of the excerpt field to fit the length of your content.

Note this is not yet Gutenberg-compatible but will be soon!

Excerpts are very useful when sharing your blog post content.

They allow you to provide a preview of your post to your readers as well as the email marketing service used to email new blog posts to your mailing list. This ultimately drives traffic on your site as your audience reads the remainder of the blog post.

But using the native excerpt functionality in WordPress can quickly become tedious. The excerpt field is small and difficult to enlarge, so it’s hard to see how much content you’ve added, let alone manage the layout of the text.

This plugin fixes that problem. By activating this plugin:

  • The excerpt field will automatically expand to fit your content or will contract if you have shorter content.
  • There are no options – it “just works.”
  • It does not change the appearance of anything in the editor. It works directly with the functionality you already know.
  • It works with both new and existing posts.
  • No data will be affected if you opt to uninstall it.

Ultimately, the plugin aims to help streamline one small aspect of your blogging routine.


Thank you for choosing Pressware to streamline and improve your blogging!

  • You can find all of our available plugins on our homepage.
  • If you’re curious about the changes found in this plugin, review the Changelog above.
  • If you opt to download a non-tagged version of the plugin (that is, the version in trunk), then know that this is a development version. Use at your own risk.


  • A screenshot showing how Easier Excerpts automatically resizes the height of the excerpt based on the amount of content is contains.


You can install this plugin by searching for ‘Easier Excerpts’ in from the WordPress Plugin screen.

If you download a copy of the plugin and want to install it in another way, please see the methods below.

Using The WordPress Dashboard

  1. Navigate to the ‘Add New’ Plugin page
  2. Select from your computer
  3. Click ‘Upload’
  4. Activate the plugin on the WordPress Plugin Dashboard

Using FTP

  1. Extract to your computer
  2. Upload the easier-excerpts directory to your wp-content/plugins directory
  3. Activate the plugin on the WordPress Plugins dashboard


We will soon offer the option to purchase
support for all of our plugins. If you’ve purchased a license for a plugin,
then you will receive support.

We offer no guarantee for support for those who have not purchased a license.

What if I have a feature request or bug report?

That’s great!

  1. Please visit the Pressware homepage,
  2. And send us an email.

We read every email we receive and will do our best to accommodate our users and our customers.

We don’t guarantee a response to all users; however, if you have purchased a support license, then you receive priority support. Further, we seek to respond to each customer’s questions, comments, and feedback directly.


September 3, 2016
This plugin just WORKS!!! Its simple and works perfectly! I am definitely adding it as a required plugin for my custom themes.
September 3, 2016
I had to modify it because I also use excerpts in pages for Facebook sharing, but it works out of the box for posts.
Read all 3 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Easier Excerpts” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


Translate “Easier Excerpts” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



  • Support for WordPress 5.0.2 and Gutenberg
  • Updated the README files.
  • Updated the CHANGELOG.
  • Cleaned up more JavaScript sources.


  • Changed the latest stable version of WordPress
  • Removed functionality if Gutenberg is active


  • Updated licenses to GPLv3
  • Updated the way the classes are instantiated executed.
  • Contintued movement to more modern PHP syntax and PSR coding standards.
  • Updated the development JavaScript styles to be more modern.
  • Preparing for Gutenberg roll out. No Gutenberg support yet.
  • Removed excerpt support for pages. This is a theme-related feature and a plugin should not force it.


  • Minor updates to the JavaScript
  • Updated compressed version of the JavaScript file
  • Codekit configuration files (in favor of eventually moving to a new build system)


  • Added Namespaces
  • Introduced PSR2 Compatible Code
  • Verifies compatibility with WordPress 4.9.4
  • Cleaned up the README to be more user-friendly
  • Cleaned up and minified the JavaScript
  • Removed the old test suite


  • Adds PHP CodeSniffer to composer.json.
  • Adds updated CodeKit configuration.
  • Verifies compatibility with WordPress 4.7.
  • Changes references from Pressware Plugins to Pressware.


  • This update verifies compatibility with WordPress 4.6.0.


This update adds the functionality for all post types with excerpts.
* Update composer.json per review by @schlessera


This update adds the functionality for all post types with excerpts.

  • Update compatibility with WordPress 4.5.1
  • Add support for all post types
  • Add additional tags to composer.json for clarity


  • Verifying compatibility with WordPress 4.5


  • Add PHPUnit via Composer
  • Update .gitignore for the /vendor/, .DS_Store, and test scaffold files
  • Update Easer_Excerpts->init() to return false for clarity
  • Add unit tests


  • Initial release