Support » Plugin: ExactMetrics - Google Analytics Dashboard for WordPress (Website Stats Plugin) » A new tag for a more intelligent Analytics

  • Resolved davidschwartzer


    Received an email from Google Analytics that I need to update my Google Analytics tag. The page has some code on it that I am supposed to add to the Head. I thought that’s what this plug-in did and I don’t see any place to add the updated code in the plug-in. I assume others have had to do this so I hope someone can give me some guidance.

    Thank you,


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author chriscct7


    Hi there,
    It doesn’t look like EM is currently in use on the site url given but our code automatically outputs the latest GA tags, so it could have been that you were on an older version of ExactMetrics.


    Thread Starter davidschwartzer



    Thank you for your quick response and my bad. In going back to check, I discovered that the plugin was not activated. I also have the Google Site Kit plugin running and suspect your plugin was deactivated when that was installed.

    I have activated the plugin and reauthorized it with my Google Analytics account. You said my tag would be automatically updated but I’m wondering if there is anything else I need to do? Also, is it OK to run your plugin with the Google Site Kit plugin?

    Thanks for all your help.



    Plugin Support Michelle D.


    Hi @davidschwartzer,

    I’m able to see ExactMetrics inserting your tracking code in your website You should be all set up now.

    Both ExactMetrics and Google Site Kit insert your tracking code into your WordPress site, so as a result, we recommend not running Google Site Kit to avoid duplicate tracking, which can skew your Analytics data.


    – Michelle

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