AMP WordPress

Integrating with AMP Dev Mode in WordPress

tl;dr In v1.3 the AMP plugin for WordPress no longer has to remove the Admin Bar to keep pages valid AMP. The AMP plugin allows WordPress themes to be developed as usual and have their templates and stylesheets used to serve valid AMP pages. It does as much as possible to prevent serving invalid AMP […]

AMP WordPress

AMP for JavaScripters

Today at the JavaScript for WordPress Conference (#JSforWPConf), Felix Arntz and I gave a talk called AMP for JavaScripters about implementing interactive interfaces in AMP. Here’s the abstract we submitted for the talk: As we all know, adding JavaScript to a web page allows for dynamic page modifications. However, with that flexibility comes great responsibility: […]


Using the AMP Plugin to Protect Site Visitors and Debug Security Vulnerabilities

Case study in how the AMP plugin for WordPress revealed a security flaw in a popular plugin. Not only did the AMP plugin prevent the XSS vulnerability from being exploitable, but it also pinpointed the code responsible.


Creating Gutenberg Blocks without a Build Step via HTM

If you’ve ever looked into developing a block for the new WordPress editor (Gutenberg), you’ve seen that it’s recommended to code it up with JSX. Blocks are powered by React and the JSX syntax is significantly more readable and less verbose than the ES5-compatible syntax. For example, compare this ES5 code: With this equivalent in […]


WordCamp Europe 2018 Recap: AMP and PWA

Recently I attended WCEU 2018 in Belgrade with quite a few colleagues from XWP. We were there in large part to promote the adoption of progressive technologies in WordPress. We spent a lot of our time at the Google booth where we had an area to talk about contributing to WordPress across a wide range of roles. I spent […]


Remember Me Easter Egg

Here’s a fun little easter egg to add to your WordPress login screen: make it so when you click the “Remember Me” checkbox that the song of the same name from Coco autoplays at the bottom of the login form: Here’s a quick and dirty plugin that does it:


“Building with JavaScript in the Customizer” at WCUS 2017

At WordCamp US 2017 I gave a talk on “Building with JavaScript in the Customizer”. I was happy to have the opportunity to share the technical details on the Customizer’s architecture and JavaScript API, which saw many improvements in 4.9, in addition to being able to share the Customizer’s new user-facing features during State of the Word. The […]


Presenting WordPress 4.8 & 4.9 at State of the Word 2017

At WordCamp US 2017 last week, Mel Choyce and I had the opportunity to present the new features in WordPress 4.8 and 4.9 which we co-lead with Jeff Paul. We start presenting ~17 minutes into the State of the Word: State of the Word, 2017 (Photos courtesy of Jeff Golenski and Post Status.)


Slides for “Building with JavaScript in the Customizer” WCUS 2017 Talk

Here are the slides from my WCUS 2017 talk “Building with JavaScript in the Customizer”


Mel Choyce’s Recap on WordPress 4.9

Whereas my recap post about WordPress 4.9 focused mostly on the new features and enhancements, my co-release lead Mel Choyce just published a great post that gets into more of the process aspects of the release, including the key contributors: I think that 4.9 went really well by having essentially three co-release leads: Mel Choyce […]