Tag Archives: GUI

Review: Dash for OS X

I recently discovered a very cool app for OS X called Dash. It’s basically an offline popup for any kind of programming or tech documentation you can think of. You can choose from a large number of coding docsets and … Continue reading

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Elegant Design: A Case Study

In the past I’ve discussed elegant UI design on this blog, commenting especially how the best plugin design is to integrate the plugin’s function in a way that the end user would never realize that what they’re doing comes from … Continue reading

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On Attribution and Plugin Priorities in WordPress

A few weeks ago I wrote instructions on putting a plugin attribution in the footer of your plugin’s Admin/Settings screen. It’s a good technique, and I’ve already seen a few plugins using it. I’ve noticed somewhat of an issue recently. … Continue reading

Posted in GUI Goodness, Webcraft | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Give your WordPress plugin credit without cluttering the GUI

In a previous post I discussed the idea of locating your plugin’s Settings screen where it made sense within the Admin menus — giving an example of my own pull-quotes plugin’s Settings going under the Design menu. I briefly touched … Continue reading

Posted in GUI Goodness, Webcraft | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 9 Comments

Use Action Links to direct users straight to your WordPress plugin’s admin page

I’ve recently come across repeated discussions (especially on the wp-hackers mailing list) debating where plugin authors should place their custom admin pages. I discussed that question directly in my previous post, and basically stated that the plugin’s admin page can … Continue reading

Posted in GUI Goodness, Webcraft | Tagged , , , , , , | 20 Comments

On Plugin Design and Integration

A frequent question on the wp-hackers list (a mailing list for people who write both WordPress core code and plugins) is where plugin authors should place the Admin screens for their plugins. A majority seems to say they go under … Continue reading

Posted in GUI Goodness, Webcraft | Tagged , , , , , | 3 Comments