Support » Plugin: Gutenberg » Seriously, this is utter junk.

  • I just don’t get it. I know block editors are the thing, WP Bakery/Visual Composer is one, and I generally like it. But I can choose to use it or not, or I can just use an empty post and move quickly between Code and Visual views. On my websites, I use the Classic Editor plugin to make my life a bit more familiar. But I had to take a look at my father’s website which does not have the Classic installed and therefore forced into using the Gutenberg editor. After struggling with it for a while, wondering why the base HTML was so damn messy, trying to find code view (which I had to LOOK UP ON THE INTERNET how to find), trying to sort why this interface was so ugly and user-unfriendly, I finally had to look up why his site posts/pages basically sucked and ran into that it was basically using Gutenberg. My gods, I am so glad I am using the classic. This is a horrible interface. Make this a choice (natively, not that we have to install a plugin to make our editing actually function in a non-crazy making fashion). I’d give this negative stars if I could.

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