Support » Fixing WordPress » Invalid username after restore

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  • Hi @adelinar,

    Thank you for getting in touch. Login troubles can be frustrating!

    There’s a great support page that outlines a number of options for resetting your user’s password. I’d recommend having a read of that to see if you spot any differences between what you’ve tried already and the official steps.

    I tried reseting the password with my email and I do not receive the link on mail

    When you tried doing this, after clicking the “Get New Password” button, did you see any error appear above the form stating there was no account matching the provided username or email address?

    > I also tried to login with another user’s account and its still same.

    By “it’s still the same” do you mean that you can successfully login under the other user’s account?

    If so, does that user have sufficient permissions to be able to reset your primary user’s password via the admin’s users section? As that might also be an option.

    I hope that helps!

    Thread Starter adelinar



    Thank you for your reply. I’ve tried most of the password reset steps on the forum. The rest of them I’m a bit afraid to try because I’m not so sure what I’m doing. About reseting via email, its still saying me the username and email are invalid and with some other user’s infos i do not receive the email with the reset link even if the login infos are correct. By “its still the same” I mean all of them are invalid. I cannot use any login informations, any username or email, everything is invalid. In phpmyadmin i’ve changed the password and it work perfectly fine but i’m still locked out, in wordpress page seem to be still invalid.

    Thank you!

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