Building Themes with Accessibility In Mind: Brian Gardner


Join us for a virtual meetup on WordPress Accessibility, where Brian Gardner, the Co-Founder, and CEO of Agent Engine, will be discussing his approach to accessibility as a theme developer.

More details coming soon!

Want to speak? Contact an organizer with your topic idea so we can get you on the calendar.

Event Details:
This meetup will be held at U.S. 8 AM Pacific which is 10 AM U.S. Central, 4 PM in the UK, and 8:30 PM IST.

RSVP to receive the link. Links are typically added to this meetup page 1 week in advance of the event.

Accessibility & Accommodations:
Our meetups are held virtually over Zoom and are auto-captioned. Slide links will be provided when applicable and presenters are encouraged to make slides as accessible as possible with alternative text for images, etc.

All are welcome to attend. If you need specific accommodations to make this meetup work for you, please contact an organizer and we will try our best to accommodate you.

Code of Conduct:
Please note that this group is a welcoming space for all and all members must follow the WordPress Online Code of Conduct. If you have not read these guidelines, you may do so at

By RSVPing to this meetup, you agree to abide by these guidelines. If you have concerns that the Online Code of Conduct is not being followed, please contact an organizer.