October Meetup: Conversion optimization 📈


Joint meetup with: WP-Network Austria

★ Alexander Laaber
Psychology & Conversion Optimization - A True Love Story

★ Dominik Panosch
The Power of WordPress-Landing Pages in Performance Marketing Campaigns

★ Host: Martin Sternsberger

🕡 18:30
👉🏻 https://zoom.us/j/908664707


Herzlichen Dank unseren Sponsoren:

💛 mollie - Europas meist geliebter Zahlungsmittelanbieter, auch für WooCommerce https://www.mollie.com/

💙 KINSTA - Premium WordPress-Hosting für jede, klein oder groß https://kinsta.com

💚 WP-Stars - WordPress-Agentur für komplexe Plattformen, E-Commerce und Website. https://wp-stars.com
👉🏻 Offene Stellen! 👈🏻


▬ Im Detail ▬

★ Alexander Laaber
Psychology & Conversion Optimization - A True Love Story

Shape your customer‘s decision making process by using behavioral principles and psychological triggers to increase conversions and sales.


★ Dominik Panosch
The Power of WordPress-Landing Pages in Performance Marketing Campaigns

In many cases, clients of Performance Marketing Agencies have a well-functioning ecosystem, a custom-coded website, a shop system like Magento or Shopware, or equivalent. Those are either managed by an external Agency or by an internal marketing-team, both of whose interest is not mainly to create different landing pages everyday in support of the PPC-Campaign. For flexibility and performance-reasons, we utilize the power of WordPress (in combination with page builders) to quickly build landing pages and funnels from scratch, without even touching the client's ecosystem (apart from a little A-record in the DNS-settings), and install cross-domain tracking and conversion events on the WP-subdomain, to prepare everything for the Performance Marketing Agency to take over.

More about Dominik: https://intrapreneur.marketing