Online: WordPress Help Desk

Raleigh-Durham RTP WordPress Meetup Group
Raleigh-Durham RTP WordPress Meetup Group
Public group

Every week on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

Online event

Link visible for attendees


As the pandemic wanes, there is a "new normal" for the WordPress Help Desk.

WordPress Help Desk events will be online as a 1-on-1 WordPress Help Desk call.

To schedule a 1-on-1 WordPress Help Desk call, simply use the calendar found here:

Confused? Please read this entire description including the TLDR and FAQ sections to clear up any confusion about changes as this event has changed from in-person to online.

We look forward to helping you with WordPress.


I'm adding to the description because some people have been confused by these events. The link above is for you to schedule the WordPress Help Desk 1-on-1 call. The available times are generally from 9 AM until 10 AM, which is why this event is scheduled for that time. However, this is not a group call.

When the world shifted to hosting events from home, back in March of 2020, I tested this as a group call. As people received answers for their questions about WordPress, they left the call. This frustrated the people who had to wait and listen to the other questions and answers during the call. I don't want to waste everyone's time in this way.

At an in-person event, it's possible to work in a group and ask questions as they come up. However, this does not transition into a video conference call very well. Instead, I have opened up my calendar to schedule 1-on-1 calls using the link above. We will focus on the one question you have about your website.

The reason this event is reoccurring here on Meetup is to let you know the WordPress Help Desk events are still available. Before the pandemic, this was an event hosted in Raleigh once per month for two hours. Now, this is a 1-on-1 video conference call scheduled for 20 minute blocks multiple times throughout the month.

There will be no link shared for a group call with this event. The WordPress Help Desk events have become 1-on-1 video conference calls which can be scheduled using the link above.


Where is the link to join the call?
- If you are looking for a link to join a group call, there isn't one. These events have moved to 1-on-1 scheduled appointments. When you schedule your appointment, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to join your 1-on-1 call.

Why can't I get into the Zoom call?
- Please check the date and time in the confirmation email for your scheduled 1-on-1 call, after using the link above to schedule your 1-on-1 WordPress Help Desk call.

Why is this event repeating each morning, but there are no available appointment times this morning?
- These calls are scheduled in advance. If there is no time available today, you can book your call for the next available time.

What is the point of having these events on Meetup if we are scheduling 1-on-1 calls with another calendar?
- These events were held in-person with 20 - 50 people attending once per month. Since the pandemic forced these events to move online, we have helped more people than we did in the past with in-person events. For this reason, the WordPress Help Desk events will remain online using scheduled 1-on-1 calls. Use the link above to schedule your call for a convenient time.