Support » Fixing WordPress » Slow site speed, will updates help?

  • Only very recently our website and backend have been incredibly slow to load. When you click onto a new page in the backend or on the site it takes up to 10 seconds. Previously it was almost instantaneous.

    I am not a developer but have done what I can using Page Speed Insights and plugins e.g. W3 Total Cache. Also checked near enough every ‘how to improve website speed’ resource.

    However, we have 4 big updates that haven’t been done as they require development:
    1) PHP version update
    2) WordPress update
    3) Theme update
    4) WP Bakery update

    Will these updates improve the speed?

    Alternatively, is there anything that might have happened to have caused this sudden change in speed?

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  • Moderator Hari Shanker R


    Hi @caty123

    Sorry to hear about the sudden slowness of the site; that’s definitely frustrating! I see that there is slowness in loading both the front-end and the backend of the site. This type of slowness could be related to potential issues with your web hosting provider OR due to a bloated database, OR both. Caching may not exactly help with improving your site’s backend speed – it is focused on improving the front-end speed of your site – so does pagespeed insights.

    Please take a look at the following article: – which will offer you some guidance on how to improve the page speed of your site.

    Moving on to the second part of your question:

    However, we have 4 big updates that haven’t been done as they require development:

    It is totally possible – especially if you are several versions behind!

    If you wish to test this out, I’d recommend creating a staging version of your live site and to try updating everything there. After the update, if you see a significant speed increase, you can do the same for your live site.

    I hope that helps!

    The WordPress Optimization support article could also be helpful:

    Thread Starter caty123


    Thank you @harishanker – very useful, I’ll take a look at those resources. Looks like I will need to get some development resource on this

    Moderator Hari Shanker R


    I hope the resources help, @caty123!

    I have one more tip – please report the issue with the backend slowness with your web host’s support as well. Sometimes (depending on your host) they may be able to help a bit there, especially if there’s a hosting issue.

    In your case, I strongly suspect a bloated database, which might need some clean-up. The article I suggested should help.

    If you are looking for WordPress development help, you can post a job here: and someone should be able to help.

    All the best!

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