Support » Fixing WordPress » Schedule Publishing to Future Date is Missing

  • Hello there,

    I used WordPress in the past, where the scheduling option was easy to find. I recently got to work on a WordPress site where I don’t see the option to make changes to the existing content and schedule their publishing to a future date.

    It is a company website, so I believe there must be some restrictions on who can schedule publishing. I’m trying to reach out to the dev team as well.

    Meanwhile, I was just curious and want to know if I am missing something. Here’s the screenshot of my admin panel`

    Thank you for your help!`

    • This topic was modified 1 month, 1 week ago by iamamjath.
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  • Moderator Hari Shanker R


    Hi @iamamjath

    I understand that you are missing scheduling options for your content. From the screenshot, it appears that you are editing a Custom Post Type called “news releases”. And it looks to me that you are an Editor on that site.

    Typically, for editing posts to a future date, clicking on the “Edit” button located alongside the Publish on section on the sidebar, brings up date/time fields, where you can enter the publishing date and can schedule the post – in the classic editor (which seems to be used by your site), as shown in the screenshot below:

    I can see that you have attempted to click the Edit button – what happens when you try it? Are you prevented from going ahead? If that’s the case, there must be some restriction imposed by the site owner (custom code or custom plugin) that could be preventing the same. I think you have taken the right course of action by reaching out to them – they should be able to help.

    I hope that helps!

    Thread Starter iamamjath


    Thank you, Hari!

    My bad, I overlooked it. Can you also please shed some light on the following questions related to scheduled publishing?

    1. Update an existing post – How do I ensure the changes I made to an existing page will get published in the future? Because I don’t see an option to ‘save’ my changes. If I click on ‘update’, the live page will get updated instantly, which I do not want.

    2. Also, when I make changes to an existing page and scheduling their publish to a future date, should I also change the published status to ‘draft’?


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