Operationalize Your Privacy, Security and Data Governance Programs

Comply with GDPR, CCPA and Hundreds of Global Laws
Are you a growing business with less than 2,000 employees? Check out our small business pricing

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Operationalize privacy by design, PIAs, DPIAs to achieve and maintain compliance
Starts at $500 €455 £400 $735 per month Billed annually


Maintain an evergreen map of data flows and complete records of processing
Starts at $500 €455 £400 $735 per month Billed annually


Discover and classify data to build your data map, automate privacy rights requests, and demonstrate compliance
Starts at $2500 €2035 £1845 $3340 per month Billed annually

Consumer &
Data Subject Requests

Automate requests from intake to fulfilment to meet regulatory deadlines
Starts at $500 €455 £400 $735 per month Billed annually

Targeted Data Discovery™

Automatically discover and action data to fully automate the fulfillment of consumer and data subject rights (DSAR) requests.
Starts at $1200 €1020 £920 $1670 per month Billed annually

CCPA Toll-Free Solution

Add a phone workflow into your consumer rights process to meet CCPA requirements.
Starts at $50 €45 £40 $70 per month Billed annually
Request the detailed Enterprise Pricing Guide

Incident &
Breach Response

Meet breach notification rules across global and local regulations
Starts at $500 €455 £400 $735 per month Billed annually

Policy & Notice

Centrally manage and update privacy-related policies, notices and disclosures
Starts at $500 €455 £400 $735 per month Billed annually

Vendor Risk

Manage vendors and third parties, assess and mitigate risk, and monitor threats
Starts at $500 €455 £400 $735 per month Billed annually

Risk Exchange

Access pre-completed vendor risk assessments based on common industry standards (NIST, ISO, SIG, etc.)
Starts at $150 €130 £120 $210 per month Billed annually

Questionnaire Response

Automatically answer any incoming security, privacy, due diligence, and RFx questionnaires
Starts at $500 €455 £400 $735 per month Billed annually

Universal Consent &
Preference Management

Collect, manage, and sync preferences and first-party data across marketing and sales activities
Starts at $2400 €2040 £1724 $3242 per month Billed annually

Website Scanning &
Cookie Consent

Generate a geo-specific cookie banner, preference center and cookie policy
Starts at $45 €40 £40 $65 per month per website Billed annually

App Scanning
& Consent

Gain user consent for analytics, ad tech and other mobile tracking technologies
Starts at $180 €165 £145 $265 per month per app Billed annually

Consent Management Platform (CMP) for Publishers

Collect, manage, and sync valid consent across marketing and sales activities
Starts at $30 €25 £25 $45 per month per website Billed annually

Consent Rate Optimization

Maximize opt-ins by advancing your CMP to personalize experiences while respecting consumer privacy
Starts at $30 €25 £20 $ per month per website Billed annually

Regulatory Research

Central repository of research, regulatory guidance, best practices and news
Starts at $200 €175 £155 $285 per month Billed annually

Maturity &

Track & report on program maturity and compare against similar organizations
Starts at $500 €430 £385 $700 per month Billed annually

Awareness Training

Train your organization to meet regulatory requirements with an interactive course library.
Starts at $450 €410 £350 $660 per month Billed annually
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