The ecological paradox of digital economies: A conversation between Paz Peña and Joey Ayoub 05 October 2021 By APCNews

This episode of the podcast "the fire these times", hosted by Lebanese writer Joey Ayoub, explores the danger of assuming that technology can usher in solutions to the climate crisis, as digitalisation comes with its own problems, such as the ecological costs of producing tech products.

Servelots joins the APC network: Connecting the unconnected to enable content creation by all, for all 04 October 2021 By APCNews

"With APC, we have experienced a network whose technology and community initiatives seek equitable knowledge communities, with a special emphasis on the global South," said Servelots, which first joined the APC community as a partner organisation it its local access and community networks initiat...

Community Networks and Local Access Monthly Newsletter - Number 40 30 September 2021 By APCNews

Welcome to the 40th monthly round-up of developments impacting your local access networks.

#FreeAlaa: Freedom for our courageous friend and human rights defender, Alaa Abdel Fattah
#FreeAlaa: Freedom for our courageous friend and human rights defender, Alaa Abdel Fattah

Our courageous friend and colleague, Egyptian activist and technologist Alaa Abdel Fattah, must be released from his arbitrary detention immediately.

A guide to the circular economy of digital devices


A guide to the circular economy of digital devices

The guide to the circular economy of digital devices aims to show you how to understand, think and act collectively to clearly change direction towards a regenerative and redistributive economy respecting both human and ecological rights and limits. It is aimed at civil society organisations...

Urgent call to action: HRC 48 joint NGO letter on Pegasus


Urgent call to action: HRC 48 joint NGO letter on Pegasus

APC and other civil  society organisations call on UN Human Rights Council (HRC) member states to take urgent action at the ongoing 48th HRC session to denounce the unfolding and unprecedented scale of human rights violations by states facilitated by the use of the NSO Group’s Pegasus spyware.

Identities experiencing the internet: Nepal survey report


Identities experiencing the internet: Nepal survey report

This report tracks recent trends in internet use in Nepal, incorporates findings from a survey administered to 196 individuals from the Kathmandu valley and surrounding areas, and recommends a way forward to build a more inclusive, tolerant and feminist internet.

Joint letter: An open, interconnected and interoperable internet

Joint letter

Joint letter: An open, interconnected and interoperable internet

Joint letter, signed by a coalition of civil society and industry stakeholders, raises concerns about the human rights risks of internet fragmentation and setting out principles for an open, interconnected and interoperable internet.

Civil society calls on international actors in Afghanistan to secure digital identity and biometric data immediately


Civil society calls on international actors in Afghanistan to secure digital identity and biometric data immediately

Aid agencies, humanitarian organisations and other international actors operating within Afghanistan, as well as private sector vendors who supply and service digital identity, are urgently called to safeguard digital identity and biometric databases created in Afghanistan.

India: Spyware use violates Supreme Court privacy ruling

Joint statement

India: Spyware use violates Supreme Court privacy ruling

Eleven groups, including APC, call on Indian authorities to immediately, independently and credibly investigate the government’s alleged use of advanced spyware to target activists and apparent opponents.

APC policy explainer: Disinformation

Policy explainer

APC policy explainer: Disinformation

APC considers disinformation to be a complex and multifaceted problem that cannot be properly addressed by a fragmented approach. It is also a multistakeholder challenge that requires dialogue between different sectors. In this document, APC explains why, where and how we work on this issue.

Policy explainers

A mine-ridden internet and six rules for understanding anti-rights narratives 24 September 2021 Florencia Goldsman for

Florencia Goldsman reviews the study "Engendering Hate: The contours of state-aligned gendered disinformation online", adding pieces to the puzzle of targeted digital violence that undermines women's and LGBTIQ+ people's online presence.

Sexual assault and digital evidence in India (Part 2): Your right to privacy versus the right to complain 22 September 2021 Ratna Appnender for

In the second and last part of this in-depth article, the author unpacks the persistence of rape myths in judicial reasoning, even veiled under the promises of neutrality and accuracy of digital evidence.

Inside the Digital Society: Assumptions on the internet and (geo)politics 21 September 2021 David Souter

I’ve spent some time reflecting on the way we’ve thought about the internet and digitalisation over three decades, and how we may need to think differently in future. What assumptions have we made; and what assumptions should we make, about its relationship with politics and geopolitics?


In this weekly column, longstanding associate of APC David Souter looks at different aspects of the digital society. Issues covered include internet governance and sustainable development, human rights and the environment, policy, practice and the use of ICTs.

How are APC members improving their communities' lives? In this section we're highlighting stories of impact and change by our members, supported by APC sub-granting.

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