Accept Stripe Payments


The Stripe Payments plugin allows you to accept credit card payments via Stripe payment gateway on your WordPress site easily.

It has a simple shortcode that lets you put Stripe “Buy Now” buttons anywhere on your site for a product or service. You can accept donation via Stripe also.

One click payment via Stripe with a remember me feature. Responsive design so it is compatible with all devices and browsers.

Your customers will be redirected to the “Checkout Result” page after the credit card payment. This page shows them the details of the transaction (the item that they just paid for).

The transaction info is also captured in the orders menu of the plugin. You can view all the payments you received from your WordPress admin dashboard.

Setup and Usage Video

Checkout Demo Video

विशेष रुप से प्रदर्शित

  • Quick installation and setup.
  • Easily take payment for a service from your site via Stripe.
  • Sell files, digital goods or downloads using your Stripe merchant account.
  • Sell music, video, ebook, PDF or any other digital media files.
  • The ultimate plugin to create simple Stripe payment buttons.
  • Create buy buttons for your products or services on the fly and embed it anywhere on your site using a user-friendly shortcode.
  • Ability to add multiple “Buy Now” buttons to a post/page.
  • Allow users to automatically download the digital file after the purchase is complete.
  • View purchase orders from your WordPress admin dashboard.
  • Accept donation on your WordPress site for a cause.
  • Create a stripe payment button widget and add it to your sidebar.
  • Ability to collect billing and shipping address of the customer.
  • Ability to specify a logo or thumbnail image for the item that will get shown in the stripe payment window.
  • Ability to customize the Stripe buy now button text from the shortcode.
  • Ability to customize the Stripe buy now button appearance using custom CSS code.
  • Ability to specify a custom description for the item/product (this info is captured with the order).
  • Option to configure a notification email to be sent to the buyer and seller after the purchase.
  • There is an option to allow the customer to enter a custom price amount for your product or service (customer pays what they want).
  • Option to accept custom donation amount via Stripe payment gateway.
  • Option to collect tax for your products (if applicable).
  • Option to collect shipping for your tangible products.
  • Option to save the card data on Stripe.
  • Ability to have custom thank you page on a per product basis.
  • Ability to customize the message on the thank you page using tags.
  • Ability to customize the price display with currency symbol.
  • Ability to use a link URL to create custom payment button for your products.
  • Option to send receipt email to your customers from Stripe for each transaction.
  • Option to collect a custom input from your customers for products (useful if you are selling products that need special instructions from the customers).
  • Stock control option. You can limit the number of quantity available for a product.
  • Option to enable Alipay payments. So your customers can pay using their Alipay accounts.
  • Option to enable Terms and Conditions that your customers have to accept before they can make a purchase.
  • Ability to configure variable products. You can charge different amount for different options of the product.
  • Ability to create “Authorize Only” products. You can hold funds on a card then capture it later.
  • 3D Secure payments compatible.
  • Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) Compliant.

The setup is very easy. Once you have installed the plugin, all you need to do is enter your Stripe API credentials in the plugin settings and your website will be ready to accept credit card payments.

You can run it in test mode by specifying test API keys in the plugin settings.

Shortcode Parameters/Attributes

There are two ways you can use this plugin to create a “Buy Now” or “Pay” button to accept payment.

Option 1) Create a product in the admin dashboard of this plugin then use a shortcode to put a buy button for that product.

Check this tutorial for step by step instructions.

Option 2) You can specify the item details in a shortcode to dynamically create a Stripe payment button.

Check this tutorial for step by step instructions.

Detailed Documentation

For detailed documentation and instructions please check the WordPress Stripe Payments Plugin documentation page.


  • Stripe Plugin Settings
  • Stripe Plugin Payment Page
  • Stripe Plugin Orders Menu


This plugin provides 1 block.

  • Accept Stripe Payments


Using The WordPress Dashboard

  1. Navigate to “Plugins->Add New” from your dashboard
  2. Search for ‘stripe payments’
  3. Click ‘Install Now’
  4. Activate the plugin

Uploading via WordPress Dashboard

  1. Navigate to the “Add New” in the plugins dashboard
  2. Navigate to the “Upload” area
  3. Select from your computer
  4. Click “Install Now”
  5. Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard

Using FTP

  1. Download
  2. Extract the stripe-payments directory on your computer
  3. Upload the stripe-payments directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  4. Activate it from the Plugins dashboard

सामान्य प्रश्न

Can I have multiple payment buttons on a single page?

Yes, you can have any number of buttons on a single page.

Can I use it in a WordPress Widgets?

Yes, you can.

Can I specify quantity of the item?

Yes, you can configure it in the product configuration interface.

Can I change the button label?

Yes, you can specify the “button_text” attribute in the shortcode to customize it.

Will the customers receive an email after purchase?

Yes, you can configure the email settings options in the settings menu of the plugin.

Is it possible to get notified if payment failed for some reason?

Yes. Go to Stripe Payments > Settings, Email Settings tab and check “Send Email On Payment Failure” option.

Can It be tested before going live?

Yes, please visit Stripe Payments > Settings screen for options.


जून 26, 2022
Very poor plugin and support. Small bugs are not fixed even after weeks. What a shame - this plugin needs to be deleted from the plugin library. I have hundreds of fraud orders (card tests). The built-in "protection" against this only supports external services (recaptcha and hcaptcha). This must be dealt with from the plugin side!
मई 20, 2022
I've had TENS of THOUSANDS of fraudulent charges attempted since using this plugin. Thousands have actually gone through as well. My store reputation has been trashed and I've been on the hook for chargeback and dispute fees. This has been a nightmare. Please be warned that this plugin is NOT SECURE to use for Stripe payment processing.
मार्च 25, 2022
Similar to the other review we were using this plugin for some time without issue but it's been used by someone attempting to check presumably stolen cards. Hundreds of failed transactions and a small number that have gone through that I've just gone through and refunded. Needs some form of protection to stop this type of abuse.
मार्च 8, 2022
Not every-time but in some transaction, double payment is cut from card. for example customer is paying for 100$ dollar, but in some case 200$ dollar is cut from cut from card. This is happened thrice from last week.
फ़रवरी 24, 2022
I have used this plugin for some time with few issues. However, this morning I had someone in Vietnam trying to test stolen credit cards via this plugin on my site. As there appears to be no way in the plugin to stop this (via Captcha/ReCaptcha or other methods), it makes using this plugin a liability as any stolen card credentials that go through, you end up out of pocket! Furthermore, it appears that such an attack that I saw this morning was being scripted, and that is why a validation tickbox/Captcha, etc. is required to validate the entry, or at least slow down the carder! Please Note: This attack happened when V2 Captcha was enabled and properly configured in the plugin settings. I have now disabled this plugin, and do not recommend it.
78 के सभी समीक्षा पढ़ें

सहायक &डेवलपर्स

यह खुला स्रोत सॉफ्टवेयर है। अनुगामी लोगो ने इस प्लगइन के लिए योगदान दिया है।


“Accept Stripe Payments” has been translated into 6 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “Accept Stripe Payments” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.

बदलाव विवरण


  • Added escaping to the currency symbol output.


  • Added output escaping in the settings interface.


  • Added more filters so the “state” and “postcode” strings can be customized via the custom messages addon.
  • Fixed an issue with the quick edit option causing the product configuration to be lost.
  • Added a notice to enable captcha feature (if it is not already enabled).


  • Tested on WP 6.0.
  • Added a new utility function for escaping SVG output.
  • Added escaping to the admin notice message.
  • Removed the phpcs related comments from the code.


  • PHP Debug warning fix for view debug request parameter.


  • Added escaping to the extension/addon settings output.


  • Fixed a typo in the “Experimental Settings” heading in the settings menu.
  • Added escaping to “Additional CSS” description field in the settings menu.
  • Added a utility function to help with output escaping.
  • Removed two unused PHP files.


  • Updated the captcha settings menu interface to mention that the “I am not a robot” checkbox captcha option should be used for better protection against bot.
  • Added escaping to $data variable in the [Accept Stripe Payments] shortcode.


  • Fixed the additional payments settings menu (it correctly renders the description field)
  • Changed parse_str() call to using wp_parse_str()
  • Removed the Advanced Custom Field addon’s input processing code from the core plugin. This task is now done inside the ACF addon
  • Minor code improvements (replaced the PHP buffer output with a direct require_once call)


  • Added sanitization to inputs that were missing sanitization.
  • Commented out the post data writing to the log file.
  • Added escaping to description output of settings fields.
  • Added nonce verification check to the payment intent handling code.
  • Added nonce verification check to the 3D secure handling code.


  • Added a capabilities check and a nonce check before the log file is cleared.
  • Regenerated the translation POT file.
  • Spanish Language translation file updated.


  • Updated Stripe PHP SDK library to 7.110.0. This should resolve most issues related to PHP 8.0.X.
  • Added hCaptcha support.
  • Addressed improper validation of Specific Products Only option on coupon edit page.
  • Better error handling for internal Stripe API.


  • Added a checkbox to enable or disable the Debug Log Shareable Link option (disabled by default).
  • The word Variable is displayed (in the store page) instead of zero as price for products that are constructed via variations.
  • Fixed PHP warning on Widgets admin page.


  • Improved the Use variations only to construct final product price option’s reaction to product price change.
  • Improvements to coupons edit page.
  • Internal API improvements.


  • Invisible reCaptcha option no longer causes an issue on some Apple devices.
  • Minor improvements and optimizations to the debug logging feature.


  • Addressed the Class not found error related issue on some configurations.
  • Minor CSS update to improve the admin-side layout.


  • Added a new feature to configure per-region tax variations option.
  • Added checkbox variation type in the product variations feature.
  • Only users with admin capabilities (administrator role) can add/edit products now.
  • Improved layout and functionality of some admin-side pages.
  • Added United Arab Emirates Dirham (AED) currency support.
  • Minor improvements and bugfixes.
  • Updated the Italian language translation file.


  • Fixed all-off coupons issue in Firefox when payment popup is integrated via link URL.
  • Added {first_name} and {last_name} email merge tags.
  • Addressed rare PHP warnings issue when debug mode is enabled.
  • More text messages can now be customized via Custom Messages add-on.

Full changelog available at changelog.txt