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Results (29)

Component: Administration (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Severity
#45483 Post edit and Add New Plugin pages have PHP notices in 7.3. desrosj defect (bug) normal normal
#45703 Update the About page for 5.0.2 desrosj task (blessed) normal normal

Component: Bundled Theme (17 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Severity
#39738 Twenty Seventeen: Cannot resize image in the post editor due to a css rule SergeyBiryukov defect (bug) normal 4.7.2 normal
#44699 Twenty Seventeen: Comment form cookies consent checkbox has no focus style laurelfulford defect (bug) normal normal
#44775 Twenty Seventeen: Ordered List's "start" attribute doesn't work inside Post/Page Editor laurelfulford defect (bug) normal 4.9.8 normal
#44776 CSS definitions for <sub> and <sup> are reversed desrosj defect (bug) normal 4.7 normal
#45369 Twenty Nineteen: Columns Block doesn't stack up properly on iPads allancole defect (bug) normal 5.0 normal
#45408 Twenty Seventeen: Error font-family style for Simplified Chinese (zh_CN). laurelfulford defect (bug) normal 5.0 normal
#45421 Twenty Eleven: Font size used in error instead of font weight, in editor-blocks.css laurelfulford defect (bug) normal 5.0 normal
#45427 Twenty Sixteen: Button blocks don't apply custom colours laurelfulford defect (bug) normal 5.0 normal
#45428 Twenty Fifteen: Button blocks don't apply custom colours laurelfulford defect (bug) normal 5.0 normal
#45429 Twenty Fourteen: Button blocks don't apply custom colours laurelfulford defect (bug) normal 5.0 normal
#45431 Twenty Thirteen: Button blocks don't apply custom colours laurelfulford defect (bug) normal 5.0 normal
#45432 Twenty Twelve: Button blocks don't apply custom colours laurelfulford defect (bug) normal 5.0 normal
#45433 Twenty Eleven: Button blocks don't apply custom colours laurelfulford defect (bug) normal 5.0 normal
#45434 Twenty Ten: Visited link colours override custom colours laurelfulford defect (bug) normal 5.0 normal
#45450 Bundled themes: Default block appender markup now incorrect in editor-blocks.css laurelfulford defect (bug) normal 5.0 normal
#45452 Bundled Themes: De-Gutenbergify comments and CSS selectors laurelfulford defect (bug) normal 5.0 normal
#45681 Bundled Themes: Bump version numbers and update changelogs for 5.0.2 release laurelfulford task (blessed) normal 5.0.1 normal

Component: Editor (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Severity
#45456 PHP Notice: edit_form_advanced is deprecated since version 5.0.0! desrosj defect (bug) normal 5.0 minor
#45637 Update the WordPress packages for 5.0.2 youknowriad defect (bug) normal normal

Component: I18N (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Severity
#45425 Add a filter to the translation file location for script localisation SergeyBiryukov defect (bug) normal 5.0 normal
#45528 load_script_textdomain() doesn't load translations when WP installed in a subdirectory with custom content dir herregroen defect (bug) normal 5.0 normal
#45668 The (new) determine_locale() may throw a notice SergeyBiryukov defect (bug) normal 5.0 normal

Component: Posts, Post Types (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Severity
#45711 Page listing is no longer hierarchical desrosj defect (bug) normal 5.1 normal

Component: REST API (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Severity
#45420 requiring wp-admin/includes/image.php twice in WP_REST_Attachments_Controller::create_item pento defect (bug) normal 5.0 minor

Component: Script Loader (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Severity
#45472 Incorrect wp_get_script_polyfill() call in script loader desrosj defect (bug) normal 5.0 minor
#45506 wp_register_tinymce_scripts() provides incorrect arguments to includes_url() desrosj defect (bug) normal 5.0 normal
#45547 Minified RTL package styles are not loaded due to wrong file name defect (bug) normal 5.0 normal
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.