MySQL Customers

Web: Ecommerce & Social


Travel & Hospitality

"We've grown rapidly as a company, and MySQL has scaled with us. With our continued growth, we have been relying more on MySQL, and the fact that we can get 24/7 enterprise-level support and consulting services from the developers through MySQL Enterprise Unlimited is vital to iStock's operations."

"MySQL is the key component of Verizon Wireless’ mission-critical employee portal application. We achieved 1400% performance improvement by moving from the MyISAM storage engine to InnoDB, upgrading to the latest GA release MySQL 5.5, and using the MySQL Thread Pool to support high concurrent user connections."

" has been growing significantly every year. That is why we designed a database architecture that we believe will scale up to ten times over our current requirements. MySQL's open source structure offers us opportunities for growth and integration because data replication can be introduced and managed from an early stage."