(Deutsch) Brand Safety

Safety for brand and brand message

The certification of Brand Safety

Whether a digital campaign is effective is by no means just a question of reach. The how and where of the advertising placement is also essential. Especially for the marketing of brand products, the quality of the advertising environment plays a central role. After all, advertising messages that find themselves in the context of calls for violence, justiciable incitement, or immoral content can severely damage a company’s image.

Brand safety has been on everyone’s lips for some time now. And it is by no means just about image aspects of registered trademarks. The topic is complex – and concerns both market-specific claims (Legal Safety) and brand-relevant claims (Brand Suitability).

Legal Safety comprises superordinate environments or content that must be taken into account and/or avoided by every advertiser, as they otherwise run the risk of violating the law themselves or not complying with advertising guidelines. The relevant legislation of each country must therefore be taken into account for Legal Safety and is a mandatory condition to be maintained.

The so-called Brand Suitability extends the basic conditions of Legal Safety to include the individual requirements of an advertiser. It encompasses all brand-specific safety requirements and also includes factors such as corporate identity and campaign or communication goals that go beyond legal safety. For example, content categories or certain domains can be excluded from advertising display, which is an optional security setting that can be enabled for advertising companies.

Code of Conduct for Brand Safety

In this context, a certification process for Brand Safety is very complex. At the same time, there is a very high demand in the market for viable solutions for safe brand environments. The Performance Values and Guidelines Commission (KLR) at agof has therefore decided to create a Code of Conduct for Brand Safety as a preliminary stage for a later certificate.

This is intended to define principles and criteria for dealing with Brand Safety on the Internet. The voluntary commitment includes guiding and targeted regulations for direct buyers/sellers, indirect buyers/sellers, and verification and technology providers. The Code of Conduct will cover both traditional IO business and any form of programmatic purchasing as well as programmatic delivery.

The signatories oblige themselves to comply with the defined criteria and principles for their respective market area and to encourage their contractual partners to do likewise.

The Complaints Office and the Complaints Advisory Board are operated by the KLR.
The Code of Conduct is currently being finalized and is expected to be available to the market in just a few weeks.*

*As of July 2021

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