WS Form LITE – Drag & Drop Contact Form Builder for WordPress


WordPress Contact Form Builder Plugin

WS Form LITE is a powerful contact form builder plugin for WordPress.

Create professional, mobile friendly, accessible contact forms. WS Form LITE comes complete with features other form builder plugins charge a premium for.

Choose from single click templates or build your own WordPress form using the unique drag and drop form editor.

Included Features

Page Builder Compatibility

Add forms to your website using your favorite WordPress page builder:

Theme / Framework Support

WS Form is compatible with all WordPress themes, and also outputs native HTML for the following front-end frameworks:

Upgrade to PRO

This plugin is the free LITE edition of WS Form PRO.

The PRO edition comes with unrivaled additional features:

and more!

Upgrade to WS Form PRO.

PRO Integrations

…. or use the Push To Custom Endpoint action to integration with your own API.

PRO Custom Field Plugin Compatibility


WS Form was built with enterprise level performance in mind. WS Form does not interfere with the loading of other page or post content on your website and isolates submission records to ensure as your website grows your page load speed is not affected.

All form code is HTML 5 compliant and if your website theme uses a framework such as Bootstrap or Foundation WS Form automatically outputs code to suit that framework. This means your form loads as fast as possible without any unnecessary overhead typically found in other WordPress form plugins.

Click here to learn more about the WSForm performance features.

Extensive Field Types

WS Form comes loaded with all the field types you need to build a form. Upgrade to WS Form PRO to take advantage of all the form field types available, including:

and more!

For Developers

WS Form PRO comes with a unique debug console that provides you with rapid, form population capabilities (perfect for form testing!), as well as comprehensive event and error logging.

Third Party Credits

WS Form references the following third party components:


  • Form Layout Editor
  • Welcome Screen
  • Contact Form Submissions
  • Example Front-End Form


This plugin provides 1 block.

  • WS Form LITE - Drag & Drop Contact Form Builder for WordPress


For help installing WS Form, please see our Installation knowledge base article.


May 19, 2022
I’ve been using wordpress for 10 years, and I’ve tried hundreds of plugins. I’ve never come across anything so we’ll coded and extensive as WSform. It is truly fantastic. As with anything substantial, there is a learning curve. And when we I give it a full go and can’t figure something out, I reach out to support and Mark is there with a near instant response to solve my issues. Often we will find things that WSForm would benefit by and he releases an update within day a or two - sometimes within an hour. I’m thoroughly impressed and so grateful to have come upon WSForm.
May 13, 2022
I just used WSForm to build out two new sites with 3 different forms. The add-ons available were all out of the box, and worked great! Focus on accessibility is amazing too. I love the conditional functionality built-in as well!
May 12, 2022
There are many reasons this form plugin is the new champion of this space but mostly it is a joy to work with and gets the job done in a clear yet advanced way. Try the LITE version to settle your curiosity but well worth it to purchase the Pro tier! I'll be moving several of my clients to WsForm once their other form plugin subscriptions have lapsed and the tools become to obsolete. I'm so glad I tried it out to see if the database encryption capabilities were as promised.
May 12, 2022
WS Forms is the most robust and flexible form builder on the market. Not only is the product itself a titan but the support team goes above and beyond. They reply, quickly, efficiently and have absolutely blown the team and I away. Cannot recommend enough!
May 5, 2022
For me, by far the best form system for WordPress! I was looking for a system that is intuitive, flexible and easy to use. And the results are easily adjustable for desktop and mobile. In addition, it is super usable with appropriate extensions for, for example, WooCommerce & Co. I don't regret for a minute that I decided to use this form builder! I am super happy with the product and the excellent support from Mark Westguard. I can only recommend everyone to try this form builder! ------------- Für mich mit Abstand das beste Formular System für WordPress!!! Ich war lange auf der Suche nach einem System was intuitiv, flexibel und leicht verwendbar ist. Und die Ergebnisse sowohl für Desktop & Mobil einfach einstellbar sind. Dazu mit entsprechenden Erweiterungen für zum Beispiel WooCommerce & Co super nutzbar ist. Ich bereue keine Minute mich für diesen Form Builder entschieden zu haben! Ich bin mit dem Produkt und dem hervorragenden Support von Mark Westguard super happy. Ich kann jedem nur mal empfehlen diesen Form Builder zu probieren!
Read all 104 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“WS Form LITE – Drag & Drop Contact Form Builder for WordPress” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.



Some changes only applicable to WS Form PRO

1.8.204 – 05/14/2022

  • Bug Fix: Cached CSS file build for fresh install on admin side

1.8.203 – 05/13/2022

  • Changed: Gravity Forms migration updates
  • Bug Fix: WordPress hook data source row ID across separate groups

1.8.202 – 05/12/2022

  • Added: Ability to run server-side validation on form save

1.8.201 – 05/09/2022

  • Added: After form lock, only buttons that were originally enabled are re-enabled

1.8.200 – 05/06/2022

  • Added: Support for WPForms LITE migration with no submission data

1.8.199 – 05/03/2022

  • Bug Fix: Server-side #blog_date_custom variable fix

1.8.198 – 05/02/2022

  • Added: Support for select2 in Elementor pop-ups
  • Added: #submit_url_hash variable which returns only the hash query variable part

1.8.197 – 04/26/2022

  • Bug Fix: Blur / focus conditional logic events

1.8.196 – 04/25/2022

  • Added: Improved behavior of marker on Google Maps. Drag and drop. No re-centering on map click.
  • Changed: Updated Elementor widget to support latest class structure

1.8.195 – 04/18/2022

  • Added: Support for #calc sums using #field with a column specified

1.8.194 – 04/12/2022

  • Added: Revised date formats passed to JS Date function to overcome Safari bug
  • Bug Fix: Stop compiled CSS files being enqueued in admin for visual builders

1.8.193 – 04/04/2022

  • Bug Fix: Meta box taxonomy population for multiple values

1.8.192 – 03/29/2022

  • Bug Fix: Conditional logic action enable / disable was not resetting on subsequent form submissions

1.8.191 – 03/25/2022

  • Bug Fix: Fixed default data grid columns for field generated for Meta Box that utilize a data source

1.8.190 – 03/23/2022

  • Changed: Removed color reference on ‘Add-Ons’ and ‘Upgrade’ menu items to better support admin themes
  • Changed: Removed need for spacer image in standard HTML email template

1.8.189 – 03/14/2022

  • Added: Support for #field with column attribute for values containing row parse values

1.8.188 – 03/09/2022

  • Added: PATCH to Push to Custom endpoint action
  • Bug Fix: Min / max on date / time field configured as type ‘Time’
  • Bug Fix: Column hiding on forms admin page

1.8.187 – 02/22/2022

  • Added: reCAPTCHA V3 reset on form submit
  • Added: Encoding of analytics functions to avoid conflicts with plugins containing poor regex functions intended for identifying cookie / analytics scripts
  • Bug Fix: Server side column mapping with data grid parse variables

1.8.186 – 02/17/2022

  • Bug Fix: #field iterator checking

1.8.185 – 02/15/2022

  • Bug Fix: Trim and validity checking on multi parameter variables

1.8.184 – 02/13/2022

  • Added: delimiter and column parameters added to #field variable for data grids. #field(id, delimiter, column). Column can be the column label or index (0 is first column)
  • Added: Donation amount template added to section library

1.8.183 – 02/10/2022

  • Added: Improved targeting of jQuery sortable 1.13.1 script override

1.8.182 – 02/07/2022

  • Bug Fix: ACF date field population if value is empty

1.8.181 – 02/06/2022

  • Added: Clear session ID with Conditional Logic (Form –> Clear session ID)
  • Bug Fix: Typing enter in post editor label field cause Add Form modal to open. Not a WS Form bug but workaround implemented.
  • Bug Fix: Media library was not opening with recent jQuery UI sortable fix.

1.8.180 – 02/01/2022

  • Added: form_id and field_id parameters added to wsf_action_email_email_validate hook

1.8.179 – 02/01/2022

  • Added: WooCommerce: Ability to save form as well as save & continue
  • Added: WooCommerce: Form hash cleared when product added to cart
  • Added: WooCommerce: Ability to run actions using conditional logic
  • Added: Support for shortcodes in email templates (Shortcodes cannot be entered into fields for security reasons)
  • Added: Ability to search for submissions by date range using site date format (Now supports d/m/Y)
  • Added: New action: wsf_enqueue_public (Runs if WS Form enqueues have occurred)
  • Added: Media library files embedded using URL instead of Base64 encoding for improved email support
  • Bug Fix: Google event firing was occurring if parent checkbox was disabled.

1.8.178 – 02/01/2022

  • Added: Placeholder on Google Address field
  • Bug Fix: Conditional value setting with URL type fields

1.8.177 – 01/30/2022

  • Added: Improved key obscuring in settings
  • Added: Improved CSS / font loading for compatibility with
  • Bug Fix: Submission read by hash now excludes trashed records

1.8.176 – 01/26/2022

  • Added: Translatable string improvements throughout
  • Bug Fix: XSS fix: Admin label encoding in form list
  • Bug Fix: XSS fix: Text extraction from text area fields in submission viewer

1.8.175 – 01/26/2022

  • Bug Fix: LiteSpeed fix

1.8.174 – 01/26/2022

  • Added: #wpautop(string) variable

1.8.173 – 01/26/2022

  • Bug Fix: Hidden static fields were not excluded from #email_submission variable

1.8.172 – 01/24/2022

  • Added: wsf_tab_index_ query variable that allows linking directly to tabs on forms
  • Added: Close icon on debug console (Debug console can be re-opened in Global Settings –> Advanced)
  • Added: Debug console now remembers height when minimized or restored if page refreshed

1.8.171 – 01/22/2022

  • Added: wsf_submit_meta_read($meta_value, $field_id) and wsf_submit_meta_update($meta_value, $field_id) filter hooks

1.8.170 – 01/22/2022

  • Added: Virtual keyboard disable option for date / time fields (Improves usability of date / time picker on mobile)
  • Added: Virtual keyboard setting for text and text area fields
  • Added: Improved license and key obscuring for all add-ons

1.8.169 – 01/21/2022

  • Bug Fix: Conditional logic applying values to hidden fields in repeatable sections

1.8.168 – 01/19/2022

  • Added: Submissions export support for sites with permalinks configured as plain
  • Bug Fix: Tab navigation if tabs hidden

1.8.167 – 01/19/2022

  • Bug Fix: ACF population of values containing amphersand
  • Bug Fix: ACF true/false field type value now set to 0 or 1

1.8.166 – 01/17/2022

  • Added: Tranform setting on text based fields: Uppercase, Lowercase, Capitalize, Sentence
  • Added: Variables: #upper(string), #lower(string), #ucfirst(string), #ucwords(string), #capitalize(string), #sentence(string)
  • Bug Fix: Tab navigation if first tab hidden

1.8.165 – 01/16/2022

  • Added: ARIA attributes added to progress field
  • Bug Fix: aria-disabled attribute on repeatable section navigation

1.8.164 – 01/16/2022

  • Added: Block pattern library
  • Bug Fix: Tab rendering if first tab hidden

1.8.163 – 01/14/2022

  • Added: Sidebar changes now auto save if you switch to a different sidebar, tab, section or field
  • Added: Updated version numbers on external enqueues
  • Added: Submission form selector now shows ‘0 records’ instead of disabling the option

1.8.162 – 01/07/2022

  • Bug Fix: Conversational field change events limited to current section to avoid form jumping if dynamic field changes in non-focussed sections occur

1.8.161 – 01/06/2022

  • Added: Improved accessibility for repeatable section icons
  • Added: WordPress 5.9 uses jQuery UI 1.13.0 which has a positioning bug when dragging fields to the form ( Version 1.12.1 of jQuery UI sortable is now bundled with WS Form to overcome this issue.


  • Added: DropzoneJS thumbnail image size filter hook: wsf_dropzonejs_image_size($size). $size must exist in get_intermediate_image_sizes()
  • Added: Improved language on welcome screen framework selection step
  • Bug Fix: Conversational next field focussing


  • Bug Fix: Color function for PHP 8.1


  • Added: WordPress 5.9 / PHP 8.1 compatibility preparation
  • Bug Fix: Conditional logic data grid column mapping


  • Added: New ‘Run WordPress Hook’ filter returns can now trigger form errors. See:
  • Added: Additional no cache headers and Litespeed no cache directives for save, submit requests


  • Bug Fix: Date >=, <= comparisons in conditional logic with EU date formats


  • Added: Google Address map assignment initial zoom setting
  • Added: Improvement to tab ARIA attributes


  • Added: NONCEs on public forms where a user is not logged are now optional to allow for increased cache timeouts


  • Added: Various accessibility improvements (ARIA tags and text contrast)
  • Added: Improved min/max file size error messages
  • Bug Fix: Repeater deduplication between fields


  • Added: Improved reset and clear functionality for file fields


  • Bug Fix: SVG URL encoding issue for select down arrows


  • Added: Support for legacy WordPress date functions (WP < 5.3)
  • Bug Fix: Conditional logic numeric checks fixed for EU number formats


  • Bug Fix: Field change events now initialized before initial calculations fire


  • Added: wp_mail errors now include PHPMailerException error message
  • Added: Media (attachment) post type to Post data source. Added ‘inherit’ post status so that attachments can be listed.
  • Added: Running the ‘Save Submission’ action via conditional logic now returns a submission hash
  • Added: Improved translation strings. Moved translations out of constants.
  • Added: Obscured license key in system report


  • Added: Support for repeat label hiding on H1 – H6 as well as legend
  • Added: Improved accessibility markup for repeatable section icons
  • Bug Fix: Section delete variable clean up
  • Bug Fix: Word and character count validation if help text empty


  • Bug Fix: Database action auto archiving feature (cron action)


  • Bug Fix: Welcome screen fixes for PC version of Chrome


  • Bug Fix: Submission status filter links


  • Bug Fix: Term lookup cache in post data source bug if term removed
  • Bug Fix: WooCommerce price meta data now converted to floating point

.= 1.8.142 =
* Bug Fix: Calculations from select fields were processed as currency
* Bug Fix: Rounding error in source field for calculations if commas used as decimal separator


  • Bug Fix: Conversational URL link


  • Added: Support for WooCommerce product meta data (Post management add-on)
  • Bug Fix: Debug populate number fields with step of ‘any’


  • Added: New functionality ready for Amazon S3 integration for file fields
  • Added: Form search
  • Added: Third parameter to #field_date_offset variable to allow formatting of output
  • Added: wsf_form_create_meta_data($meta_data) filter that allows meta data to be edited prior to form being created
  • Added: Cost by area template


  • Added: intl-tel-input support for phone field. Check ‘Enable’ under ‘International Telephone Input’ in the basic tab to use it.


  • Changed: Server and blog date formats with upgraded WordPress date/time methods


  • Changed: Improved third party custom field plugin detection and add-on initialization


  • Added: #field_date_offset(field_id, offset_in_seconds) variable. Returns a date field with an offset added or subtracted in seconds.
  • Changed: Duration tracking is now switched off by default
  • Bug Fix: PHP 8 fix in Divi module


  • Bug Fix: Duration cookie no longer set if duration tracking disable


  • Bug Fix: Table prefix on Post data source when retrieving terms


  • Added: ‘Use URLs for file fields’ setting in ‘Push to Custom Endpoint’ action
  • Added: reCaptcha V3 revisions
  • Changed: Submission export temporary folder location


  • Bug Fix: Double quote detection in variable attributes


  • Added: New hCaptcha field
  • Changed: Performance improvement on change triggering for cart detail fields


  • Added: Migration from Gravity Forms 2.5 now supports column widths
  • Added: Ability to use #field to fields outside a repeatable section in #section_rows_start … end
  • Bug Fix: Migrate tool submissions import meta data
  • Bug Fix: Meta Box checkbox issue in repeaters


  • Added: Form level Google Analytics events
  • Added: gtm.formSubmit Google Tag Manager Form Submission trigger support
  • Added: Change event fired when Google Address fields populated


  • Added: Latitude and longitude mapping for the Google Address field
  • Bug Fix: Parameter ordering issue for GA tracking objects


  • Change: Improved detection of custom field plugins in multi-site environments
  • Bug Fix: Google Analytics event tracking for ga contained in tag manager
  • Bug Fix: Meta box repeater (group) fields not recognized in field mapping


  • Added: New Google Address field allows you to auto populate address fields from a Google Places Autocomplete API search


  • Added: Performance improvements with #calc and other price related calculations


  • Added: New filter wsf_action_email_email_validate($valid, $email) added for filtering unwanted email addresses


  • Added: Updated option checking in Meta Box and ACF classes
  • Bug Fix: Dedupe value scope processing issue


  • Added: Increased length of form, tab, section and field labels to 1024 characters


  • Bug Fix: Tab validation misreported valid email address if field was not required


  • Added: Toolset version check to ensure latest public functions are available


  • Added: User ID set to current user ID when elements cloned in admin


  • Added: Improved Elementor class declaration
  • Added: Improved SVG background image encoding in skin CSS
  • Bug Fix: HTML encoded labels for third party form selectors


  • Bug Fix: WooCommerce class PHP 8 compatibility


  • Added: Toolset integration support for Post Management (1.4.0) add-on
  • Added: Toolset integration support for User Management (1.4.0) add-on
  • Added: Toolset field option data source
  • Bug Fix: Mouseover event on radio fields
  • Bug Fix: File count conditional logic when using file fields in repeaters


  • Added: Improved data sources so that column names retained but rows cleared on save


  • Added: Ability to filter data source terms by those checked on a post


  • Added: Support for conditional logic mouse events on select2 elements


  • Added: Email field allow / deny values with wildcard (e.g. Allow * Found in ‘Advanced’ tab.


  • Added: Variable parsing on email header keys and values
  • Bug Fix: Submission count recalculated when record status set to trash


  • Added: Ability to use fields that return multiple values (e.g. checkboxes) as #field in email action ‘To’ setting
  • Added: Ability to use variables with attributes embedded in #if statements
  • Added: Improved z-indexing in admin
  • Added: Improved time function handling per WordPress recommendations


  • Added: Support for multiple textarea fields configured as type HTML
  • Added: Reset data grids if a field is saved with a data source selected to minimize form data size
  • Bug Fix: Cascade / AJAX select fields with no group data caused warning


  • Added: URL element added to files in custom API endpoint action


  • Bug Fix: Bulk Action Mark as Spam fixed


  • Bug Fix: Encryption class includes for initial key generation


  • Added: Conversion tracking now support variables
  • Bug Fix: Improvement to encryption class includes
  • Bug Fix: Elementor script and style enqueues


  • Added: Ability to enable optgroup using the WordPress hook data source
  • Added: CSS for tooltips in labels, e.g. Icon
  • Added: Applied wpautop to message action content
  • Added: Improved data picker styles
  • Added: Booking template in section library
  • Bug Fix: Password visibility toggle
  • Bug Fix: Updated email regex pattern throughout to support new TLD’s
  • Bug Fix: Inline date picker


  • Added: Post statuses data source
  • Bug Fix: Lower track on range slider was not rendering if #value was missing from help setting


  • Added: wsf_submit_clear_meta_filter_keys filter (Used for new feature in post management add-on version 1.3.2)
  • Bug Fix: Taxonomy list in post data source


  • Added: Support for hidden sections in conversational forms
  • Bug Fix: Improved Meta Box field lookups to handle meta boxes assigned to more than one post type


  • Added: Ability to self reference field when using #field in labels, placeholder and help
  • Bug Fix: Bug fix on conditional logic setting value using #field in repeatable section


  • Added: Performance improvement on clearing select fields with conditional logic
  • Bug Fix: Save Submission field filtering
  • Bug Fix: Select conditional logic on load with AJAX cascading
  • Bug Fix: Repeatable sections in conversational forms now highlight all rows


  • Added: Meter field type
  • Added: New section templates
  • Bug Fix: Various CSS fixes
  • Bug Fix: Data grid enter key press fix


  • Bug Fix: Elementor pop-ups


  • Added: Support for forms in preview mode in Elementor
  • Added: Row select value support for price select fields
  • Bug Fix: Pods Yes/No field data grid rows


  • Added: Improvements to functions.php for later PHP versions
  • Changed: Behavior of rating field adjusted so that conditional logic does not fire on input


  • Added: Cascading filter column comma separated value setting


  • Added: LiteSpeed cache support
  • Added: Notion field ID support in sidebar select fields


  • Added: #seconds_epoch_midnight client-side variable returns seconds elapsed since Unix Epoch up until the closest previous midnight
  • Bug Fix: Sidebar repeater select options were not disabling if value contained forward slashes in value
  • Bug Fix: Select fields configured to use Select2, multiple and tagging enabled were no appearing in #field variables server side


  • Added: Support for comma separated values in cascading fields
  • Added: Hide Child Terms options in Terms data source (Only returns terms with a parent ID of 0)
  • Added: Automatic column mapping on ‘Get Data’ for data sources
  • Bug Fix: Data source save on sidebar conditional processing


  • Added: Added checks to ensure Dropzone and Select2 JavaScript libraries are installed before initializing them


  • Added: Improved check for Pods 2.8 Beta get_groups method


  • Added: Additional support for Pods 2.8 Beta
  • Bug Fix: Dynamic data source update when form submitted


  • Added: WordPress Filter Hook data source


  • Bug Fix: Improved client side HTML encoding


  • Added: Pods integration support for Post Management (1.3.0) add-on
  • Added: Pods integration support for User Management (1.3.0) add-on
  • Added: Pods field option data source


  • Added: wsf-steps-checks class for adding checks to styled tabs
  • Added: Updated to GPLv3 license
  • Bug Fix: Fixed invalid feedback reset on field focus


  • Added: Improved performance on DropzoneJS uploads
  • Bug Fix: Modal CSS duplication removed


  • Added: ‘Exclude From Cart Total’ setting on Price, Price Select, Price Checkbox, Price Radio and Price Range fields types. This excludes those fields from the e-commerce calculations so that they can be used for other functionality such as #calc.
  • Added: wsf-steps, wsf-vertical form wrapper classes for WS Form framework for tab styling
  • Added: wsf-sticky form wrapper, section wrapper and field wrapper classes for WS Form framework
  • Added: Tab accessibility improvements


  • Bug Fix: select_option_text, checkbox_label and radio_label compatibility with repeatable sections


  • Added: Placeholder option for Select2 with multiple selected
  • Added: License key now obscured after it is entered
  • Bug Fix: Select2 rendering


  • Changed: Revised #post* variables for performance


  • Added: Data export request containing registered user data


  • Bug Fix: Field value form scope for #field
  • Bug Fix: $submit_object on wsf_submit_field_validate
  • Bug Fix: Data export request


  • Added: Ability to hide reCAPTCHA in tabs, sections at field level
  • Bug Fix: Tab Google Analytics event firing


  • Bug Fix: Function compatibility issue with WooCommerce extension


  • Added: Multiple choice on Select, Checkbox and Radio IF conditions (OR logic)
  • Added: Round robin recipient logged in email action log on each submission


  • Added: Option in email action to include links to file uploads and signatures
  • Added: CSV export now includes full paths to file upoads and signatures
  • Changed: E-Commerce status column in CSV export changed from ‘Status’ to ‘Order Status’ to avoid duplicate column name
  • Changed: On submission view, signatures now displayed with preview and download icons to match file upload fields


  • Added: New functions: wsf_form_get_form_object & wsf_form_get_form_label


  • Bug Fix: ACF data source finding choices in grouped or repeater fields


  • Added: WordPress 5.8 compatibility testing
  • Added: PHP 8 compatibility testing
  • Added: wp_upload_dir known WordPress bug fix


  • Added: Submissions CSV export system now builds in chunks if records exceed 500 to avoid timeouts
  • Added: Submissions CSV export system now zips CSV file if it exceeds 1/2 MB in size for convenience


  • Added: Implemented fix for range slider browser bug


  • Added: #calc / #text prioritizes attribute changes before default value changes
  • Changed: #calc / #text numeric values changed to 12 decimal point precision


  • Added: ACF fix on LITE


  • Added: Meta Box integration support for Post Management (1.2.0) add-on
  • Added; Meta Box integration support for User Management (1.2.0) add-on
  • Added: Meta Box field option data source
  • Added: Improved wpautop support throughout
  • Added: New conditional logic for form submit and save success
  • Bug Fix: Repeater column toggle in sidebar on row add
  • Bug Fix: Wildcard file accept
  • Bug Fix: Bootstrap 5 tabs
  • Bug Fix: Checkbox fix in customize
  • Bug Fix: Conversation form made PRO


  • Added: Hierarchy support for terms data source (Display as Hierarchy setting)


  • Added: #calc / #text support for min / max field attributes
  • Added: Min / max support for price fields in conditional logic


  • Bug Fix: Progress bar assigned to tabs


  • Added: ACF field validation (filter: acf/validate_value) for post and user management actions
  • Added: ACF oEmbed field type support
  • Changed: Code optimization in public.js
  • Bug Fix: Tab click events in conditional logic


  • Bug Fix: Form preview rendering in Gutenberg
  • Bug Fix: Field encoding post management populate values


  • Changed: Currency symbols to match WooCommerce


  • Bug Fix: Form submission limit


  • Bug Fix: Message action delay


  • Added: Change to placeholder CSS on inside field label positioning
  • Changed: Bricks element updated due to function names changing in Bricks theme core


  • Added: Hovering over tabs, sections and fields in the layout editor with the conditional logic sidebar open now highlights any conditional rows that contain those form elements


  • Bug Fix: Required span on calculated labels
  • Bug Fix: Calc firing on repeatable section row count changes


  • Added: Error logging on invalid feedback client side action


  • Added: Bootstrap 5 launch compatibility checks


  • Bug Fix: Conversational style dequeuing


  • Bug Fix: #email_tracking variable in email templates


  • Added: Conversational forms (Beta)
  • Changed: PRO licensing
  • Bug Fix: Numeric value return on data sources pulling ACF meta data


  • Bug Fix: Initial CSS build error


  • Added: Server-side form validation hook (
  • Added: Performance improvements with CSS engine
  • Bug Fix: Form deletion


  • Added: Date field: Disabled days
  • Added: Date field: Disabled dates
  • Added: Date field: Enabled dates


  • Bug Fix: Visual editor CSS file path issue


  • Bug Fix: x_wp_nonce JS error


  • Added: RTL support for new compiled skin system


  • Bug Fix: Redirect URL parsing now uses text/plain method


  • Bug Fix: Select all fixed on data grids using dynamic data sources


  • Added: Suggested knowledge base articles on support contact form
  • Bug Fix: ACF numeric field value population in select, checkbox and radio fields
  • Bug Fix: Min / max date validation


  • Added: Improved default invalid feedback text by field type
  • Added: Improved appearance of legal field for Foundation framework
  • Bug Fix: Server date fix for certain JavaScript engines


  • Added: Name to section library (first name, last name)
  • Bug Fix: Applied pre_render filter to submit API call


  • Added: Round robin support for the Send Email action
  • Added: Box shadow customization
  • Added: Updated version of date time picker JS


  • Added: Support for #text and #calc containing #select_option_text
  • Bug Fix: #text on date fields


  • Changed: Improved and consolidated admin UI icons
  • Bug Fix: 0 values to ACF fields


  • Bug Fix: Minor bug fix for legacy PHP versions and autocomplete data
  • Bug Fix: Validation of dates with period separators fixed for certain JavaScript engines


  • Bug Fix: Dependencies fix


  • Added: Improvement to Elementor pop-up handling
  • Added: Calc enabled from HTML fields
  • Added: Spacer height setting
  • Added: Enqueued script dependency filters (for PayTrace)
  • Added: CSS recompiled on upgrade
  • Changed: Delete icon continuity throughout admin
  • Bug Fix: Bricks preview now uses form preview
  • Bug Fix: Select2 CSS


  • Added: Enabled #text on server side to allow static fields to render correctly
  • Bug Fix: Price range slider help now correctly formats prices using #ecommerce_price
  • Bug Fix: Running actions with conditional logic no longer issues a session ID


  • Added: Hide tabs option (Form –> Settings)
  • Bug Fix: Elementor double initializing form events


  • Bug Fix: Shortcode for Oxygen on public contained visual editor attribute


  • Added: Bricks Element (
  • Changed: #pos to #positive, #neg to #negative for future compatibility


  • Added: New variable: #min(value, value …) – Returns the minimum of the supplied values
  • Added: New variable: #max(value, value …) – Returns the maximum of the supplied values
  • Added: New variable: #neg(value) – Returns the 0 if positive, original value if negative
  • Added: New variable: #pos(value) – Returns the 0 if negative, original value if positive


  • Added: Improved preview template auto detection
  • Added: Improved support for performance optimization plugins


  • Added: Improved Gutenberg block rendering


  • Added: Debug console now removes existing instances if wsf_form_init called


  • Added: Ability to use step of ‘any’ on number fields
  • Bug Fix: Elementor modals


  • Added: WS Form Oxygen element
  • Added: Improvements to JavaScript ws_form_init() function (Reinitializes all forms)
  • Added: Improved Beaver Builder, Elementor form initialization
  • Added: Improved Gutenberg block functionality
  • Added: Note that field deduplication does not work with encryption
  • Bug Fix: #calc on multiple select
  • Bug Fix: Gutenberg block SVG


  • Added: Client side #section_rows_start(section_id) / #section_rows_end


  • Changed: Removed ‘Read more’ link from visual editor in admin
  • Bug Fix: Visual editor link dialog flashed in Chrome if sidebar was minimized (Known Chrome issue)
  • Bug Fix: Military format for time in date field


  • Added: #text(field_id) variable (Allows you to duplicate field values in other fields)
  • Added: User status options for tabs (Logged in, logged out, user role, user capability)
  • Added: User status options for sections (Logged in, logged out, user role, user capability)
  • Added: User logged in, logged out, role and capability conditional logic IF conditions
  • Bug Fix: Encryption during WooCommerce checkout


  • Added: Custom Email HTML template
  • Added: Email Validation template
  • Added: Spam level set to 0 on validated submissions
  • Bug Fix: Validation of european date formats using periods


  • Added: #section_rows_start(section_id) / #sections_row_end for email templates
  • Added: Public config script optimizations
  • Bug Fix: Media library uploads


  • Bug Fix: Fixed hidden field validation for conditional logic validation


  • Added: Improved checks on conditional logic object integrity
  • Added: Implemented workaround for select2 not behaving properly with dynamically disabled options


  • Bug Fix: Conditional logic icons if condition deleted


  • Added: Improved signature validation
  • Added: Server side #ecommerce_price function
  • Added: Signature ‘Clear’ link text setting
  • Added: Google Map ‘Reset’ link text setting
  • Added: Password strength and visibility toggle text settings
  • Added: Various Bootstrap and Foundation CSS improvements


  • Added: WordPress 5.7 testing
  • Added: Support for tab conditional logic in Bootstrap and Foundation


  • Bug Fix: Conditional logic object ID lookups on form import
  • Bug Fix: Next / previous buttons on forms with tab validation
  • Bug Fix: Inside label positioning on e-commerce cart total field


  • Added: Conditional logic icons on tabs, sections and fields
  • Added: Highlight tabs, sections and fields when editing a condition


  • Bug Fix: Email template parsing


  • Bug Fix: Next / previous tab navigation on conditional logic disable
  • Bug Fix: Parse variable processing fix (Server-side)


  • Bug Fix: Media library upload with default file upload field


  • Bug Fix: New form default settings


  • Bug Fix: Required signatures on save


  • Added: Password visibility toggle icon
  • Added: Email validation via link in email
  • Added: Validate before saving option on save field
  • Bug Fix: Action format at on submission save


  • Bug Fix: Tab next/previous buttons if tab hidden with conditional logic


  • Bug Fix: Custom validity removal on hidden fields


  • Added: Section Library
  • Added: Section Library (Pre-built and ‘My Sections’ feature)
  • Added: Section and tab import and export
  • Added: Section and tab add to ‘My Sections’
  • Added: Improved tab management in layout editor (settings no longer obscure tab names)
  • Added: Performance improvement: Compiled CSS global setting
  • Added: Compliance with SCRIPT_DEBUG constant throughout (Minified CSS setting removed from Global Settings)
  • Added: Compiled and inline CSS enabled by default for new users
  • Added: Field and section search in Toolbox
  • Added: Various layout editor UI improvement
  • Added: DropzoneJS timeout setting
  • Added: Improve statistics gathering methods and error checking
  • Added: Latest version of DropzoneJS
  • Changed: Removed prefix on form error alerts
  • Bug Fix: Foundation 6+ Abide initialization on WooCommerce product pages
  • Bug Fix: Data encryption learn more link