Preferred Languages


Thanks to language packs it’s easier than ever before to change the main language of your site. However, in some cases a single locale is not enough. When WordPress can’t find a translation for the active locale, it falls back to the original English strings. That’s a poor user experience for many non-English speakers.

This feature project aims to change that by letting users choose multiple languages for displaying WordPress in. That way you can set some sort of “fallback chain” where WordPress tries to load translations in your preferred order.

Please help us test this plugin and let us know if something is not working as you think it should.

Get Involved

Active development is taking place on GitHub.

If you want to get involved, check out open issues and join the #core-i18n channel on Slack. If you don’t have a Slack account yet, you can sign up at


  • The new language section in 'Settings' -> 'General'
  • The new language section in your user profile.


2021년 3월 20일
a very cool plugin. this is a truely great plugin, You can use it for many purposes. It works great right out of the box, but is very easy to customize to suit your needs. my current use-case: i use this plugin to power up my page - which has visitors from several european Countries. I’m using this plugin to manage a small job-site: And i have to say: I love this plugin. And if it comes to support: it is so awesome to see that all is documented so well and good: You can do so much with this plugin: if you need to customize it towards your special use-case: just look at the documentation (and again have a look at the docs) Read those instructions – they are written so well, people. There’s a lot of detail there and alltogehter i have to say: it’s super well documented! Amazing job: i love this plugin, from me 5 stars - (i would give even more if it would be possible) keep up this awesome and outstanding job - it rocks!!!
2020년 8월 26일
An indispensable plugin for sites that use a language with formal/non-formal variant. This should become a WordPress core functionality!
2019년 10월 17일
Sometimes you stumble across plugins and wonder: why is this stuff not in core? I think because languages which have both informal and formal speech are a minority. Either way, this plugin saved my day. Thanks!
2019년 6월 15일
Thanks for Pascal to solve the problem of fallback languages. It is time to add it to the core and would show that WordPress is thinking globally.
모든 14 평가 읽기

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For the plugin’s changelog, please head over to the GitHub repository.